4 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

I'm going crazy Saddam Hussein is everywhere

What the fuck. Where was this in my life????

For not using pagers?

Someone! Draw an oil painting of this, please.

Most people don't know Linux. Those that do know it for the bad rep it has. Steam decks are the easiest way to explain that Linux isn't as complicated as arch and isn't as unusable as macOS for gaming

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I would laugh and call it a great shitpost if it wasn't lemmy and at least one out of six would agree with it

Firefox because it has extensions

Frieza is FTM.

I'm gonna fucking get sick from every milk yogurt and ayran in existence, DO NOT DO THIS


Even if I hate him I can't agree that he is ugly, at worst he's average

Women are a bit better today than yesterday

Pixel machine broke

Dude you can't just post that without an nsfw tag

I always thought 8gb was a fine amount for daily use if you never did anything too heavy, are apps really that ram intense now?

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You might enjoy lua or lune.

Fractional scaling is available, I remember using it from the settings. There is really nothing left to be configured from console anymore, and if there is it seems to be the apps themselves that pose a problem

I always wondered why it didn't exist until now...

I made a script to add a middle click scroll function with a toggle. I can share the script, it's a really bash script

Talk about debuffing yourself

Have you seen flux.1? It blows stable diffusion out the water and it just came out, boomers and millennials alike might be unable to confirm anything anymore

Bait used to be believable

Please tell me what a debate bro is for the people who don't know the terminology

Roblox works, look up Sober.

I don't mind communism. I do mind advocating for Russia, in a war where they are clearly the aggressor, and harassing then moving to harass the same left wing for not being as radical or as pro-russian and deluding themselves with false beliefs that they are alone and no one is left wing other than them

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I don't think ai will replace my job any time soon when it's first thought for going through a 2d matrix was to go through it 500 thousand times and check each one with a CPU intensive process leading my pc to come to a halt until I force stopped the script.

Fuck you harry potter if you won't take the blunt I'll hit it

Haven't they done a national referendum over this

A Turkish tech chain uses base Ubuntu, that is all I saw

Governments aren't the ones paying big tech, they protect monopolies if that's what you mean. Even then that's dubious with what's happening recently in europe and America

Or is clarifying further after being asked a question about it. That seems to be the most natural result, no?

Fuck I should've done that

I still wonder why people say it sucks when chrome and brave which I both tried had the same stuff

Anything with. Nvidia will actually be a better experience outside of Wayland on Linux, most people don't want to acknowledge it but it really is the case

Sober works very well, and if their devices are low-end sober has been proven to improve FPS by a few

Whether or not it's a valid counter point you continue to act superior when all you achieve is be a massive dick to people that don't mind the thumbnail or video

Most of that is discord, they can't manage a single good thing right Use more GPU than the game I'm playing? Check. Have an inefficient method of streaming a game? Check. Be laggy as fuck when no longer on GPU acceleration when lemmy and guilded is fine? Check.

I can't even call steam deck on windows dumb without getting SITE banned, SITE

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Kill the baby