2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

On top of that the actual article is a big nothing-burger. Not worth reading beyond the title.

Who is Will Biden?

Ok, but anyone with a monster energy tattoo needs to be bonked on the head. It's 2024 for crying out loud! I thought we were passed this!

Good luck finding a 65 inch computer monitor

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$20 to support a solo dev AND remove ads from his awesome lemmy client? Sweet!

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Don't forget the uptime differences!

Windows: It's been 10 minutes, can we reboot for updates now??

Linux: Uptime- yes

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Some-what related funny story: at my old job we removed the built-in games from Windows as part of our Windows 7 rollout. Most people didn't even notice, but the director of public safety was so upset that he demanded (not just asked) we put them back on his computer. When we refused he went to his DOCTOR and got a note stating that he needed Solitaire on his work PC as it helped him manage his anxiety. I was flabbergasted.

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It's a work laptop. My personal stuff is running FOSS.

I love the little jump when it sees the poop. Cat's like "ew wtf"

I thought this was the legitimately the point based on the title until I read the article. The internet has poisoned our minds. Lol

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SVSeeker. At first it seemed like a really inspirational channel about a guy building a giant boat in his backyard in Oklahoma that was going to be used as a free to anyone research vessel, but as time went on everyone slowly realized the dude had basically no idea what he was doing and was super hostile to anyone telling him otherwise. Now it's been two years since lunching the boat and he has done none of the things he promised to do with it (like even leave the coast) and it seems pretty clear everyone got duped into helping him build a retirement house boat instead of a research vessel.

This sounds like a plot from fallout.

Do your friend a favor and install Windows back on his laptop for him.

It's scan to pay at Walmart because they gave their own payment system called "Walmart pay" and it sucks.

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Agreed. Seems the notification tray in Windows is just a catch-all for spam (mostly from MS themselves)

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My primary concern is that Apple has a bad habit of taking anything that they buy and only making it available within the apple ecosystem. I'm not in the Apple ecosystem and do not wish to be. There are, of course, notable exceptions to this. Apple music comes to mind.

Exactly. It's pseudo code. It's meant to be universally understandable, not language specific.

Holy crap that old YouTube UI was top.

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Because it undermines the departments authority to make decisions regarding the systems they manage. Sure him having solitaire in and of itself isn't a big deal, but it sets precedence that decisions made by the department can be overridden if someone simply complains loudly enough. This could be particularly dangerous in the case of new or tightened security policy put forth by the department (this exact scenario did actually playout with another individual a few years later regarding password policy)

They have their uses. In particular they're useful for easily getting applications your system repositories don't have or getting more up to date version of applications. Downsides are certainly the space all the redundant dependencies take up and the sandboxing can be a PITA especially if you have an application that needs to run another application. Overall I think they're the best "third party" package system available but they're not great.

My guy, there are plenty worse companies than Google to have your data. Let's not get too hyperbolic.

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Yes, unfortunately in the end he got his way.

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That looks really cool. Meteor impacts, you think?

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I have one of these on every TV in my house and they're great!

Correct. I was disappointed to find this out as well. Supposedly it's due to these codecs requiring a paid license to use. With windows the license cost is baked into the cost of the windows license itself, but of course that doesn't exist with Linux. It CAN work on Linux if you purchase the studio version of Resolve, but I wasn't ready to shell out $300 for a video editor when I'm only producing content for Youtube as a hobby and for the fun of it.

I believe they created it before tap really took off in the US so scan was a better option for them at the time.

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Who is Denshi?

It wasn't my decision.

I assume all the "real Linux pros" are using qemu, which is a real pita if you want to do anything beyond creating a basic VM.

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Yeah, the Kdenlive titler is perfectly workable, and I've already created a template or two for quick re-usability. I was being a bit nit-picky ecause everything else has honestly been great. I guess I'm just more used to Resolve where you can have premade title templates that have their own animations already built-in and dynamically adjust to the size of the content. This makes adding titles a snap as opposed to Kdenlive where I have to add my template, then add the content, then manually resize the elements to fit the content then add to the timeline and finally apply animations. What takes maybe 30 seconds in Resolve can be a 3-5 min job in Kdenlive. This could probably be cut-down a lot as I become more efficient though. My title needs aren't really that complicated.

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haha, yeah figuring out those ffmpeg flags is an absolute nightmare. My problem there isn't so much the output format from Resolve, but source format I'm using. My camera only has the option to record in H.264/H.265 (consumer grade, what can you expect?) which Resolve can't properly import on Linux. I could take the time to transcode them with ffmpeg before editing, but I'm usually working with ~2 hours worth of video per project and I don't really want to wait all day for a transcode job to finish before I can even begin editing. On top of that my camera (rather neatly) generates its own proxy files while recording, and I've found leveraging these is necessary for getting good timeline performance on my aging rig. Now I could let Resolve generate its own proxy clips like I have in the past, but that's more time waiting around before editing. I was SUPER stoked to see Kdenlive can natively utilize the proxy clips my camera generates.

Well, I guess I'll eat my words. This is much better than the last time I messed around with it.

I was having a decent enough time with it, but after one of the recent updates performance took a hit and I really can't bear to play it anymore. I was getting a solid 55-60fps with everything set to low and now I can barely manage 25-30. Makes the game virtually impossible to play. I've moved back to playing Master Chief Collection for now.

For anyone who's curious, I went ahead and created a "default" project with the title I normally use already setup on the timeline. That way when I start a new project I can just copy the default template and my title with animations is already there ready to go. Just need to modify the text and it's good. It's not a perfect solution, and certainly wouldn't work for someone who desires to use different or multiple titles per project, but it's good enough for me. Here's what it looks like: https://youtu.be/dlGUT0c46Ts

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Nailed it. I didn't even think to check that... I'll have to see if I can find a workaround. Thanks!

I saw the option for adding a new animation in the project bin, and installed Glaxnimate with the intention of giving it a shot, but the software manager in Mint only has the Flatpak version available which obviously won't work. As for timeline preview rendering, it's awesome! I use it to pre-render all of my titles and transitions before I record my voice over so the project monitor doesn't stutter and throw off the timing on the audio recording. Works a treat! Speaking of voice over, I REALLY wish there was an option for a sidechain compressor input. As it stands now I record my VO, then render out each of the audio channels and then import into Audacity to apply the audio ducking and other effects before importing it all back into Kdenlive. It's a bit of a headache but it does work.

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ahh, that makes sense. I'll give it a go.

EDIT: Hmm, didn't seem to work for me. I created the script and made it executable then put the path to the script in Kdenlive's settings. I can right-click in the project bin and click "create animation" which gives me a .JSON file but I see no way to edit it. Double-clicking it just shows me its properties and right-clicking and selecting "edit clip" does nothing. Interestingly if I execute the script from terminal it starts Glaxnimate as expected. I also went ahead and created a similar script for Pinta as my image editor since I'm also running the Flatpak version of that and had the same result as Glaxnimate when trying to edit images. I also entered the path for Audacity as my audio editor, but it's installed as a system package so I pointed Kdenlive directly to the binary and got the same result when trying to edit audio files. Maybe I'm just not understanding this, or I have something setup wrong in Kdenlive... Any ideas?

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Appreciate the link, thanks!

No, you're right. That's not a good excuse but being overly dramatic over it doesn't really do anything productive either. At the end of the day it's just a default option that can easily be changed. Not really a conspiracy by Google and Apple to steal your personal data.