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Joined 10 months ago

this is a PTSD thing right?

To use an analogy, imagine you're fat and trying to lose weight. Someone admits they are attracted to you, "sure, as long as you're still fat". Can you see how this would not be a good basis for a healthy relationship? You could even say it is a sign of a "chubby chaser". Likewise for transness.

Also, people are overly sensitive because being denied full/legitimate relationships is a frequent pain point for trans people (esp trans women). The classic trope is the boyfriend who will take you on dates but refuse to introduce you to his friends/relatives.

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So yeah, I can see why a queer friendly instance would defederate an instance whose admins promote/defend that sort of rhetoric. Hexbear might have jumped the gun (as I told them at the time- the turnaround time was less than 24 hours and the head admin had no chance to respond) but the blahaj admins weren't great either

Potentially yes, they can exhibit similar patterns. In fact lots of cishet women have also complained about being objectified because their (potential) dating partner is attracted not to the whole package but to a specific part of them- it's a classic feminist talking point. The "chaser" label gets added when the person being objectified is marked as deviant in some way. But it's def not just cishet men who are capable of it.

It's not just being attracted, it's being attracted conditional on the person having x characteristic (that they might not even want to have). That's the very definition of fetishizing/objectifying and it's not toxic to criticize it.

I will grant that this is more of an issue for relationships than for hookups etc. As a wise woman once told me- chasers are gross, but they also help pay her rent, so really it's impossible to say if they're bad or not.

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Ok I went and looked it up, the original question in the screenshot was about specifically dating and specifically trans men. Not a one night stand, and not someone who likes being a woman

Varoufakis (Marxist econ professor and also briefly the Greek finance minister) wrote a book about this called "the adults in the room". He's biased of course but I respect him a lot

My (we're Russian) mom always said it was because true cowboys know that if you take them off a scorpion could crawl in, so better safe than sorry

Precocious puberty has been a thing forever and the first medications for delaying it by regulating hormones have been around since the 1980s. I think that should be the jumping off point for research. However afaik the same sorts of drugs are also commonly used to treat cancer in adults.

Here is an article about their use in treating trans people with links to various studies

We already tried this with something awful and it was still in fact kinda awful

Maybe the solution is to have peaceful armed demonstrators 🤔

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thanks for sharing

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this mentality made me doubt and question and delay for too long so i try to push back on it when i see it. You don't actually need to have always "known" or "shown signs". If you feel like experimenting you can just try it.

It's more a question of culture imo, not necessarily site design. I've seen a few communities use reddit for microblogging (posting quick half formed thoughts in self post). No reason it couldn't happen on lemmy

the tech term is website

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That entire process still needs lots of cash up front does it not?

This is a use case for a browser extension imo. never understood the point of having share buttons built in to a site, esp for services I don't use.

With an extension the user has a smoother, customizable UI - and no need for the web developer to do anything except provide a shareable url.

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Check out lemmy sync as well! Excellent app. Also don't tell anyone but if you use the "list" display mode (instead of cards as default) on the free version, it doesn't show any ads.

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the greatest trick the capitalists ever pulled etc etc

Idk I hear misskey (activitypub micro blogging software, compatible but distinct from mastodon) is really big in Japan, used by lots of artists. lots of Japanese users on bluesky as well

Here specifically it's a technique to alter images that makes them distorted for the "perception" by generative neural networks and unusable as training data but still recognizable to a human.

The general term is

One example of a tool that does this is but I have doubts about its imperceptibility

Peertube uses it already, maybe this will too

wow we found one in the wild (no offense). But seriously I would like to know, why not give your kids the chance to decide for themselves as well?

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They're testing calling now actually. Idk how good it is but I saw the option in settings

Seeing as we still have capitalism and racism I wouldn't quite say it worked, but yeah it made people take them more seriously and we would do well to study how exactly it failed

They removed it from the main body as like, an organizing principle. and left it in only one sentence at the end.

This book review (never got around to reading the book itself) made me understand why people think "it's tradition" is a valid explanation at least sometimes. I disagree still but i couldn't find any counterarguments.

Yes, by being a bigger instance with piss poor moderation. We'd be overrun with trolls and spammers

The actual incentive is money. Army service pays so much more than average salary in the underdeveloped/depressed regions (kinda like in the US actually)


Why the hell not? The only thing keeping the UN off Israel's back is the US. And by itself Israel has no veto so the UN could actually do something.

Likewise, why do you think a us president that intervened in Israel militarily would get impeached? The presidency is structured so that the president has a lot of leeway in military action, which presidents have used to great effect. E.g. Iraq was horrible and based on a lie but nobody got impeached after

That's not very reassuring for the individual humans tho :(

the lemmy devs added per user instance blocks a while ago. Check your settings page

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citation needed?

I mean, I wouldn't exactly call him NOT a war criminal (same as Obama). He continued our various foreign involvements and often made them worse.

Yes I'm just saying that if the sides (even if they are enemies like Russia/NATO) are not interested in going to war, they will tolerate isolated incidents. even with casualties. This isn't something unique to the america-israel relationship

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Yanis goes a bit overboard with stating that capitalism kinda no longer exists, since it really is about a new group of rich people simply inserting their companies as evil middlemen who leach money off the whole system.

The difference between rents and profits in economics is crucially important tho, and so many people in these threads seem not to get it. one is progressive and at least in theory moves us closer to post scarcity. and the other does the complete opposite. Yanis is right to emphasize that difference. And his proposals are perfectly market based- he wants to use the government to create competition for the current digital rentiers. if you force them to compete again so they might get back to providing added value instead of just being leeches.

People love to harp about Radical Marxist Muslim Obama but he was onto the same thing with his "public option". Just like it is now hard to live without interacting with big tech, it's hard to live without interacting with private health insurance. And in the same way, health insurance can never be a truly free market because the opportunity cost of not buying insurance is well, you know..