
1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

True. But, the power users leaving will likely have a long term impact.

The thing that set Reddit apart from all the other spaces to settle down on the internet was that Reddit's users made it work, not Reddit.

They had their faults; moderation wasn't perfect. But, it was good in the places it needed to be. Reddit was also very good at attracting "experts" in niche topics. You could reliably trust askscience, askhistorians, whatisthisbug, etc.

Reddit has plenty of memes, porn and funny cats to attract the masses, but it was the power users that made Reddit what it was.

On top of that, Reddit was so customizable because of all the 3rd party apps that had polish. Apollo, BaconReader, etc., no ads and lots of options to choose from to suit your needs.

But, isn't that sort of the point of Lemmy? Link aggregation?

I've been going to all the individual sites as well since leaving Reddit. But, only because the news and politics culture in Lemmy is so atrocious.

Despite its faults, Reddit did an okay job of moderation. It's a shit show here. The posts are all either bots or edgy 8th graders from troll communities. It's a mess.

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This is a lot closer to link aggregation than social media.

After reading all the comments here I'm starting to realize that Lemmy is very jaded. Explains why things are such a mess maybe.

What does that even mean? If I want to understand the world I need to study it?

Lol, wtf? I'm looking for current events. What level of prerequisite historical knowledge would I need where I could bipass what is happening right now all over the world?

And shit... All of Reddit is bad except askhistorians? What?

So, if I understand you correctly, your advice is that I shouldn't trust news and I should study the world? What source should I use to study? Are all sources bias? I'm fucking confused

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Thanks for the list

Some of those are exactly the places I'm talking about. Politics@lemmy.ml is filled with accounts from troll farms. The #4 post there right now is by the worst of the group.

And, if it wasn't bad enough that post fake and misleading stuff, they brigade the votes and manipulate the posts that way as well. It's a disaster.

Ha, man, finally, 20 comments in and someone understands the question.

Based on all the responses so far I'm assuming a well moderated place doesn't exist on Lemmy yet, which is disappointing. I was hoping I just hadn't discovered it yet.

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What the hell is this link? This place makes no fucking sense.

Everyone and their brother is carrying this story. Domestically and world wide. BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, NYT. Literally everyone.

And OP posts a link to mediate.com? What the fuck? Then, end your post with "cue the conspiracy theories?"

What is this place? What a joke

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You'll find no shortage of irony in the Lemmygrad scene, I assure you.

That's why I came here too. Then, it was infested with tankies. Been a strange experience so far.

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Old? Just check most places on Lemmy. The amount of tankie alts is huge. They're everywhere on Lemmy. I've only been here a month and it's clear as day.

Honestly, this entire thread has been a bit of an eye opener for me

This is actually an interesting take.

And, I almost tend to agree. They're awfully tough to digest, even with empathy. Their tactics are.. bad?

It's almost like an abused animal that you'd like to help. But, it's such a threat that you kinda have to leave it be. Every time you try to feed it, it bites and scratches you,and everyone around you.

At some point, despite the empathy, you just let it starve.

Okay. Me too. Meet ya in the next thread where I'll explain to everyone what a troll you are. See ya soon

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Is this a community where we post "cue the conspiracy theories" in our "news" posts? If so, that's fine, your prerogative, I'll just move along to a different community.

Kind of, yes? I've commented on it more than once here.

This is the point you're missing. Although, I guess I'm glad you've stuck around... For some reason...

A place where you have a variety of well vetted sources. A place where you don't have to wade through a sea of "Hunter Biden's laptop", "lizard men" and Infowarriors.

Does news have a slant? Yes. Am I well aware of that? Yes.

The difference is, there's no longer a "both sides". I'm not interested in what some qanon blogger thinks about the Senate. And, here on Lemmy, that goal is achievable. And, I would argue, close.

However, the problem here is that you have bad actors operating unchecked. That is a problem of an immature platform, not an inherent problem with news in general as you've spent a lot of time and words intimating to me.

So, as we bring this bad boy around full circle and I put this behind me; the question is, is there a place for reliable news and politics? The answer to that question is, apparently, not yet. But, I'll hold out hope that it happens because Lemmy is a promising platform that has a lot growing up to do.

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Okay. Fine. So, what is the solution then?

Nobody should pay attention to anything? Where should I get my information? Should I visit all the people and ask them?

How am I going to find out what happened today at the NATO Summit? Should I have gone to Lithuania and attended the summit in person?

Is it alright if I read the article on NPR that explains what legislation past the Senate in the US? Or do I need to go visit the Senate myself so I can eliminate NPR's bias?

I'm very interested in science. Climate change and physics specifically. Where should I find out about the latest discoveries in science? Do I need to read all of the journals myself? Cuz, if so, I'm fucked. I don't have that sort of time.

And, admittedly, even though I consider myself well informed, I'm just not up to speed on all of the equations in astrophysics. So, now, I'm really fucked. Do I need to know a physicist personally so I can ask them?

Sigh... Nevermind. Thanks for trying. You and I live in two different realities. God speed

I think Reddit did a better job than you give them credit for. The may not have achieved eutopia, but they outperform all others who've tried up until this point.

Lemmy has more promise than Reddit, IMO, for well moderated news aggregation because they've seen the reddit model and can replicate it without the bondage of Reddit administration.

The problem, as it seems to me currently, is that Lemmy, specifically in the news and politics realm, lacks moderation of any quality. And, that's not necessarily a shot at moderators either. They're either new to the roll or there aren't enough of them.

They also don't have the benefit of year of users bitching and shaping the rules that govern a community, as Reddit has had.

Because you are a troll. You post lies and nonsense, then come to the comments of every thread and act a fool.

Which article do you mean? Sorry, I'm pretty dumb. Please explain your stance to me? What type of tankie are you referring to? I'm not smart enough to understand. Please elaborate. I'm a troll.

You're a cancer on society.

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I wasn't complaining about bias though. That's the thing. I was asking for reliable news aggregation on Lemmy. Big difference

Nobody here seems to understand that though. Or, very few.

I know news is bias. That isn't the point. It's the posting of blogs, YouTube videos, altering headlines, using alts to brigade voting and push an agenda... Here, on Lemmy, not in the media.

The media is a known commodity. If I read an MSN article, I know their bias. If I read a fox news article, I definitely know their bias.

A bunch of edgy "communists" and qanon accounts manipulating the large news and politics community ON LEMMY is the point. Not the news

What is trolling? Describe it in your own words. English isn't my first language, I'm from Bangladesh-stan.

I only speak Bangladesh-stany. So, please elaborate your ideas? Gracias, por favor, arbor, de la puerta?!

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Man, this whole thread has tried my patience. It's as if not a single Lemmy user thinks that current events are worth following.

I'm not sure where everyone is getting their information, but this response is sorta terrifying.

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You should ask more questions and give less answers.

You came here and explained a bunch of nonsense. That's why you got a passive aggressive response.

Your comment is not only jaded and wrong, but it's also not what I asked. You just came here to pontificate about your conspiracy theories about the media.

Which, for the record, is exactly sort of stuff this post was inspired by. Hyperbole and dribble. You didn't say anything of substance. You just talked down to me and rambled on about how nobody can trust the news. And that, is nonsense.

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Article? Which article? This article? I'm not sure what you're referring to.

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Your definition of the word fact is seriously questionable.

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Did you apply your critical thinking to this answer?

If you did, I'm gonna have to advise you to take your own advice, since this answer in no way answers the question.

So, if I think critically, the truth is somewhere in the middle?

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