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Joined 3 months ago

Just fix google back to how it was and create an entirely new search engine with AI and call it Sairch.

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Too bad even without it, Google search has gone to shit.

I just discovered Ventoy this past week or so and haven't had any issues with any ISO I've thrown at it.

It's my new favorite utility.

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Damn. Honestly? No. Even if he died tomorrow of natural causes, or something seemingly obvious or straightforward, you know that story would be spun a dozen different ways and he would come out as a martyr/savior/god king or whatever in each one.

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I just rolled back my Win 11 to Win 10 only to use temporarily while I test some other distros to see which one(s) I like.

Shout out to Ventoy, my new favorite usb utility.

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I wish.

This bitch is as dumb as she is xenophobic. She lives in California but for some fucking reason is on the Oklahoma Library Media Advisory Committee for equally xenophobic dumbass Ryan Walters. (Mostly hunting for materials they don't like in our school libraries and classes, probably LGBT inclusive material)

The question is less whether or not this is/was rage bait, and more if this is/was real. Considering she has said and shared far worse on her 'Libs of TikTok,' I wholeheartedly believe it was real. It's right up her alley.

I use Tasker automation that reminds me to reboot after my phone has been up for awhile. I don't think I'd like an auto reboot feature. I don't even like it when I can't postpone a software update until a time convenient for me.

But if that's all you watch, why not get it off of Hulu?

If he gets back in office, he'll leave in a body bag.

That's not a threat, I just don't see him lasting much longer.

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What are the chances we get custom built/open source phones?

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Make it 75% the median life expectancy and it's a deal.

While you're not wrong, it's also possible that they simply used cracked versions.

I'm curious, is there an actual plan to ban TikTok? How do they think they can accomplish that? And just how easy will it be to circumvent the ban?

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Man, I fucking hate articles like that.

"This Steam/GOG game on sale at lowest price ever!”

And then refuses to actually link to it at the store.


Not compete shit but enough to warrant concern.

Essentially Bethesda's way to make even more money off mods.

Cynical depression.

The original point was to make it easier to understand people as you could actually see their mouth. A problem sure, but it solution it wasn't.

Hay is for horses.

Hey is for horse girls.

You can always hold and remove any suggestion, be it a typo or an ex's name.

I always wanted to try the cashew fruit ever since I discovered it was a fruit.

Allegedly it's too juicy and fragile to import.

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I actually watch it just about everyday. I don't have or use TikTok so it keeps me aware of weird ass trends or viral things.

It's moderately funny most days, though sometimes you just get 3 panelists that lack any chemistry or certain games fall flat.

I used to watch @Midnight so I was hesitant of this return, but I think I like this iteration more.

Truly a "where have you been all my life" moment. It even works with recovery ISOs!

I'll never flash another usb again if I can help it.

I have a 128gb usb c flash drive that I just dropped a ton of distros onto and went to town. So far, EndeaverOS has been my favorite.

I'd say I'm like this maybe 80% of the time but I will say that if you didn't learn this lesson early on, it is an incredibly difficult habit to break.

Every PlayStation generation had backwards compatibility followed quickly by a cheaper "slim" version without it.

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Now kiss.

Also the biggest positive is the capability of fast traveling from your map from anywhere as long as you aren't in combat.

It removes the hesitation to explore areas from which you can't return easily.

That's the biggest thing that made Elden Ring significantly less stressful for me.

Plus you don't have to worry about weapon durability.

I was able to use it for Windows recovery and as Windows 10 install media with no issues. Sorry it didn't work for you though.

Can someone buy ads for Lemmy on Reddit?

I always hears it as more of a "darook darook" but I do remember jamming out to it in the early 2000s.

Why not just hide it elsewhere leaving the piles as red herring?

I had better luck with Amazon Luna but still never invested much into either since I would be forced to purchase games again specifically for that platform.


My first thought too

"I killed 3 more horses last week, also buy my new book."

I love the Simon Stålenhag picture of the day wallpapers.

Why do I have to read a hole?

What do you use for MS? I know live.com still struggles with this. Though I did create a rule that junked every email with no valid SPF record, so that helps.

TIL this quote was from this show. I always attributed to that time Michael Jackson was allowed to walk around in a closed grocery store for the "experience".