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Joined 1 years ago

It's not the BB gun that got the kid killed. He literally put the gun on the ground and had his hands up.

It's because the "security guard" is a stupid, trigger-happy moron.

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Looking at companies like Blackstone, who buy up houses at auction, lightly flip them and put them back on the market as high-priced rentals. THEY'RE the big reason for the lack of affordable housing.

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If anyone cares to read "Project 2025," it's a blueprint for creating a Judge Dredd universe, where the only people still living in it will be the Super Rich and the Super F*cking Poor.

That's a bad thing, by the way.

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As long as you're wearing a costume, I don't care how old you are. You'll get a treat.

"Above everything, including profit, X works to protect the public’s right to free speech. But for speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable,” he added.

Good to know you believe in free speech. Elmo. So you won't mind if companies exercise that right by choosing not to advertise on your racist, apartheid-loving network.

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Trump did that stupid "thumbs up" thing again at Arlington while posing for pictures with the families. He always does that at the most inappropriate time and place.

Exactly where do you think you ARE, Donald? You're not opening a mall. It's like someone playing a kazoo at a funeral.

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If you're taking illegal performance enhancers to get you through your work day, then whatever you're doing there isn't worth it.

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Matt Gaetz has Butthead's face and Beavis' hair.

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Youtube (like Reddit) has forgotten that they only exist in the first place because of the uploads of their users. They produce no content themselves. They need us a LOT more than we need them.

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And you just know Texas lawmakers were fine with this because the right people got paid off to look the other way by Musk.

The dangers of mercury poisoning are well understood. We're talking about insanity, paralysis and death. Nobody can pull a, "we had no idea" excuse. Google "Minimata Japan disaster" if you want to know what happens when a corporation poisons people with mercury for nearly 40 years.

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So violence caused by a Republican, at a Republican event, attended only by Republicans is the Democrats fault? Sure, whatever you say, Rudy.

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How Elon deals with advertising complaints: "Go advertise someplace else."


Musk: "F*ck off and don't advertise." Advertisers:

"Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!’” - Professor William T. Kelley, Wharton School of Business.

Apparently, these restaurants want to make your dining experience unpleasant, so you won't linger over your meal. The sooner you leave, the sooner they can replace you with another paying customer. You probably shouldn't give these places your business.

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Twitter/X is going to end up selling boner pills and conspiracy theories. Way to burn through 44 billion dollars, Elmo.

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Right now, the choices are between boring corporatists and 100% concentrated evil. It's not that hard a choice.

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Yup. Something to remember whenever Forbes or WSJ publishes some feel-good article about how, "household income is keeping up with inflation."

What they don't mention is the "household" now includes everyone except the family dog. And even with everyone working, the quality of life continues to decline.

I have to stay on social media. Somewhere, there is injustice happening and only I can stop it.

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If I had to choose between a tracked, ad-filled experience and a slower, protected experience, I would go back to 1990s style Internet in a second.

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"Inappropriate" ?

How about after August 1, when she's officially nominated? Will it still be "inappropriate" to debate her then?

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Walk into any old graveyard and notice all the tiny little tombstones of children who died before the age of two. Before vaccines were in use.

Now notice how almost NONE of those tombstones are recent.

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Google has been telegraphing this for months. Either switch browsers now or enjoy your ads.

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"The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping."

Damn right, I'm not helping.

Does anyone understand the point of advertising a game doing something that, after downloading, it does not do?

They're called "lies."

Youtube isn't some one of a kind miracle. There's at least a dozen already-established streaming platforms that would take its place. There are thousands of websites that have no problems hosting gigs and gigs of porn, so it's not as difficult as people think.

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Never call cops to solve a problem for you because then you have TWO problems.

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The Democrats have had YEARS to endorse anyone who was born after the Battle of the Bulge. With the election less than 4 months away, it is WAY too late to pick Biden's successor.

They need to come with a campaign message that shows ordinary people why Biden is a better choice than Trump, which should be the easiest g*ddamn thing in the world.

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Did I have a stroke or is that "joke" actually written like that?

Henry Kissinger. Whenever you needed the most depraved, amoral, anti-democratic take on anything, whether it was the Vietnam war or the Khmer Rouge or the civil rights movement, you could always count on Henry farking Kissinger.

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It's always a race to the bottom to create the most content for the least amount of money and effort, isn't it? The problem is, Ai generated content is crap.

"Water can be hot or cold. You shouldn't drink too much of it. Water can be stored in containers so it won't spill. You can cook things in it."


Well, meatballs, obviously.

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Manual transmission is also a great anti-theft device, since most kids don't know how to drive it.

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It must be nice to be able to burn 44 billion dollars and not miss it at all.

I could live comfortably for the rest of my life on 1/10,000th of what Musk wasted.

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Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, Democrats are where the Republicans were in the 1980s: boring, middle of the road corporatists, friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum. We haven't had a real progressive president since Jimmy Carter and that was 50 years ago.

Also known as "prosperity gospel." The religious justification for obscene wealth. The basic idea is that if you are rich, it's because God has chosen you to BE rich because you are morally superior to everyone else. It's an absolute perversion of Jesus' teaching in the New Testament.

Of course it's a Forbes article.

I already tried an Amazon Fire tablet, Amazon. No thanks. I returned it. I don't need a locked-down console that spies on me. Windows is well on its way to becoming that already.

Switch to Mastodon. It's a great alternative.

News ownership has consolidated over the last 40 years from around 40 companies in the 1980s to 6 today. This is that "liberal news media" conservatives keep yammering on about. The one that's owned by 6 corporations.

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