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Joined 11 months ago

Step harder by Yungeen Ace.

He looks like he's been micro dosing himself along the way.


Stupid people have the most kids, that's how you know the world is full of idiots. Ocassionaly though you meet a really nice humble person that will make you think positive towards people again atleast for a while... Even better if you carry their torch and continue with those good vibes towards others. Gives you that touch of there's genuinely good people still out there. Its refreshing.

I game on Linux mint and have had very little issues out of the box. Worth noting its super easy to game on and steam is seamless. Not a hard distro to learn with tons of forums and updates. Lightweight and overall no major complaints as I only broke my system myself tinkering with things I wanted to tweak. I've always fixed it relatively easily and I don't know much about terminal commands. Tons of info online, mostly copy and paste. Cheers.

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Rehabs for quitters 😂

For future reference how does one go from tinnitus to tumors? What's the testing. I know someone with severe tinnitus they say is mind numbing and makes them feel insane its so bad.

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Makes me tired.. I don't know what you you guys are taking.

Found my EDC doppleganger lol. Almost down to every item in the backpack at least. Suncreen is so underrated!


CoreCtrl is mid TBH. Not much granular control. Doesn't auto adjust so you have to apply every startup.

Missed the opportunity to use Its not much but its honest work farmer. With the overalls, David Brandt.

You cannot be serious? Haha

Not all heroes wear capes! Unless your the type to launch and kick packages.

You been saving this list up for a while lol.

While I think brushing, flossing, mouthwash all play an important role. Nobody is teaching you how to breakdown the actual problem. Besides genetics if your hygiene is sufficient. The food and drinks you consume are to blame. Bacteria are influenced from your diet. Change what you consume and your bodily systems will adjust accordingly, that being said cause and effect should be noted. Changing one system will modify others good or bad. Tailor your intakes based on the symptoms your trying to mitigate by learning how those systems work individually and then cohesively together. The fastest way albeit quite inconvenient is to log every food, drink, and consumable item that goes into your mouth each day for X number of days and find trigger foods which cause your symptoms. Analyze and extrapolate the data. Refine through trial and error. Tailor your diet to suit.

I fixed this issue on mine and it took me a few tries, while I'm not currently on my PC you should be able to find some tab along the page you can change the mirrors and it says something like clear packages and there's a few options on a small boxed list deal. Perhaps something like remove duplicate dependencies I really can't remember the boxes so don't quote me. You clear all of them that mention remove or clear. Change mirrors then Sudo update your APT then I switched back to the main Jammy is it? Worked for me. I could better help once I'm back to my computer. It happened to me a few weeks ago as well so my memory is hazy. If your still having trouble in 12 hours once I am able to get to my computer I will help you best I can.

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Boot up from a USB drive that's what I did. I was just about to add the merge list in the update manager as well. Keep me posted if it didn't work. Best of luck.

A gallon or more is generally unhealthy unless your sweating a lot. Or have an underlying health issue.

Good job!

Phone, wallet, keys, 5 USB flash drives of various uses, sharpie, kershaw knife, multitool: I recommend the wave plus with bit kit and ratchet driver from leatherman, ChapStick, and lastly Glock 43x. Plus I usually tote a backpack around and that's a large list of goodies most people are shocked I use often. 32 oz insulated stainless tumbler and medication. If anyone has travel bag suggestions that's easy to carry unlike a backpack please speak up! Links are appreciated.

Especially with migraines.

Yea that's it. I couldn't remember what the options were and I was going to sleep. I'm back online and if you give me a few minutes I can do my best to help. Clear all the options you can and try running sudo apt get update. Sometimes where there's an input output error it can also be a hardware issue such as a bad block on the drive preventing anything from writing to that block. Go to disks. Find your main drive and repair it, then check it the option above repair. After those two repeat the remove dependencies and duplicate/foreign packages. Finally sudo update. See it that helps.

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This needs more upvotes haha

Do you see the affects of climate change year over year?

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Watch out for caffeine in teas people. After 2 weeks of loving green tea 3 or 4 times a day. I got massive migraines when I stopped or even slowed down on consumption. 25mg to 50mg per cup.

Takes a balance of multiple electrolytes potassium, magnesium, calcium, salt, and others. Salt only makes the arteries less able to expand and contract and makes the body hold in water sometimes in unwanted areas. Feet, legs, arms, heart, etc. This is why alot seniors are on water pills.

Cost adds up but their far cheaper than coconut water. Good balance of vitamins and electrolytes. The sugars are high though. Otherwise their solid choices. The lytes are the real choice then if you must add sugar as desired.

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This is why I quit eating out places 😂.

To most its an acquired taste but to me its like I can't get enough!

Holy shit. That's terrible you lost your hearing on one side from a surgery. Its even scarier your going to get the other surgery done and could lose hearing all together. You will one be in my thoughts for sure. Secondly I hope they get you taken care of and people ANC headphones or earbuds will change your life if your a concert goer, gun shooter, construction, basically anything where you need to hear but also protect your hearing. Tinnitus is a removed. Nothing like EEEEEEEEE to soothe the already tense nerves. Thanks for the info. Don't put off health issues people it can only get worse!

Edit: kinda a wild metal story after some thought. Thanks for sharing! Wild

Creepers are dangerous... 😂 Did you smoke enough? Or are you going to a new planet in 15 minutes.

Fuck Already.

The noise from squeezing the bottle especially in any public place.. For 30 to 40 you can get a cold water bidet that hooks into your toilet water. But it is worth it to go heated water and heated dry. Hell even heated seat. Its worth the spend.

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When windows updates it can totally break grub as it tries to flush out anything other than windows by default.

😂 I remember the my first time too.

On one hand as a working citizen they would have never earned that amount in that time most definitely. But all the memories and joys of life gone for money is a tragedy in and of itself. Wrongful convictions happen all the time. Its a cruel unfair world. Prison reform is so underrated. Some of the smartest people one could ever meet are in prison. Sure their legitimate crazies. We need rehabilitation which can take many forms as life isn't black and white as we like to think.

Saturated fats are bad. Unsaturated fats are better for you most fats should come from mono and polyunsaturated fats. Carbs are quick energy broken down into sugars, but raw sugars are bad for blood sugar, and gut bacteria diversity. There needs to be a relative balance of protein, carbs, and fats. Blood sugar shouldn't go up and down in spikes. It should flow like slight rolling hills. Increase the diversity in diets for wide/diverse gut microbiome are super important not probiotic supplements but from actual food sources. Vitamins and minerals should be balanced in foods and drinks, almost all added sugars and salts should be cutout of consumption.

Almost like having everything you need with the bit sets and ratchet driver capable or socket adapters its BIFL for sure. Warranty of 25 years. Service is top notch. I'm ordering a new one tonight lol. New wave plus with bit kit, extender, and looking for the ratchet driver but scalpers gonna scalp so I'm holding out.
