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He said they used AI to fake it. I don’t know if they did or not, but I feel like that’s going to be the new, “someone hacked my phone and posted that,” any time someone gets caught saying something dumb.

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The US Supreme Court will surely overturn this. Not because the Colorado Supreme Court was wrong, but because the US Supreme Court is crooked.

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I went to a gender neutral restroom in California a couple months ago. Each toilet was in its own little private room, and there was a common area of sinks for hand washing. My only thought was that all public restrooms should be like that. Even apart from the equal access issue for LGBTQ+ people, why make one gender stand in line when there are unused facilities right next door.

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I wish them both complete success in this endeavor.

I don’t think there will be much damage. It’s not as though this were some huge surprise. The only people left on X agree with him or don’t care enough to mildly adjust their habits. I saw that IBM “paused” their ads, but I’d bet a nickel they will resume them once this blows over. They know what Xitter is. All the corporations know and don’t care. This very article on the NYT website has a button to share it on Twitter.

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Imagine thinking that Trump was once mentally sharp.

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Reddit was down a lot too, and they stuck ads in my face. It’s not like I have a pacemaker that needs Lenny.world to be up in order to function. Keep up the good work and I hope whoever is behind the attacks steps on a Lego.

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Leopards, face-eating, and whatnot.

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At first I was mad at Mark Meadows for trying to destroy American democracy and rob me of my freedom, but, gosh if he faced the possibility of being yelled at, I guess he didn’t have any choice. So brave.

The ad was paid for by the Barbers Hill Education Foundation, which has contact information on their website. I sure hope nobody decides to tell them how they feel about this.

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Yah normally you have to wait for an impeachable offense to take place. It’s OK. They’re still learning on the job.

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Well. He is.

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Raging over things she doesn't understand is literally all she is able to do.

I think they’re making decisions based on who takes them on the fanciest yacht trip.

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If saying he looks like Elvis is damaging to him when trying to overthrow the country didn't, that will be weird.

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In an interview with NPR, Russell Moore, who is editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, said that he hears from pastors who tell him about congregants who take umbrage at Jesus telling his followers to turn the other cheek. Moore said that someone invariably comes up to the pastor afterwards and says, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

This is real? This isn’t the Onion?

Figures after taking 50 years to finally realize that conservatism is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus, they’d pick conservatism. Should have seen that coming, honestly.

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Honestly, I never bothered to install an ad blocker before today. I just figured ads were tolerable. This move by YouTube got me to switch to firefox and install ublock origin and oh my is it glorious. I can wait 5 seconds for my video to start since I am used to ads anyway.

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If you are surprised by this you probably have a poster of Ayn Rand on your wall.

Yah and cold fusion is right around the corner.

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Gosh if only Meta hd money for lawyers, they could squish this like a bug. Oh, yeah. They do have money for lawyers. Tons of it.

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In the 90s there were enough “pieces of the Berlin Wall” going around to build the Great Wall of China. I suspect it will be something similar.

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It's about time. I have been fed up with religion since 1978.

Anyone claiming that should have to try it for a few months.

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Cool, how about instead we focus on corruption in the department of transportation in, say, 2017-2021?

Can they speed it up a bit?

Honestly forgot he was still in it.

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Cool how about you and all your followers go wander around in the desert for 40 years.

That seems disingenuous because according to multiple accounts I’ve read about the founding of Fox News, it was specifically designed as a disinformation machine.

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Do better, Florida.

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As a resident of her new district I will be profoundly relieved if my neighbors prove to be slightly less nutty than they appear. I’m sure I won’t be super-excited about whoever they come up with, but I would appreciate being spared this person. 😂

I won’t even fool myself that we could ever elect a democrat in CD4. We’ll be lucky to scrounge up a candidate at all.

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Seems like another state racketeering case incoming.

Just toss it on the giant pile of smoking guns.

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“I liked Green Day until they got all political.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Somebody mentioned something about a thing in outer space called a dark star. It sounded interesting so I googled it and got millions of links about a Grateful Dead tribute band called the Dark Star Orchestra. I’m sure I’ll be seeing ads for that for months. 😂 ChatGPT gave me a nice summary but of course I didn’t have any way of knowing whose work I was reading.

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The couple I went to when I rented a polestar didn’t even have like a coffee shop or anything nearby. It seemed like such a wasted opportunity for capitalism to squeeze more money out of the traveling public. Oops I meant provide valuable services.

Yeah, I remember what he was like in the 80s. While I still wouldn’t call it mentally sharp, there does seem to have been a decline recently. Moreover, saying he isn’t as sharp as he once was doesn’t necessarily imply that he was all that sharp before. Perhaps I took a bit of a cheap shot.

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“Kyrsten Sinema has been a stalwart advocate for Joe Biden’s agenda…,” Tate Mitchell, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said in a statement.

Boy that’s news to Joe Biden.

If you're in Colorado and are sick and tired of your beautiful state being associated with this low-rent Sarah Palin, you might be interested in supporting Adam Frisch

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Oh, wow. I hadn’t put 2 and 2 together that this is John Ashcroft’s kid. Chip off the old block it appears. 😂

I’m glad the new study confirmed exactly what millions of us watched live on TV, because that would have been weird if it concluded anything different.