19 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.

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I think that's the bug they put in Neo in the first Matrix film

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Imagine putting Alpha Male in your profile

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Big corporation: Whoops, we lost this game so we can't re-release it. Sorry. Even if we found it, it's not worth our time/money porting it.

Meanwhile, random person on the internet: I've updated this emulator so you can play old games at 4k 60fps for free. The weird bug that was never fixed at launch is now gone too.

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Wait I'm confused... You're asking for a fan-made mod to be added to the Switch version of Stardew? 🤔

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Imagine basing your personality around a watch

No way, please tell me that subreddit is satire 😱

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Hoi! :3

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How would being more accurate distract from the point? I agree with what the post is saying, but making up statistics doesn't really help IMO and takes away from the credibility

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To be honest I have plenty of games in my backlog to play. Buuuut if there are any really good deals on Tunic, Pizza Tower, Tetris Effect or Cult of the Lamb I maybe consider them.

I should probably reduce my backlog first though...

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Yes I think you're right. People haven't changed, but the environment has changed - it's continually getting better at manipulating us.

Lemmy does have a limited amount of content, but what it does have seems to be of higher quality. Which is perfect! We don't need constant, cheap content.

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The ant apocalypse doesn't sound all that bad to be fair. Lets give them a chance

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I can't tell if this is art or vandalism

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Gotta be B, right? But then if the victims had no momentum... ah this hurts my brain

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First it's the ants, and now rodents aren't allowed to read? And sapient paper cups? Unbelievable

You better deliver on this...

I like the sound of this! The Starfield coffee article was funny. $7 a month miiiight be a little bit much for me - but I'll keep an eye on this and if the journalism is decent and they put out a fair number of articles I'll definitely consider it. I guess I used to spend around that amount on gaming magazines...

It doesn't seem like this post was meant to be hyperbolic though? Hyperbole doesn't work well in the context of numbers. If someone said 1 in 100 people drive a Toyota, how would I differentiate that from being an actual figure or hyperbole? It's not obvious unless you look into it. Likewise, if someone told me that 1 in 400 people in the US get shot every day I'd struggle to tell if that's true or not, given how much I hear about gun crime over there.

This post is quite clearly framed in a way that sounds like fact.

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I like the concept of these phones, but I think it's still a few years off being viable. Half the price and improve the battery, then I'll be interested.

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An older film I really recommend is Twelve Angry Men. No special effects or camera work. Just twelve jurors in a room discussing a murder case - and I was hooked throughout! Perfectly paced.

I did this for the Witness - it really helped to think out some of the puzzles if scribbled possible solutions down. Oh and Obra Dinn to an extent - mostly things like 'I saw this guy hanging around in this memory - could he be X'?

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Is this Skyrim? What texture pack are you using

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It depends on the game. For something like COD, it feels like it goes against the fast-paced nature of the game. However, in squad-based games like Battlefield it's a sensible tactic. You want to observe your surroundings and do some overwatch rather than running in guns blazing. (However if you're just sitting on a hill sniping other snipers for 30 minutes rather than playing the objective it can be annoying).

ProtonDB is great - I usually check that before buying a game

That's actually really cool. Why is there a little screen on the top right??

Whoa that's awesome. If it's not immediately clear from the title, this is the Science Museum in London. If you've ever in London, I'd highly recommend it - loads to see (including an IMAX). This arcade looks huge and I love how they've split it into different eras and genres.

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Damn, I really want a decent way to play 2&3 on Deck. Given the lazy ports, I'm tempted to wait for some updates to fix things and then find alternative methods of obtaining these.

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Why do these people hold a position of power?

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Lol fair enough, I can understand why you'd think that.

I'm quite capable of thinking figuratively. But in the way that this post is framed, I'm pretty sure any layperson would take the figures as being based on some actual statistics. It's deceptive, and I don't think that's a good look if anyone were to look into this in any detail. If you're going to make an analogy, make it actually analogous. And if you want to use hyperbole, use it in a way that's clear (i.e. by not mixing in numbers)

But if the door is coming at you fast, isn't the 'room' too?

Lol, does the cat not mind being an arm rest?

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Took me a minute

I've started a new playthrough of Fallout New Vegas. Never got round to finishing it last time, so hopefully will do now! So far I've added some stability mods and a new radio station. Anyone got any other mod recommendations?

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I agree with what others have said about gamifying life. For example, 'oh it's 5pm, I need to spend 30 minutes doing some tidying before I can play a game again'. And for games with no clear end point, set yourself goals so you know when to take a break. 'Once I've built this factory, I need to take an hour's break before I can play again'.

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100 clamories, cluten free, 2g clarbs

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Squeak :3

This is a difficult one to answer as most RPGs I can think of have some combination of the stuff that puts you off. Have you tried the Witcher 3 (great story, and the RPG elements are fairly simplified) or Deus Ex: Human Revolution? And if you've played Nier Replicant and enjoyed it, I think you'd love Nier Automata.

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As a layperson, what's valuable about the source code in particular?

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ctrl+1 and ctrl+2. Buuuut it doesn't work when a game is running :(

I've considered learning python to try and write a plugin that could help with this... but I don't imagine I'll be ready with that any time soon as I basically have no programming knowledge.

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This may actually be the perfect solution! Internal vibration. Imagine playing Forza and feeling your insides jiggle as you accelerate through a corner. Possibly the closest thing to actually driving a car.

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