Lowlee Kun

@Lowlee Kun@feddit.de
0 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Funny joke bit pls dont. The seas are overfished as fuck.

At this point he should just shut up. If Putins tells someone to not do something it is very likely that it is the exact thing they ought to do.

At this point i feel like every thing has been said. I have absolutely no problem with you, your points or your diet.

I think it is rather rude to start the conversation with "this is the dumbest fucking take ever" and then not even tell me why. That might be a reason why my answer to that person was also quite rude, but i could not help it. Excuse me.

People in this thread really pretending they have kids in order to get upset about implied nudity. It does not get more american does it? Some chick showing lots of boobie sure seems to be the same like a girl getting banged by big dick to many here.

Also if you actually think that some nudity will wreck your kid but watching gta does not i am not sure why anyone bothers arguing with you.

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As most child abuse happens in the homes by the parents or relatives, when can we expect 24/7 surveilance in our homes?

Oh wait its not about protecting children, is it?

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At this point, is any racist shit from that dude even worth posting news about? Like i get that there should be consequences but i do not see any. All i see is info about a man i really do not want to read anything about. Daily. Not even only on here. Why does the internet have to be so god damn us-centric that i can not escape their crazy billionaires?

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You know you live in a third world country if you have discussions about how to kill your citizens. There is no need for the death penalty but a twisted and false sense of justice.

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It is sooo Reddit to ban without any explanation. Not like i care about any community over there. Reddit can fuck itself.

Windows 11 can suck my stinky cock. Windows will successfully force my LAZY ass to Linux. I am already testing the waters with my laptop.

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Its about god damn time. Not sure why one senseless slaughter should satisfy another senseless slaughter but i guess the answer would be something like humans being a stupid mess.

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Never played it but i am happy for the fans. I wish this would have been possible with Tera 😭

I wish for more money but every bit counts.

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Are they trying to push tech savy people into full blown criminality? Way to go.

Way to go greenpiss. Anti-scietific fear mongering that will only hurt.

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There is literally no data to back up your slippery slope argument.

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Cool solution to kill people that did not offend. You sound like a real humanist. Do you by any chance run some for profit prison?

Slippery slope argument goes brrrrrr

You are so on point. I come here mainly for chuckles, some light hearted discussion and memes but what do is see most? Rage, rage and more rage.

Finally some good news. Even though the draft is a little shitty i can not wait to grow my own weed 🤩

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I never said this is a person that society needs to keep around.

I do not believe that living is a right that can be earned or unearned. It is a right everyone has. If a person is unfit for society they need to be seperated from society. If that means having them in prison for live than that is what we should do. Killing them is done for one purpose mainly: Because it gives some people a sense of justice. This sense of justice however is false as the only justice would be to undo what was done.

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People that make statements on behalf of all people in a large group are weird, to put it politely.

The only reason, and sadly the reason why they will get away with this for some more time for sure, is that the U.S. has pledged unconditional support. The whole west has to now tip toe around the fact that they very much watch a nation commit genocide without sanctioning the shit out of them. Germany has it easy cause we can always say "as former nazis we can not do anything but crawl up isreals butt".

"Guys, is there anyway to boost this global warming and destruction of nature we have been doing? Pls sign me up."

  • Every damn entity that the resources to do so
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This dude really thinks he is smart doesn't he. Half of america just wants an asshole, thats all.

Do we still have good news? One? Two? None?

I should stop doomscrolling for today but my commute is taking ages again...

Taking NNN serious has the same level of sanity as taking DDD (dick destroy december) serious. It is mostly a meme but there are always people taking it to the extreme. I personally, if i feel like it, look how long i last until i am really horny. Mostly takes around a week and while not fapping might not be the most healthy thing it is also not as big of a deal as some make it out to be if it isn't something you try all year.

That said, an update for a beloved hentai game came out on the first of november, so i did not even try.

I am so happy that PiS was voted out. I did not believe it would happen.

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I did not have sex in years, yet luckely nobody thinks i am a danger to women. It is nearly as if people do not suddenly feel the need to rape someone just because they dont have sex.

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I hope we still have some concrete during the apocolypse in order to seal those fuckers in.

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I collect lewd anime figures. They sadly have tonspend their existense in a closet.

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Because that was another case. Extortion and blackmail (and in this case would count as production of cp as would be the case if you would draw after a real child) are already illegal. On this case we simply dont have enough information.

Can't generate Abuse Material without Abuse. Generative AI does not need any indecent training to be able to produce indecent merial.

But it is a nice story to shock and scare many people so i guess the goal is reached.

Not judging/voting your comment, do you have the data at hand? Just out of interest.

Some input though, you are not making a difference between offenders and non-offenders and i doubt there is even good data on non offenders to begin with.

The US prison system can choke on a bunch of dicks. I would not wish that on the worst shit heads because i simply do NOT enjoy rape. Maybe people should think really hard about why they think rape is funny when it happens to bad people. What a wicked and disgustingbsense of justice.

Have you considered that the people raging about a thing and the people enjoying the same thing might be different people?

Yeah thats why you make sure to NOT talk about your feelings like this "concerned" person. If you have problems in a relationship, it is important to talk to anyone but your partner. Best thing to do is, get some advice from complete strangers who do not know you or your partner and have very limited and skewed information. This way you will surely get the right answers! /s

Wish i could do some laughing and mocking besides all the crying but with afd(german far right/fascists largely) on the rise and the conservatives moving a step into their direction every other week there is really no energy left to laugh at anything.

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It is fun how you just know that every downvote or negative comment just bolsters op's ego because to them it shows how the masses are stupid and they are one of the few who know how things should be. Replacing "democracy" with "science" makes no god damn sense because science is not a form o government. How hard would it have been to elaborate how you imagine your "scientific" goverment to work? I guess you would atleast have basic knowledge about politics. So what we got was the question of a 6 year old. How do you expect insightful comments?

No. It is one better choice. Does not say shit about the millions of other choices we do.

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