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Joined 1 years ago

And all the doom games.

Polywork is when you get fucked by multiple bosses.

He's already been defeated soundly at the voting booth. That's why there was an insurrection.

We really should be moving to consequences part of the constitution instead giving Trump yet another chance to steal power.

We get in trouble if we fail everyone because we made them do a novel synthesis, instead of just repeating what we told them.

Particularly for an intro course, remembering what you were told is good enough.

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It wouldn't matter much.

Most of what a bank does isn't on your phone, but server side.

In fact most bank apps could be replaced with an internal web browser that is pointing at their website, and a password manager, with no loss in functionality or change in security.

And if you'd like to review the client side code the bank is using you can just open dev mode in your browser, right now.

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It's all just the new testament. Before you fuck with poor people and nail them to a cross, make sure they aren't just slumming it, and actually have a very powerful father.

How fucked up would it be if your actual town square was owned by a private company?

You have just invented malls. Hugely damaging to society, but they come with convenient parking and air con.

I quite like the tag line X, the abandoned shopping mall of the internet.

I think it describes it well.

A relationship graph which requires no gay relationships is called a bigraph (honest, I'm not making this up) or bipartite.

That follows because if you can two color the graph so that edges only connect different colors, you just assign male to one color and female to the other.

This means there's a tone of mathematical identities describing this. Wikipedia has a good introduction.


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Good luck suing a cop. The courts have consistently ruled that they can basically do what they like and you can't sue them for shit.


It also makes the existing voter suppression much more effective.

"Oh sorry, none of the black districts have enough staff to run all the polling stations. I guess you'll have to travel an hour and then queue outdoors for four hours if you want to vote.

Yes, it is illegal for anyone to bring you water, we don't want them to influence your vote, do we?"

Something I've just realised going into the office is how much more unproductive I make everyone else.

If I'm not working at home, everyone else is free to keep working. But if I'm not working in the office I'm going to drag everyone in my team down to my level.

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Great that'll go really well with teams, teams classic, and teams work and school.

Literally, had to make this decision four years ago.

In the end I went to the German branch of the same tech company and only made 1/4 the money I would have in the US.

However, because it was a US company they made me do the "what to do when there's a shooter in the workplace" training course anyway. No regrets about not going.

Yeah, I think the reason threads is attaching itself to the fediverse is precisely because meta don't see it as a threat.

It's an easy way to appear open to the regulators without actually helping any competitors.

The problem is that Tesla is a meme stock. It's stupidly overpriced for a car company with such little production.

They could get rid of musk and try to turn it into a normal company with solid fundamentals but this would remove its meme status and crash the share price anyway.

There's no way to fix Tesla without burning it's stock price to the ground, so anyone involved is just going to try to ride the crazy train as long as possible.

Come on Elon, make the Cybertruck 2 and really fuck everything up.

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Is buddy really a problem?

I'd be more worried that someone thinks I'm treating them like a dog, than a man.

Google returns sources that you can evaluate for accuracy.

Chatgpt just says things.

Every output of chatgpt should end with "source: just trust me bro".

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This answer shows how shit Chatgpt can be, and how it's not really self aware.

Very few of these actually apply to chatgpt. And the ones that do, like a lack of awareness of current events don't apply to those agents connected to the internet.

It's just parroting old opinions that used to be true

You don't need to bribe a judge.

You need enough money to have a team of lawyers grind through the evidence and find what's been hidden.

Compare this to having a public defender with limited resources. They basically have to trust the DA's office.

What's depressing about this is the DA's office is so used to getting away with this shady shit, that they can't do their job properly even when they know they're under a higher level of scrutiny. Think of all the average Joes that have been fucked over by these guys.

Rich persons justice isn't really about bribing your way out of things. It's about having enough resources that you can force the system to behave, for you, in the way that it's meant to.

This is instead of the usual process that just steamrolls over every poor bastard that ends up in court.

He's the president of the fucking Heritage Foundation. That makes him the head of one of the most influential political organisations in the country.

