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Joined 12 months ago

lol yes, students are causing the housing issue /s

I think that’s a great evening

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It’s weird cause he’s stated he did that in early Tesla days and hated it, wouldn’t do it again, but expects others to?

Obligatory, “if it happens I’m out” post

For reals though fuck these gonks

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Land of the free lol

Cooking spray is straight up gross and an extra expense. Get some regular oil and a cast iron skillet, you will go through the oil maybe once a year? The skillet will outlive you.

Also don’t hate yourself, a little butter goes a very long way friends

Jesus Christ look around it’s been everywhere

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That’s exciting! Would be interesting to see what kind of people are really here lol

A statement doesn’t make it true, even when believed by few

That’s the point

Waiting for that promotion will likely never come. Working your arse off doesn’t mean you’ll get it either.

Don’t let your job define who you are. Take time off, enjoy your surroundings and make time for your friends and family

Dude if this doesn’t set off the fucking Christian’s, I don’t know what would.

Grocery stores

lol still waiting on Biden to call it genocide

It’s crazy peoples experiences so far, I got to play all week with zero issues, had some issues over the weekend but decided to not queue up to let others join.

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lol that’s the point. Complain to your local “leader” that their actions (or lack of) are causing you discomfort

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I go back every now and then because a community I follow hasn’t fully integrated here yet and omg reddit is getting worse, more ads than posts and posts seems to be bots more and more, won’t be long now. Fuck spez

lol check the sauce

It’s supposed to be flaky, stop complaining

I was lucky enough to play this in Beta, I’m freaking pumped!

The end is epic too! I was stoked to see it used in Grandmas boy, then I found someone made it into a 1 hour video 👌



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Why is the argument always about the AI and not the scumbag suits at the top using it for harm.

I’ve been thinking about that too but realised, reading loads of messages saying nothing is not as good as a few small conversations.

Although some of my interests haven’t made it over here yet

Only logical answer here

Good on them!

So much this! I think using references is bullshit so ask anyone you trust to have your back

Enjoy your pastry

Causing disruption is the point, you call your leaders to put further pressure on them to help resolve an act of genocide( in the instance). I have experienced protesters outside my house for a year(I used to live downtown in a major city) and I was always happy to see the masses standing up injustice when I had no idea of the issue. It’s informative and good to know people still have compassion.

If you life is shittier because of a mild inconvenience then you should re evaluate some things friend. I hope you see the light

Is it not available? I read playing it on ps5 auto updates to ps5 version

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Bitcoin miners aren’t doing re work, they mine the next block of thousands of transactions.

There’s also the other side of the conversation that over 51% of the network uses green energy.

lol not your keys!

lol holding hostages, get over yourself!

Oh man I just made the switch!

I get it but there is an easy toggle from spoken directions to alerts which I find easy to toggle.

At least on Apple and Google maps

Legislators will take too long to do anything about it though lol

Yeah word is it’s a remastered and you can upgrade for extra stuff too

Definitely made it on mine. Decided to give all their albums a listen this arvo too

I thought I read like 3 weeks ago they had no interest anytime soon

Didn’t really affect me but I really should of just in principle, not that it seems it made a difference in the business model though