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Joined 9 months ago

Why would you ever need such a feature? Closed.

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To be fair, any proper VPN setup that only relies on the routing table like this is flawed to begin with.
If the VPN program dies or the network interface disappears, the routes are removed aswell, allowing traffic to leave the machine without the VPN.
So it is already a good practice to block traffic where it shouldnt go (or even better, only allowing it where it should).

Many VPN-Programs by Providers already have settings to enable this to prevent "leaking".

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Just pay the few dollars per year and have a stable and reputable domain.
Certainly for fediverse i'd want a stable domain, these are usually hard to migrate.

No problems with yubikeys or the receptacle they are plugged into yet.. no idea what you do while these sticks are plugged in.. doesnt seem like a major concern per the reviews

You dont need a cookie banner if you dont want to invasively track the users.
So its really the fault of the websites for wanting to use categories of cookies which do require a banner (ad and tracking).

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afaik they also alias common linux/gnu commands like curl.. but the syntax isnt like curl at all

Strong argument, anything else?

There is an Extension called FastForward which skips ad-link redirectors.
Not sure if thats what you mean.

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afaik it flipped over at landing and the rovers where released about 5m above ground.
Honestly pretty awesome it could automatically compensate against loosing almost 50% of thrust, stay perfectly on trajectory and land successfully.
The Chinese lander, i think last year, didnt have compensation-features built-in and crashed.

Wasnt ghostery bought some time ago and added trackers to the extension?
Consent-O-Matic can also deny cookies

Dont. They are notoriously bad at such things. Lack of Hardware acceleration mainly. These old Chips and problems with single-board-complications are just not worth it at such high prices.
An Intel N100 MiniPC will have much more compute with less complications.

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If the script gets too large or you think it will, write a full program.
With languages like python or go its not that hard either and you get alot of benifits aswell.

Other than that, use whatever languwge works and you know.

The License is clearly not Free by imposing restrictions to e.g. commercial vs non-commertial usage or distribution. It also restricts usage of name and logo aswell as terminating the license when legal action is taken against the provider.

While i can understand the reasoning, the license still stands against FOSS.
I believe you could have clearly separated them as provider and the software like its done in most cases. By wanting to protect their software, they had to restrict the License, so its no longer Free to use in any form you'd want.

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I am actually kinda ok with DDG, but the results are.. not always very great and the second page is filled with weird websites related to my location..
Maybe i should try both Kagi and Searx

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Ideally the data would have been useless anyways as it wasnt really necessary for automated contact-tracing to keep it identifiable for government agencies.
See DP-3T (Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing) standard

too bad.. inconveniencing other users was also part of the point. Not sure how not doing anything, but not deleting it has more impact.. def. feels like alot less.
Guess you cant use reddit reliably anymore for searching for stuff, too bad. Use a different platform or hope it has the chance to grow and is less shitty.
Sorry you are so inconvenienced for continuing to use reddit, otherwise.. why would you care?

ublock works perfectly, anything else shouldnt be used

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To be fair, you can check the code they run or just use the API.
The hash is calculated locally, cut-off and then send, the server returns all hashes it found which start with your one and then you can check if yours in in the list locally.

afaik, PRs arent decentralized as they arent git features, as such so far you need an account on the same git-platform e.g. github to be able to use such features.
Having such features decentralized would be huge.

Now i dont want to defend reddit here, but afaik most comments are not subject to GDPR as long as you dont know they contain personal data and they have been detached from other personal data fields (like username).
So by removing personal data fields, they most likely become "anonymized".
Of course thats not the end of it, you have to consider the available technology to de-anonymize this data for it to be legally called anonymized.