That's much more important than what his PhD was on.

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Yeah they've rolled it out to everyone, got a defacto monopoly and now they're increasing the rates for new customers.

This is just capitalism 101 while pretending it's for the regulators.

These two together made me disable the YouTube app on my phone. Firefox is just a much better way to view YouTube.

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There's a particular joy to going all the way into the office so you can sit in remote meetings all day. Really makes you feel like your time is valued.

I'm still hoping this happens and leads to a WWE style outcome.

Elon has a heart attack on the ring and falls on top of Zuck pinning and smothering him. Zuck is forced to tap and Elon is stretchered out the ring

The take-home is that the US immigration procedure is so inhumane that even the fucking Cato institute thinks it's a bit much.

Tile is great for finding items next to your phone.

Airtags let you find items next to other people's phones.

Tile only works for tracking people if you slip the item in someone's pocket and then explicitly follow them. That's just normal stalking with an extra step.

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Can he drop out?

Kamala had to be nominated before the convention to make registration deadlines in Ohio.

Shouldn't RFK be stuck on the ballet? - at least in Ohio?

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Because there's all these fertilized eggs that don't become people. If you believe life begins at conception, then IVF kills a lot.

It's all unscientific nonsense, and requires you to ignore how many fertilized eggs don't become a viable fetus, but the anti-abortion stance has never been about science. It's about control.

Which would be fine if they were still used for their original purpose.

If you're stuck in mud with your wheels spinning, aerodynamics is the last thing on your mind, but you still might need enough space in the back for 8 sheep and a dog or six heavily armed insurgents.

They're just a bit shit for anything else.

The interesting bit is that it's members of the federalist society arguing that Trump shouldn't run.


Trump doesn't really understand law, and it's the federalists that provided him with a list of right-wing judges to pick from, and it's really federalists rather than Trump supporters who ended up capturing the supreme court.

Normally they're both extremely right-wing so the gap doesn't matter, but if the federalists turn on Trump you could see some supreme court judgements go against him.

That would be fine, if people weren't using LLMs to write code, or to do school work,

But they are. So it's important to write these articles that say "if you keep using a chainsaw to drive nails, here are the limitations you need to be aware of."

But if it kills everyone, it can be fair.

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The UK here. I think classes started for me just before 9 but the school would generally open a little after 8 so parents could drop their kids off.

It's worth mentioning we have a semi functioning public transport system so for all schools in urban areas, teenagers are expected to use that to get to school.

Out in the country school buses are still a thing though.

I'm at this point too. I think the next step is to just declare sock bankruptcy again and throw everything out and start over.

Yes, it makes it much worse. It is absolutely a serious plan and you should worry about it.


They've created substantial policy for Regan, Clinton, and Trump. You should also pay attention to the shear amount of money they have. They spend 80 million plus in a year on lobbying.

5 more years and then run for president after that.

(Swiss)Germans are completely mad about food.

It's their culture to complain about everything, except food. All they care about is that it's as bland as possible and has big portions. If you manage that, they'll give you five stars every time.

I spent 3 years living in Germany, and not only can you not get anything spicy for love nor money, they also don't use herbs. It just blows my mind. They're physically so close to France and Italy, but the food is so far away.

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They're more libertarian than liberal. Anti worker rights, anti consumer rights, and anti taxation.

The only government spending they're in favour of is government spending and subsidies on tech e.g. Tesla, space X, and the entire military complex.

It's difficult. Perjury requires intent. If a badly trained employee in a hurry makes a mistake that's not perjury.

This means it's legal, under the current law, to badly train your employees and to set them quotas for the amount of DMCA takedowns they have to serve.

They're not intentionally making false statements.

To stop this, you need to create new explicit penalties for bad takedown requests.

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It's still an interesting question. Why was this a civil case rather than criminal?

And there's no great answers. Basically a lot of it comes down to civil being easier to win and a safer bet than criminal proceedings.
