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Joined 1 years ago

Nothing like having a "Supreme Court" where you can yoink their funding if they don't give you the ruling you want.

If you hang out in the politics subs, you're going to get political shills and bots with agendas. Either learn how to detect and avoid them or just don't hang out in those subs.

Stardew Valley has been out on Android for a while now.

I'm perfectly fine with storing media on flash drives. Optical disks just adds an unnecessary step between me and enjoying my movies.

"The enemies of the State Trump are known. Lists of the disloyal are being compiled."

The entire art direction of "Cyberpunk 2077" just screams wealth disparity. Does something more obvious than a sunrise really need to be explicitly stated?

Every in-game NPC: "The wealthy don't care about-" Me: "Yeah, I GOT it. Thanks."

Thanks to badly written software, you can literally design "planned obsolescence" into your products.

"The computer says you need to replace your 15,000 dollar battery pack."

"But my car is only six months old!"

"Yeah, but the Computer SAYS-"

"Free ad-supported" makes you no different than a hundred other garbage-tier streaming services.

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Yup, the fine needs to be much higher. People could have died because of this.

The entire point of fines is that they're punitive. They're supposed to HURT. To make you change your behavior and not do the Bad Thing again.

If fines don't even make a dent in your daily profits, then laws become nothing more than suggestions. They become just a cost of doing business.

Yup. With VOIP, you can spoof any phone number. If this technology were fixed, 99% of spam calls would disappear, and Caller ID would be worth something again. Our government is either too lazy or bought-off to fix this problem.

They DID enact the national Do Not Call list and created heavy fines for people who violate that list, while knowing full well that they couldn't catch the spammers in the first place (because of VOIP spoofing).

I got the "It's time to upgrade to Windows 11" message on my Windows 10 laptop. It's getting aggravating.

You can get laptops on Amazon now with Ubuntu pre-installed. :)

"Let them fight."

I finally switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago. CoPilot/ Recall was the last straw.

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This is probably connected to China cloning the entire GitHub website to their own servers.

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There are a lot of books that are out of print, especially reference books. And if you look for them on Amazon or eBay, they've been snapped up by scalpers who are reselling them for obscene profit.

Either make the books available for sale or quit complaining about "copyright infringement." But whatever you do, quit hoarding knowledge like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold.

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Copilot is going to want 50 gigs on YOUR computer's hard drive to store snapshots. MS also wants you to buy dedicated AI hardware to run a few of their apps. They're going to steal your computer's storage and processing resources to create a worldwide AI and surveillance network.

No thanks. I finally switched to Linux. Microsoft can become Skynet without my help.

"Why won't our human assets appreciate being exploited? Creating a worldwide, distributed surveillance network is hard work!"

It will definitely be decentralized. The biggest blows to real representative democracy happened when the courts made the "corporations are people / money is speech" arguments.

Maybe Chauvin stabbed himself in a state of "excited delirium."

The important thing is, the inmate investigated himself and decided that he did nothing wrong.

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The problem with big companies like Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, etc is that once all the smart & creative people have gone, all you have left are the "line must always go up" business idiots, who have no idea what their company even does or how to fix it.

CoPilot / Recall is exactly the kind of End-stage, "let's screw our customers to death" idea the CEOs come up with before just their company implodes. Seriously. No one at Microsoft has thought this through beyond "data mining our customers."

How are other governments going to react to this? Will they trust their nation's secrets to an OS with such a blatant backdoor built into it? How does this "feature" work with search warrant requests? How secure can a database connected to an always-on Internet connection possibly be?

There are many accounts of workers accidentally entering confined spaces that have been purged with nitrogen and they were all unconscious in seconds. (OSHA records). If it took the prison 22 MINUTES to execute this guy, then they totally botched that execution.

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Company-wide email: "We've had our best year EVER and it's all thanks to YOU!"

Me: "Great. Can I have a raise?"

Company: "Oh, we can't afford THAT."

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"Anti-fa" literally means anti-fascist. The allies storming the beaches of Normandy were "anti-fa." The only thing "anti-fa" wants these days is for cops to stop murdering them. Needless to say, I support that position.

Some idiot put that in the list for purely political reasons.

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Such a "clever businessman." Embezelling $17 million in taxpayer dollars to enrich himself.

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I haven't turned off ad-blocking in 20 years. That's because I "don't allow" companies to use my home and my computer as their place of business.

Tesla "shareholders" clearly don't have the interests of their company in mind if they're approving a 56 billion dollar compensation package for their "CEO."

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Agreed. It's not cowardly or "anti-competitive" to choose to avoid stepping in crap. Because that's what Facebook and Twitter are. Single ownership of an entire social media is a terrible idea, because that platform will always be promoting and protecting the interests of its owners, not its users.

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Here's something that I "don't allow" Google:

Letting corporations use MY computer equipment and MY Internet connect to conduct their business. I'll block whatever I want and if Google and YouTube don't like it, they can take their advertising machine, roll it up real tight and cram it.

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One of the reasons so-called "smart" TVs are so much cheaper is because they are data-mining you.

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Here's the sooper-secret search result algorithm for whatever you type into Google:

YouTube results, followed by Reddit results, followed by "Sponsored" results, followed by AI-written Bot results, then a couple pages of Amazon results and finally, on page 10 or so, a ten-year-old result that's probably no longer relevant.


Nah. It's not going to be "AI." It's going to be YouTube results, followed by Reddit results, followed by "Sponsored" results, followed by AI-written Bot results, then a couple pages of Amazon results and finally, on page 10 or so, a ten-year-old result that's probably no longer relevant.

Also, CoPilot is going to be bundled with Office 365, a subscription service. You're literally paying them to spy on you.

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Musk is always looking for his next high. He desperately wants that bong hit of attention that getting his name in the news brings to him. He's an attention whore, who can afford to burn through billions of dollars. I'm surprised he didn't buy Reddit years ago.

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Damn. YouTube is just SO desperate to squeeze every bit of ad revenue they can, wherever they can.

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Lead paint was banned in the U.S. in 1978 because of its toxicity. This stuff can and will kill you.

Conservatives need to stop treating every deadly poison like a "who can chug the most beer contest." This isn't a game (unless you're a company seeking to bypass lead restrictions, in which case it's totally a game to YOU).

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I've been trying out SearX and I'm really starting to like it. It reminds me of early Internet search results before Google started added crap to theirs. There's currently 82 Instances to choose from, here

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Don't store your personal stuff online. If you want to share stuff, send it directly and encrypt it.

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I think this is what happens to every company once all the smart / creative people have gone. All you have left are the "line must always go up" business idiots who don't understand what their company does or know how to make it work.

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