
0 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Is NATO pretending to be neutral?

That was a bad attempt, try harder.

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Who is blocking support for Ukraine?

spoiler spoiler
It's not Biden

Agreed, what Russia is doing in Ukraine is horrible.

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You do realize this is a list, that the list has other items, and that this isn't the first or last package Germany sent?

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That's exactly what they're saying, while ironically calling reasonable people gullible and considering themself enlightened.

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You wouldn't feed a bird.

Voting for a sandwich without peanut butter will result in other people deciding what sandwich you get, and the only realistic options are those with peanut butter.

Also, you'll have to eat the sandwich.

What great, impactful action are you taking?

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You need to try way harder.

Bad troll.

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Screw Kant then.

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I'll be OK.

No it's not, not at all.

Big head, rather

Please elaborate. Modi dismantling India's democracy is well documented.

That's the charitable explanation. The less charitable one is astroturfing in an effort to demobilize Democrat-leaning voters.

Can you tankies find some new strategy?

Whataboutism and deflection is getting really boring.

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Voting for a bad person to prevent a horrible person from winning is good.

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Black, blue, and purple. It's not even close.


"Qiao Collective is a diaspora Chinese media collective challenging U.S. aggression on China."

Seems totally unbiased and trustworthy! Surely their stance on this matter is completely factual.

Interesting that you chose Germany specifically, which is one of the largest contributors, both total and relative to GDP.

That being said, everybody needs to step up their game, including Germany. Just send the Tauruses, Olaf.

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Vienna is certainly a great example for public housing done right, but I don't see how it's relevant to the post. As far as I'm aware, Austria's problem with right wing populism is even worse than in Germany.

Fuck off, tankie

Whataboutism is indeed popular with Russian bots.

The limits will be revised.

You fail to see the point - intentionally, I assume.

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They're trying their hardest to spin any statement about preventing a second Trump presidency into you actively supporting genocide. No mental gymnastics are too difficult for them.

I'm not usually inclined to conspiracy theories, but to me this smells like a concerted Russian astroturfing campaign to bring Putin's sock puppet back into office while sowing more division. What's also interesting is that all they want to talk about is genocide, but only the one happening at the hands of Israels government right now. Putin's genocide in Ukraine is conveniently ignored or denied.


Great analogy, I'm stealing that.

There is an actual genocide happening in Ukraine at the hands of Putin, and he has the power to stop it at any time.

Can we agree that Russia should stay the duck out of Ukraine, and Israel should stay the duck out of Palestine? Or do you only (pretend to) care about genocide when it is politically convenient for you?

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If Russia could, they would.

Trash take

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GGG has been actively developing and supporting PoE for more than a decade post launch. Other studios develop 3-4 full scale games during that time frame. If they wanted to price all of this into a one time cost, PoE would have cost 150-200€ at release, a price no one would be willing to pay for a new game of a new studio with no track record. The game just wouldn't exist.

And yet you're claiming that them financing development primarily via optional cosmetic micro transactions is abuse. People have spent thousands of hours in this game without spending more than like 50 bucks on quality of life stuff. Your comment tells me you know nothing about PoE or GGG. That's why I'm calling it a trash take.

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In my experience with SD, getting images that aren't obviously "wrong" in some way takes multiple iterations with quite some time spent tuning prompts and parameters.

Idk, upgrading to Plasma 6 + Wayland was as simple as waiting for yay to do its thing and rebooting. 10 minutes and it just works. No configuration.

Is the distribution significantly different on other social media platforms? Because if not, what you're insinuating might not actually be real.

I'm not disputing your main point, I just think it's interesting that you chose Germany as an example, which, as I wrote, is one of the top contributors, even adjusted for GDP.

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No, that is 100% whataboutism. It's an attempt to deflect the discussion from the topic at hand. If you want to have a discussion about THING_THAT_YOU_CONSIDER_BAD_AND_ALSO_TRUE, you can make a new post just for that.

I am seeing a division of society, and it's due to the likes of AFD + members of CSU & CDU pushing populist bullshit. People that fell for that likely also see a division of society, but they're blaming "wokeism" for it.

I don't think it refers to ethnic homogeny.