1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Note: this advice should not be applied to condoms.

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I will say this as often as I can, getting the ol snip snip was the best decision I've ever made.

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"Yes I understand you have ADHD, but have you tried just having fewer symptoms that inconvenience me?"

I have a simple soup rule: if they judge you poorly for you or soup, judge them poorly as a person.

Great. now the search engine will tell me "I am not designed to provide that information" when I don't use the specific, constantly changing magic words it wants.

This also reminds me that I'm still annoyed my phone options are more or less limited Android and iPhone.

If they don't call it Chick-fa-licks I'll be disappointed. I mean as a whole I find the company upsetting already, but I will add disappointment to that.

I feel like my oats have been disparaged. The peasantry demands an apology.

It's called working in IT. Gotta make sure those servers are up.

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I own [MyFullName].com just so I can have the email me@[MyFullName].com.

Yeah, I guess my comment did come off like that. Oh well, live and learn.

I grew up going to various Christian schools as a kid. While it wasn't a common viewpoint, I did hear of it from time to time.

The reason behind it, to my knowledge, was that Catholic practices would often be significantly different from other denominations' practices. The biggest thing I can think of is the veneration of and praying to saints.

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But depending on cost, in my hopeful optimistic universe, that could mean bringing back replaceable batteries.

I felt that was true for a long time. There are a lot of sub-genres out there that don't promote that kind of thing. Honestly, and this is probably me wearing a conspiracy theorist hat, a lot of hip-hop that essentially glorified a lot of horrible traits was just what a lot of old, rich white dudes figured would make them money.

Counter example: (sorry about the YT link, but that's where I know this lives)

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I tend to just feel bad for the characters involved, I don't understand the appeal.

The desire to be productive after 10pm is the hardest part about living in an apartment for me.

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Wasn't he also a paranoid schizophrenic? Depending on how it manifests, that shit can change your entire personality.

I always wonder how much of the ad hell some websites have is necessary to maintain the website and pay employees a (hopefully) livable wage vs pure greed.

One of the worst things, in my opinion, that came from the old Internet was just how shady and sometimes dangerous ads are.

What's going on with that guy?

IIRC its also common for folks with the 'tism as well. There are a few other sources for this, none of which I can think of at the moment.

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What I'm hearing is it would be more efficient to go back and time and prevent this than to go back in time and kill Hitler.

If/when this happens it will just lead to a rise in aftermarket products to disable the feature.

Hell, since they will probably use AI to parse the audio you can probably use it to fuck with your friends. Like when people would put out hyper-specific FB ads but via cars.

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Human brains have the strangest triggers.

'This exact thing will definitely kill me, this nearly identical thing is fine.'

Existence is wild.

Matrix is great, if only I could convince my friends to use it.

I like how the link makes it look like scientist cats are being talked about.

You just need to try harder! 🙄

Oh I get that, I'd do the same in his position. I just literally meant I found it amusing.

EDD sounds similar enough to ED that people might get the wrong idea.

With that being said, I'm not going to use the term extensively.

What has helped me with this was seeking out local bands and seeing them live. Check out local bars with live music nights or open mics, wander around the biggest city in your area and look for interesting flyers and stickers, or [other useful advice]. As a bonus, when you find bands you like they often play shows with bands that are of a genre you'd never seek out yourself.

Sounds like you need new friends. I wonder if there's a market for an app to find workout buddies?

I'm a software dev. I went to a recruiter and shouted "ME WANT JORB!!!1" and they gave me one.

However, I was only able to get my foot in the door because of friends I made in school.

Okay, hear me out here. We should ban smoking meat next. Just the stuff that has been marinated or seasoned. You know, for the kids.

A close friend of my deals with schizoaffrctive disorder. One of the greatest guys I know, but it definitely has a huge impact on his life.

I'm not aware of anything. Why are you looking, maybe there is something similar out there.

I haven't gotten to the depths yet, but some responses seem earnest. Different degrees of proof needed when confirmation bias is in play.

Not wanting to bother neighbors downstairs, mostly.

Never wanted them, pretty sure I'd have a mental breakdown if I tried to raise one

I'd say that most forms of music have some kind of rhythm instrument, often those are some form of percussion instrument.

I've definitely heard some experimental stuff that didn't use any form of rhythm instruments. Then again, you can just record the ambient sound of a city and call that music, so to each their own.

I don't know what that is, but it sounds like something to check out. Thanks for the heads up.

I know I will let myself go when I'm in the midst of being deeply depressed, but then again I usually don't get much past my bed then. So that could be some of it.

I used to have a buddy that stank to high heaven, good dude overall, but damn did he smell. Turned out that he never washed his clothes. Once he got in the habit of doing that the problem resolved itself quickly.

The only other thing I can think of would be some Andrew Tate types going on about some made up benefits of 'natural male musk ' or something like that. Not sure if anyone is doing that, but I could see some men taking to that advice.

Someone with memory issues and ADHD? Unheard of!