
3 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

We don't use the word "Spyware" like we did twenty years ago. It's baked into Windows now.

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The most valuable company in history with a market cap of $2.96 TRILLION dollars is screwing their employees to save an otherwise negligible amount of cash? Steve Jobs would be proud.

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You mean to tell me that purchasing what is essentially a URL hosted on someone else's server is a poor investment?

Shocked Pikachu Face

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I'm baffled by the unrealistic demand for constant infinite growth from corporate shareholders and management. Those days are numbered.

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Oh the damage has already been done. Trust is a hell of thing. Gained in inches and lost in miles. Let this be another cautionary tale for the rest of them.

I installed Pop OS on my laptop since it's pretty gaming friendly. Between that and the Steam Deck, Windows 10 might be my last version of Windows for personal use.

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I knew Tyson was a trash company, but this is blatantly predatory; up there with Nestle. They won't get any more of my money, but I wish there was an easy way to know which house (store) brands are using Tyson.

Technology is allowing us to live "longer," but not necessarily "better."

We shouldn't be ruled by geriatrics. Age limits need to be a thing.

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My old job at a large corporation didn't want to pay Nortel to fly out from Dallas to host a proper two week telecommunications class to train their new support personnel. Instead they made this 65 year old "Ma Bell" tech to cobble together and teach a one and a half day crash course. I left with a notebook full of unfinished CLI commands, shorthand notes and just enough information to probably not bring down the entire enterprise PBX system. Good times.


Native Mississippian here. I can't speak for Alabama, but parts of Mississippi, like the Mississippi Delta, are among the most impoverished parts of the country. While crime is relatively low apart from gang activity, I do remember seeing a notice at a Mississippi delta Dominos location with a special map on the wall. It showed parts of town they would not deliver to after dark.

My wife is from the Midwest and thought that was the most peculiar thing she had ever seen.

On the flip side, there are pockets of disproportionate wealth peppered across the state. These places are beautiful, but mostly unobtainable due to housing shortages and sky high interest rates. If you're lucky enough to snag a home in or around these nicer areas, the already low cost of living in the state can actually be quite nice.

Pirates keep many things alive. 🏴‍☠️🦜

Am I brain damaged or is part of the joke the fact that the screenshot isn't legible?

Ninja Edit Nevermind. The Boost app seems to default to low res images.

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Back when we saw the death of the floppy disk, I knew optical media's days were numbered. Twenty years ago we had no idea that everything was going to be "something as a service." Enshitification hadn't been invented yet.

Dear God that sounds like it would send my anxiety through the roof. Crazy original idea though. I'd still try it.

Once the brand becomes a core part of someone's identity, the company can do no wrong and it's extremely difficult to convince them otherwise. The level of willful ignorance is astonishing. We have a similar problem in American politics.

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Honestly, how much better can they get? I love to have the latest gadgets as much as the next guy, but I've got bills and shit too.

Still rocking my Pixel 4a.

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It's a good selling point for the 512GB model. I don't have to see how fugly I am during my loading screens.

People who don't use ad blockers get a MUCH different experience. Especially on mobile. I made the decision to pony up the cash for an app called AdGuard years ago. It hosts its own VPN locally on your phone and filters traffic through it. The first time I learned how it worked I thought "Damn, that's a really good idea!"

I only learned that I was raised by a major league narcissist with anger management problems after I met my wife. She has training in clinical counseling and helped me realize that soooo much of my personality and habits can be traced back to my upbringing. Turns out my grandfather treated him the same way.

Generational trauma is a cruel monster that many of us never learn about. That's a damn shame too.

Ah, the elusive "C o u r a g e" port.

The people here seem much nicer...for the moment.

I'm a tinkerer. Give me that Android freedom any day.

I started working a tech job at a large university a couple of months ago and it's a very different world and atmosphere than when I was in school 20 years ago.

There has been an explosion of growth in the past 30 years or so just south of Memphis, TN; mostly due to the lower Mississippi taxes. It's a decent area. Jackson, MS is about three hours south and it's a straight up shit hole. To be fair, Memphis isn't far behind with their gangs wielding shoulder fired rocket propelled grenades.

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I just hate that he took three innocent lives with him. Fuck that guy. This kind of hate is a blight on our country.

Guess I'm done talking shit about Clippy.

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Louisiana, along with the rest of the Southern states are great until you leave the areas with the buildings and the learning.

Cave hermit here and I was delighted the first time I launched Quake 3 Arena on a linux distro. I'm wading deeper into the linux pool since Microsoft has lost their mind. Ads have no place in an operating system.

Gaming has tied me to Windows for decades, but thanks to companies like Valve and System 76 the long awaited shift may continue accelerating.

I'm glad to be here to see it.

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My local power company operates as a co-op utility company and ISP that runs gigabit fiber to my curb. <$100/month. Community owned utilities can be amazing when done right.

Source:North Mississippi, USA

You the real MVP.

  • H o N k! h O n K! *

Christian here and I think this is awesome! Some of us are ignorant, closed-minded dipshits and I am truly sorry. Truth be told, this Jesus guy was pretty great, but most of his fan club is fucking nuts.


Let that arrogant asshole reap what he sows.

Reddit leadership forgot where their value comes from. Let it burn.They reap what they sow.

That melty golden-orange loaf of processed cheese product. 🧀 We call it Velveeta now.

I'll second KSP. I learned a ton from that game.

You might say he took Adjit on it.

The academic model of capitalism has safeguards in place to prevent the shitshow we're living in now. Leave it to us Americans to knock off those safeguards because we're greedy as hell.

We've had an identical experience. It's sad to see the enshitification of GMail.