Nyla Smokeyface

@Nyla Smokeyface@beehaw.org
6 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's comforting to know that this community is intolerant of transphobia

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It makes me so sad that so many detransitioners are being used as "proof" that trans people aren't valid or that it's an agenda

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Apple stopped giving their new products the"i" prefix because they weren't able to trademark it because "you can't trademark a letter."

I doubt that they'll allow Elon Musk to trademark the letter "x"

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Already??? Windows 11 just came out

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I was mortified for a second before I read the description

It's pretty shitty for a company to force someone to use a phone app or go to something as vital as a bank just because they won't let the customer access the website. And there are plenty of reasons why someone wouldn't be able to go to the bank in person every time they needed to, or at least it'd be extremely inconvenient to (especially for small things like checking your balance or transactions). Not everyone has a phone either.

Change your email provider? Run your own email like people should?

I've never deleted my email before but I'm pretty sure that means losing access to your entire inbox that you've likely had for years and having to update your contacts, the emails for all the accounts you have under it, etc. And being blocked from the website means you won't be able to do any of those things through the official website. Does device atteststion prevent you from accessing your email through third party clients?

Also, it's not exactly easy or practical to host your own email. And for many people that would mean spending money on servers. I read a blog post last year of someone who gave up hosting their own email after 23 years doing so.

Technology, open source software, operating systems, retro technology, furries

I also heard that some people detransition after finding out they are nonbinary. One of my high school teachers has a friend who is a trans woman who stopped taking hormones because it changed her body more than she was comfortable with. I wouldn't be surprised if there are detransitioners who detransition because they realize that medical transitioning wasn't right for them.

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It is the coolest thing to see a major corporation contributing so much to Linux gaming. Linux gaming is more viable than ever and it's amazing!!!

I saw a video once of a prank where two girls go up to a stranger asking them to take a picture of them across the street. The stranger takes the photo and when the two girls start crossing over to the other side, a car passes by and the two girls are replaced with two old men wearing the same shirts. Even the Polaroid photo shows the old men. It's genuinely funny and completely harmless. It just makes the person getting pranked go, "Wait, what the fuck???"

I do hope the people were told that they were pranked though and that they don't live the rest of their lives thinking they're insane 😂

ETA: also this video where the guy puts on the collar and leash of his blind husband's service dog when he asks him to go get his watch. (He immediately reveals himself when the blind husband gets back to pick up his service dog's leash again and the husband thinks it's hysterical).

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God I love Obsidian. Especially the community around it.

Obsidian honestly spoiled me with the fact that my vault is literally just a folder of markdown files.

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Kids say the realest shit

Fwiw this is about Brave Search, not the Brave Browser

I haven't read a lot in my RSS feed in a bit but here are my favorites:

  • Buried Treasure - Reviews of hidden indie gems
  • Dhole Moments - Writings about information security, cryptography, software, and humanity.
  • Tales of the Aggronaut - A personal blog from Belghast about gaming, specifically MMOs, but there's also a decent amount about his own personal life in the posts. That personal aspect of his blog appeals to me. He's also on the Fediverse, and helps operate the Mastodon instance gamepad.club! You can find him at @belghast@gamepad.club
  • Web3 is Going Just Great - A blog by Molly White tracking examples of how "things in the blockchains/crypto/web3 technology space aren't actually going as well as its proponents might like you to believe." I'm also subscribed to Molly's reading list about blockchain stuff..
  • Obsidian Roundup/Iceberg - A blog from Eleanor Konik about the Obsidian app. It's about updates, workflow guides, new plugins, advice from other members, themes, and ancillary tools. I also recommend checking out the other tabs on Konik's blog as she delves into history and world culture and even has fictional stories.
  • MacStories - A blog about Apple tech and apps, including a lot of reviews which I really enjoy.
  • The Digital Antiquarian - A blog about the history of computer entertainment, digital culture, and video games.
  • AI Weirdness - Pretty self-explanatory. Highlights AI being weird.

This is a newsletter, but I also enjoy Garbage Day. I use Feedbin which allows me to have emails in my RSS feed.

holy fuck this is literally me

It's completely local unless you specifically opt into cloud options. There is Obsidian Sync but that's completely optional, and your files are still on the computer. I know some people make their vaults Google Drive folders, which, again, is something you have to deliberately do.

It's a pretty popular writing software, though you mainly hear about it in writing circles so that might be why you never heard of it.

Yeah I realized that as I was typing this haha. Touche. My teacher didn't use the word detransition for the record. I just wasn't sure if the friend would count as a "detransitioner"

I legitimately laughed out loud at the red banana simply labelled "what"

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I don't know the word but there's one Japanese word that means "stupid" but is basically the equivalent to the r-word in English. It's banned from being said on Japanese television.

Yes Man my beloved

Lovely kitty!

His apology "for the pain his donation in support of prop 8 caused" was also kind of undercut by following up by calling criticism of his views as a "political litmus test".

He's shocked that his support of a political organization makes people think that he agrees with their movement and he gets criticized for holding those views?

I'd love to see a RemindMe bot for Lemmy!

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"Don't fuck with Fallout fans. We don't know what our games are even about."

Isn't that a common symbol for all medical related things?

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The moment I read this comment is now my answer 😭😭😭


I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom a lot which is great!

But today I'm suddenly feeling pretty sad. I have really bad executive dysfunction and ADHD and there's a lot of things I want to draw. There's Art Fight and also this July art prompt list for a fandom I really want to do some art for, but I don't know if I have the time or motivation to do it. Not to mention there's an art commission that I haven't finished and they've been waiting a while. They have been so patient but I've been planning to get it done this summer and it feels like it's almost over. And like, I have hobbies outside of drawing so that makes it harder.

Also r/place starts today. I loved r/place last year. It was incredible to participate in and see. But all the shit Reddit has pulled and how bitter I feel towards it has really put a damper on it and I feel sad just thinking about it.

I'm also pretty bummed out about how...empty the fediverse feels in a lot of corners. Even the communities that have opened as a substitute for other subreddits are often empty or inactive. There seems to be a lack of a fandom on Fediverse which means it feels pretty lonely and even if I made stuff relating to that I feel like it wouldn't get a lot of attention.

Having federation between different platforms is a double edged sword because on one hand, I want to explore and experience the different platforms the Fediverse has to offer like Calckey/Firefish. On the other hand though, I feel like it wouldn't be worth it because everything—or at least most things—are federated, so how much new content would I be seeing? On top of that, if I wanted to post something I'd have to choose which account I would post it to because crossposting would effectively be double posting which isn't fun for anyone.

Not really a hack but I love using loose leaf paper with triangle holes that's reinforced with tape. It's called "College Ruled Reinforced Paper". My papers don't constantly rip out anymore.

Also I like refillable notebooks. They're regular notebooks you can refill and much lighter and easier to carry.


I was having some issues with wefwef with things like saving posts but that seems to be fixed now, which is good!

It does feel exactly like Apollo which is why I've been using it haha

How do you know which language to use? And how do you know if you should stick to a language that you already know or if you should learn a new one?

Sorry if this is a dumb question I only just finished my first year of being a comp sci major

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This is the funniest thing ever

I FUCKING LOVE THIS VIDEO. There I Ruined It is a treasure

OH. Wow I feel stupid for writing that whole wall of text. 😅

This is glorious