2 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There are absolutely zero good options this late in the game, but I feel someone like Sherrod Brown has to be a million times better than Biden. Either way yeah, they need to start merchandising their wins and develop a real platform that is “proactive” for ‘28.

Build. Social. Housing.

Its not a difficult concept. The “market” is not going to build anything that lowers the price. The market is not going to build anything fast enough. The market is absolutely not going to give a flying fuck about building to create communities.

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"These elite CEOs probably work 100-plus hours a week and they're much more work-focused."

No they don’t. Full stop. Let’s stop fabricating this bullshit. That’s 16hrs a day M-F with 10hrs Sat/Sun. Elon Musk is not doing those hours period, let alone while also finding time to play Elden Ring.

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Good for them, but the damage is already done. They seeded this place with a lot of users. Will it be enough? Who knows. But Lemmy is probably a looooot further along than if they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot.

This place obviously needs to continue with good content and active communities, but at moment I don’t really have the urge to open Reddit they way things are.

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I know this is more about switching from ICE to electric, but this is kinda hilarious

Feedback about the company's new capacitive multifunction steering wheel was so overwhelmingly negative that last year, Schaffer promised to ditch the design. Meanwhile, much of the range—both electric and gas-powered—is saddled with temperature and volume controls that are touch-sensitive but not backlit, making them all but impossible to use at night.

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44% of single family homes were purchased by private equity in 2023. Some analysts expect institutional investors to control 40% of the SFH rental market by 2030.

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Make people aware of it?? I’m on lemmy all day and filtering by all and local and saw like two passing references to this.

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This would feel less gas lighty if they were just open about micromanaging, their 10yr commercial lease, keeping up appearances for older clients or whatever. Instead they say the most laughable shit

"What we've found is, people have enjoyed coming back to the office," says Zoom's Chief People Officer Matthew Saxon. "There is a buzz. There's something about being able to go have lunch with your teammates."

Like mother fucker 90% of people eat some sad meal prep shit at their desk.

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Fun fact Bob Barker wasn’t only like “spay and neuter your pets”, he also gave $5MM to Sea Shepherds which is a little more “proactive” of an animal rights group.

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I hate to break it to you my not-so-tech-savvy friend, but boomers on tiktok is not going to destroy tiktok like it did Facebook. The algo will basically only show their content to other boomers and young people will largely be unaware of it.

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Just a few more particles bro

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“Free Speech absolutist”

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We weren’t allowed to have facial hair below the ears in catholic school. Used to bring up my man JC’s full fucking beard all the time when they hassled me.

In order for contributors to claim the Points they have earned, they need to create a Vault within the Reddit mobile app.

“Free from apps! …also you’ll need our app for this.”

This isn’t the only answer but it’s a big one. Having both the communities where people can authoritatively answer niche questions and the ability for new people to find those communities/questions is absolutely critical.

Whoa grab some popcorn folks cause this comment section is a dumpster fire. Do we have a lemmy drama community yet?

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At some point there is going to have to be legal action against Amazon. It’s obviously an issue, and they’re clearly complicit and operate their distribution centers in a way that facilitates this.

Cis is the “opposite” of trans, like gay is the “opposite” of straight. That said it wouldn’t hurt to be a little gayer.

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They supported this legislation before it was passed. Still not out of the goodness of their hearts, this version includes provisions that they had wanted previously.

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Cursory Google search says yes.

No one can take my flacs either. 🐷🧇

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Nobody tells you making friends is hard.

The seattle freeze??? It’s like a major major trope, usually one of the first things people warn you about when moving to seattle.

I’m starting to worry Lemmy users read the article at a lower rate than redditors.

On the verge of a recession is gonna be new go to excuse.

“Sorry babe, can’t do a bday gift this year. Nothing has changed for me, but there may or may not be a recession lurking in the shadows”

Some of us see drug use as a health issue and not a moral imperative. Money is fungible, so if they’re using welfare dollars to buy drugs instead of smashing car windows to get their fix, that’s probably a net positive even if it isn’t ideal.

And if you’re just trying to get more people into treatment, I’m not sure piss testing the poor is remotely the most cost effective approach.

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Lmfao 🤣 Same face my chauffeur makes when he doesn’t get his Christmas bonus cause we’re on the verge of a recession

My favorite was old days of Reddit you’d be skewered for posting a .jpg instead of a .png of the image had text.

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“I am the lizard queen!”

Again, Facebook and TikTok operate differently. One is a social network, the other is a short form video platform. A social network is inherently dependent on its users. Did YouTube die when it became widely adopted??

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I thought they were gonna be like “Tofu is the opposite of fromfu”

To that point SS is fully funded till about 2035 and then can pay out approx 75% of benefits after that. Removing that $160K cap would pretty much solve things.

The worst is when someone comes up while you’re eating and is like “hey you have a minute?” and then you have to say no fuck off as professionally as possible.

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You see it a lot on in the comment sections of local newspapers or the city specific subs on Reddit.

…yeah that’s kind of the literal point

EU is such a large market that it would likely force manufacturers to adopt the standards, since making two variations would be prohibitive cost wise.

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Videos hosting or someway to more seamlessly share video content. The Reddit player sucked fat donkey dicks, but the idea of viewing video in a post instead of clicking out to some rando site is much preferred.

As someone who has smart bulbs and smart switches. The switches are a 1000x more preferable. It’s nice to be able to use my phone, but it fucking sucks needing to use my phone every time I want to control them.

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If the average American’s carbon footprint is 16t, then coal plants have saved at least 7.4MM tonnes of CO2 over the last two decades.

(Coal lobby pls DM for where to send the check)

I was in disbelief when I read that too, but on second pass the quote was the rate should increase by 40-50%. So to 6% from 4% or whatever the current rate is in Australia.

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