But i dont think there has been any case where this was challenged before.. and i bet most supervisory authorities would discard such complaints as being "too hard to follow through". (i got that reply from the Netherlands authority for checking newsletter opt-in from a website)
And i certainly dont think reddit or any operator will be forced to delete comments because they could be deanonymized depending on the content the user wrote, when most comments probably cannot be deanonymized.
Having to check everything for potentially identifiable data in that regard would be ridiculous for website operators.
Maybe some light checks sure, but not as deep as it would be required to truly anonymize everything that a user could have written to identify them.
Alot of that information becomes fragments as soon as you unlink it from the user. e.g. 12 people in a post wrote "I am gay", great. But if you cant link that back to other comments of the same users somewhere else, its not identifiable, just text.

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It not only has to be not 'open' in the explorer, but properly unmounted. Tools like mkfs dont do that for you, its just not their job. (and might be unwanted or stop your from making mistakes like accidentally overwriting the wrong drive)

try umount /dev/USBDRIVE

If that still complaints about Device or ressource busy, then something is still using it.
Either try to close things that might be the culprit, reboot and try again or, if installed and you are compfortable, you can check which processes using lsof -D (you can get that location using mount | grep )

Feel free to submit a change if it bothers you that much..
Wait.. yes? You dont want to? You just want to complain?
Ok then.

Bandwidth is one part.. Storage is theother and usually you have less storage than bandwidth anyways.

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Hetzner Storagebox is $3.5/M for 1TB

How much time do you have? Because even small models will take alot of time on that kind of hardware to spit out a long text..
And the small models arent that great. I think the current best and economic model would be a mistral, mixtral or dolphin.
If you got the power, nous-capybara is very good and "only" 34B parameters (loading alone needs like 40GB of memory).

How do they not have laws against such agression in general, how is it coupled to things at all?
Like dont hurt anyone else in general? wtf

The question then is, how much can you actually do in the shell.
Good luck setting up many programs that way when they soley rely on the GUI and documentation about configs or their database structure is nonexistant.

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Unikely.. Kinda why VR also didnt get too popular, most players just prefer "classic" controls and not movement-controls.
But this is huge for VR and other usages of this, probably even useful for production routing, but i dont have any knowledge of that.

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But 10.000 seems on the low side, i have 4 datacenter toshiba 10tb disks with 40k hours and expect them to do at least 80k, but you can have bad luck and one fails prematurely.
If its within warranty, you can get it replaced, if not, tough luck.

Always have stuff protected in raid/zfs and backed up if you value the data or dont want a weekend ruined because you now have to reinstall.
And with big disks, consider having more disks as redundancy as another might get a bit-error while restoring the failed one. (check the statistical averages of the disk in the datasheet)

I bet everyone wouldnt want to do their job if they could.
But its their job, so they do it.

If you worked as truck driver, wouldnt you want to not have to live in your truck? And unload it? The consumer can do that, for the same price of course.

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i had arr in one stack and media in another.
Now in my kubernetes cluster everything is separated, but arr + torrent is in vpn and automatically uses the vpn-sidecar. And media (jellyfin + jellyseer) is separate.

Hetzner is wild at how cheap you get hardware and included traffic.
German providers in general, everywhere is very expensive compared to these prices.

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you want a frontend, not the "service" itself.
Under "service" i usually understand the main logic part of something. In this case the LLM-processing itself.
Thats probably where the confusion is coming from here.

In found this often breaks sites, so the combination is still better.

Yes, it can execute code regardless of OS installed because it persists on the Mainboard and loads before any OS, making it possible to inject code into any OS.

Choose the walled garden, live in the walled garden.


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I mean the tools mentioned also support these features, how does duplicacy and its prorpietary software make them better?

There are other laptops besides macbooks and framework laptops.
I liked the lenovos in recent years, linux just worked out of the box, swapped the wifi-chip to support 6E last year, and upgraded the memory, super easy to do.
Was surprised how cheap these wifi-chips are, cost like 20$ for the intel ax210.

But the current lineup is too expensive for what they offer.. Maybe buy a used one. (in general)

Oh boy.. guess the future will really be running our own stacks