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Joined 12 months ago

Devops Engineer | Linux & FOSS Enthusiast | Gaming, Homelab, 3D Printing

The fucked up part isn't that AI work is replacing human work, it's that we're at a place as a society where this is a problem.

More automation and less humans working should be a good thing, not something to fear.

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I would need even more. Let me buy it digitally. Not streamed, not with some draconian DRM. Just let me buy the MKV files straight from HBO, and I won't pirate them.

They have to be aware of how easy it is to rip a blu-ray, yet those are still for sale. So let's just skip the middleman and give me legal remuxes.

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Git is already decentralized - every contributor has a copy of the repo on their own machine.

At that point, it's just about using what's most popular. I have a slight preference toward gitlab myself, but the prevalence of github means I still push most of my projects to there, just because I'm already visiting the website so often.

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I realized that when I look for something, I have a precise mental image of what I'm looking for. If the real object doesn't match my mental image, it may as well not exist.

Case in point, my girlfriend asked me to get her allergy meds. I was looking for a box with blister packs, they were in a bottle. I literally moved the bottle aside while looking, before telling her that I can't find them

I'm a devops engineer, so I understand Linux well. I actually used exclusively Linux all throughout university.

Linux works just as good as windows for 98% of my uses cases. And for the 2% that it doesnt, I can probably figure out how to get it to work or an alternative.

But honestly, I usually just don't want to anymore. After working 8 hours, I'm very seldom in the mood to do more debugging, so I switch to Windows more and more frequently.

If this is my experience as someone who understands it, most normies will just fuck off the moment the first program they want to run doesn't.

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A comment on my other account got brigaded by tankies a while ago. Was told to "fuck off, liberal"

But then that guy got banned from the instance, and everything was good.

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Isn't face recognition just going to be inherently rly less reliable on darker skinned people? Their features would certainly have less contrast on darker skin, no?

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If you set up a torrent for them, I'll be happy to perma-seed them from my gigabit dedicated server

You're the only one interpreting it like that.

Some trauma stays with you for life. No one's calling her a "used up rag," the reality is that she may continue to suffer from what happened for the rest of her life.

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Fuckin spicy

Or because many of these rappers came from poor and violent areas, where drug addiction, gang banging, and frivolous spending was what they knew

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Meh, I pay for YouTube Premium since it's included in YouTube Music, and I feel good knowing that creators I watch get more from me than they would if I enabled ads just on their channels.

some right-wingers are not comfortable with lemmy funder being openly communists

You don't have to be a right winger to be uncomfortable with tankies

My grandfather was a political prisoner under Communism, my parents were refugees from eastern Europe.

They had no opportunity to accrue generational wealth either.

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Uptime Kuma is in no way comparable to what Datadog offers. The best FOSS alternative would be the whole Prometheus/Granada/Thanos/Loki/etc stack, and that would require at least a whole volunteer just to set up and administer.

There's nothing wrong with DD, they're a staple in the cloud industry and are absolutely trustworthy.

It's the wrong use of a meme template

It's a low effort meme in a general linux community

Drop was awesome for custom keyboards, cool audiophile shit, and just random bespoke cool shit

So absolutely no overlap with Corsair. I don't like this at all.

My brother in Christ, my grandparents' property was seized and my parents came to where we are now with enough money to eat for about a week.

Tell me all about the opportunities they had. Don't pull a muscle at your oppression Olympics though

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What a surprise, the claims were overblown. Glad to hear I can stock up on my Pepsi Zero again, since 1-2 cans a day won't kill me

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Yup! I currently use it to backup my homelab configs encrypted to google drive, I would love to switch it over to proton drive instead.

Every topic could be considered "harmful" to someone, somewhere on this planet.

Like someone else mentioned, content involving alcohol could be harmful to alcoholics. Content involving drugs could be harmful to addicts. Content discussing SA/Rape could be harmful to survivors.

Discussions on controversial topics will always be harmful to someone. Just a few posts up from this one was a discussion about Quran burning. That's harmful to devout and fundamentalist muslims, should that be banned?

Then let's not even get into the subject of humour. What one person considers banter could be considered harmful by another. Ironic communities suddenly become harmful as soon as the irony is lost on a single person (RIP 2balkan4u).

Harmful means something different to everyone. Trying to apply a blanket definition to it will just stifle all discussion, or turn your community into a pure hugbox.

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Exception that proves the rule? Cause yeah, Apple Maps is actually a Google Maps competitor now, which is great.

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They started with as much opportunity as the descendants of slaves

There is no good answer to this question, because everyone has their own scale of what they consider harmful.

I think this is a fundamental problem with centralized social media a la Reddit, Twitter, Threads, etc. You're forcing countless different communities with different values and beliefs to share a common space, moderated by people with their own set of values. Of course there will be friction and problems. No matter what you do, there will be groups that feel like they're being censored, and other groups that feel like they're being attacked.

Pedialyte popsicles are also the best hangover cure when you can't even hold down water

And this is why MAU is down

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Doomers gonna doomer

Don't forget that the company he was most publicly visible in running (Twitter) is tanking

You think I remember shit about differential equations or calc 3?

My favourite template is back <3

I related to this one to a tee, down to spending way too much time at the college pub

One of these days, I plan to build up a neat blog with some static site generator like Nikola. Or maybe host documentation about everything I do with bookstack or wiki.js.

For now, it just redirects to a rickroll.

Okay but the S3XY thing woukd he kinda clever and fun if he wasn't such a prick in every other way

I still don't know all the details about how my mom escaped, but what I've heard of her crossing the border in the forest at night was fucking harrowing

I'm on Kubernetes with ArgoCD gitops.

I use sealedsecrets, so all my secrets are in git encrypted. The encryption key is in my keepass vault.

I swear sometimes it feels like capitalism is the boogeyman behind everything with some people.

This has nothing to do with late stage capitalism and everything to do with how cheap compute is becoming. Fact is that it's just much more convenient to have everything in a managed cloud. You don't need to manage your own servers, take care of maintenance, upgrades, etc. This removes a fuckton of overhead from your organization.

I've been part of on prem to cloud transitions at 3 different companies, and I saw the benefits firsthand. You can replace entire departments, and the contract your signing means you're protected against pretty much any fuckup from the provider's side.

Not to mention, I guarantee Microsoft's cloud is more secure than 99.9% of the server rooms it replaced.

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Same. I played a lot of WoW. I was a US top 5 raider in MoP/WoD. I wrote guides on icy-veins and WoWHead.

Then even though I quit at the start of Legion, I've stuck around in the community and occasionally still post/contribute, but it's getting rarer and rarer the more the game moves on without me.

Ubuntu ~2005/2006. I was introduced to Linux by my friend's older brother in highschool, then proceeded to nuke the windows install on my parents' PC.

That's when they decided to buy me a laptop, which I dualbooted ubuntu on. Now almost two decades later, I'm a devops engineer working professionally with Linux

I played WoW religiously from vanilla until Legion with very few breaks. I think I had over 3 years in game time on my main when I quit, with a few more years spread between alts.

Next would be Path of Exile, 3000 hours and counting.

After that, probably Dota 2 at 1200 hours

If you subscribe to the communities, they'll show up on your front page just like local communities. If you want to browse them, you csn go to lemmy.world/c/community@instance

Please teach me how to configure my containers so SQLite can scale horizontally.

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