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Joined 11 months ago

The sad thing for him is that he is Streisand Effecting her crowd size. I had multiple posts on my Facebook feed of the picture where they circled the body of the plane and the engine claiming there’s no people in the reflection, so the crowd size is fake. I stumbled onto a Snopes post of a link to a video of the actual event as proof that the photo is authentic. I watched the video, and the camera showed not only the crowd that was displayed in the picture, but it began to pull back away from the plane. The crowd just kept on going and going and going and going and going! I couldn’t believe the number of people!

So where I would have never seen a pic of a group of people waiting by her plane, now I’ve seen a group that was multiple times as large as what was in the picture, and I’m beginning to realize what a movement she has going. Thank DJT!

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“…unless, y’know, you’re fine with it. Then he was he was definitely serious.”

It’s called a trial balloon.

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When I was a little kid, I asked my grandfather what the bumps in the middle of the road (the reflectors) were for. He told me that it was so blind people could drive. It made perfect sense to me, and I believed that for longer than I should have!

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I don’t remember the comedian, but I remember the joke:

“If they can dye it green for St. Patrick’s Day, why can’t they dye it blue the other days of the year?”

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They had two talking points ready to go depending on the outcome. Talking Point A, he’s acquitted so the whole thing is rigged against Trump, and Taking Point B, he’s convicted, but it was all a sham to make Trump look bad.

It doesn’t matter what happens in any situation, Repubs go to their spreadsheet, look up the talking point they need to use to make themselves look like the victim, and spread it. Rinse, lather, repeat.

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Even if Trump paid him the $2 million he says that he’s owed, he’d still be $146 million short of what he owes the 2 poll workers that he lost the lawsuit to.

You got me!

Actually, users & active users went up last month.

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“Oops, we forgot to launder that. Sorry, we’ll take care of it.”

Read all about it in this month’s issue of Duh.

I put this on another post from another account, but I found it, and I’m going to paste it here:

Do it! DO IT!! Shut up talking about it, and let’s get the civil war started!! Because I suspect it will be over before supper time.

In reality all they’re going to do is talk about it, because they’re small weak little people. Look at the big bad Proud Boys. When faced with the consequences of jail, they cried like little girls and begged the judges to take pity on them. Only one defiantly yelled “TRUMP WON” on his way out is the courtroom, but that was even after he cried and groveled.

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This guy does a really good investigation into it and brings receipts. (I know it’s on the Artist Formally Known As Twitter, but if you’re interested, it’s a good watch.)

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So Kamala was also invited to speak, but she had to be at a funeral and couldn’t come. She offered to do it on Zoom, but the NABJ declined. To me this is more an indictment of them. I heard an interview with Jamele Hill, who is a member of NABJ since 1992, and she’s says that most members are angry that they chose not to let Kamala attend via Zoom, and there’s a good chance that the entire NABJ leadership will be voted out at the next election over this.

They did give Trump a microphone, but he probably just used it to crap all over himself with black voters. The affluent black voters will vote for him because they’re convinced that he’ll lower their taxes, and that’s all they care about, but I can’t see this helping him and only hurting with the average black voter.

Mel Brooks’ Silent Movie. I guess you’ll miss the best bit in it though, where the only person who speaks is the mime Marcel Marceau.

I’m not saying he’s right, but I’m saying I understand.

This seems to be the new norm, first Roku, now Blizzard.

And apparently he confessed on the steps before the trial started. He’s playing 4D chess!

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Ahh Philadelphia, the city that booed Santa Claus.

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“TOP Dems.”

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it for one second. The rich have numerous ways to hide money.

What if, and hear me out, he’s got plenty of money stashed away around the world, he just doesn’t want to spend it. Instead, he wants to file bankruptcy to make it go away, or someone else to bail him out with their money so he doesn’t have to spend his. It’s not like he doesn’t have a well proven track record of being a liar and a fraud.

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Joplin is an open source alternative. The app is free, but I believe there is a small monthly fee to enable sync across all devices if you need that.

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“We investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong.“

Assuming your current instance is on 19.0 or higher, which most instances are now. If your on an instance that’s still running 18, it isn’t available.

Read about it and more in this month’s riveting issue of Duh.

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“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

― George W. Bush

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“Updating our top story for tonight, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.” — Chevy Chase, Weekend Update

Yeah that first one isn’t right. He won the 2016 election but still claimed it was rigged, and that he should have gotten more votes.

#1, it’s the The Daily Beast. This is their thing, to do articles with splashy headlines like this. #2, I don’t have a problem at all pointing out the unending hypocrisy.

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“I’m not firing my campaign managers, they’re the greatest campaign managers. There’s never been any better. I have men come up to me, big strong men, marines, who tell me with tears in their eyes that they’ve never seen a better run campaign. It’s Harris whose campaign is floundering. I mean, did you see the fake crowd by the plane? I’m telling you, it’s all AI. Hannibal Lector would have a better crowd than her. Have you heard of Hannibal Lector? Great guy, great guy. Harris is floundering and Biden is sorry now because she’s doing so badly. Sleepy Joe, he’s going to show up at the convention and reclaim his spot because he thinks he can beat me, but he can’t. He can’t beat me. He couldn’t beat Hannibal Lector. Great guy.”

Quiz - is this an actual quote, or did I make it up?

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About 6-8 years ago, McDonald's had a line of like, "gourmet" burgers that came with grilled onions on them and big leafs of Romaine lettuce, those things were delicious but they discontinued them after only like, six months.

I’m old enough to remember the first “adult” burger McDonald’s launched, the Arch Deluxe. It came on a potato bun and had a stone ground mustard that was delicious. They had a huge marketing push for it, but then gave up before it had a chance to really catch on. I thought it was really good (for McDonald’s), but they didn’t really give it time.

You left out “who is known to grossly overvalue the properties he’s trying to use as collateral?”

Before you criticize a man, you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, you’re a mile away! And you’ve got his shoes!

Read all about it in this month’s riveting issue of Duh!