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Joined 12 months ago

It's true that it's not always about the money, but it's probably never about a ping pong table

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could had posted a picture of a horse it would be just as helpful but a lot funnier

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.

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its actually 4 triangles resting on eachother

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best way to cheat is to commit the information to memory, works best if you also understand said information. It's undetectable.

its not wireless the tit is the wire. Wireless would be touching the mothers skin and the milk is just transfered to the baby.

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i always forget about that loser lol

transfered is also not a good way to say it, it would be like the baby has the ability to produce milk inside its body with the energy that is coming off the mothers skin. Something like that

bad parenting keeps children indoors

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maybe look up the definition of cheating

do you mean a regular usb cable with a tit shaped connector?

SEC is super busy <s>fighting market corruption and naked shorting</s> watching pron... cut them some slack.

Uhm, actually... it's called "Um, actually".

Just don't forget the growth hormones!

ok but, are you high?

greatest trick was creating relegions. Its probably the number one cause of war missery and rape.

edit : i meant to reply to the op.

edit: i was being an ass so i delete it

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seeing people get all upset and bothered and acting like white knights for corporations that would instantly f them over first chance they get to make a buck was always a boost to my confidence, no matter what happens at least i will never be that stupid.

i think there are multiple ways to ensure that people will still work for you in such a senario, i doubt they are that stupid that they will rely on cash in the apocalypse. If we can think that wouldn't work out so can they. There are other commodities that you can secure and make sure you are the only one that knows how to get access to them combined with having a few trusted guards that are given a lot of power when working under you which they wish to keep, you can get a lot of people to stay in line with limiting their resources and having a small core of loyal armed men. Before inventing money we still had people rich in other ways that had a bunch of people working under them, it's not going to be very different after the collapse. Although i do agree with the statement that a bunker unless it's to protect yourself from a nuke or whatever or long term radiation is not a good idea especially when shared with strangers.

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i am someone that has had a very traumatic experience when i was 8, i don't like going into details but it was one of the topics u talked about. I understand how it feels because i am feeling it.

I believe that shielding yourself inside a bubble is never a good idea and its analogous to hidding under your blanket when you are scared, if someone got into your home, staying under your blanket might comfort you but ultimately it could get you killed. But in the end it's your life so you are entitled to live it the way you choose as am i.

What grinds my gears about "trigger warnings" is the way it's beeing used lately where everyone has triggers about stupid things even though a lot of them never had any real serious trauma but they like the attention and playing the victim, hopefully you understand where im coming from.

if something actually happened to you and you are just feeling too weak or not ready to deal with those feelings or fears then its understandable and we have all been there one way or another, its still not the right choice in my thinking but temporarily i 100% would do anything you asked until you were ready to move on. But you can't be afraid of words forever that's not something i would ever support.

The issue for me is that for a lot of people getting triggered is not a temporary weakness but a way of life...

I am sure im not getting my point across very well and i apologize for that. From your response i see you are trying to understand and im grateful.

have you already made one with beans?

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I would go the other way around but maybe im the twat and that's why. Man, this made me reevaluate.

the guy was forced from his parents due to doctors advice

i am extremely lazy and often dont brush as long as i should, e-brush makes it a bit easier and it has a timer so i know im not done yet. But overal for normal people i guess there isn't any real benefit

it was a documentary on tv about a guy that tried to detransition but for whatever reason was not happy with it

did i say we should allow politicians to choose? i swear most people here try to push their agenta one way or another. People replying saying things that dont exist in my comment. My reply was about letting each person choose their path when they are old enough to make that choice but it turned into fashion, countles stories of parents that want to have the "im progressive" stamp so they push their children to change gender, why not let them be? if they ask to change gender then you can talk about it and have specialists talk to the child to make sure that this is really what it wants, but letting doctors be the one to suggest it is crazy to me, if the child doesn't initiate that conversation.

how about jum?

how, how is it possible for me to know each persons triggers so i can warn them? even this discussion could be a trigger, did u preface ur comments with a warning? Its arrogant and only for spoiled privileged people to ask for trigger warnings. It takes 0 efford to stop talking or listening to what "triggers" you. just because ur entitled ass thinks that you are the center of the world and everyone should care about ur silly sensitivities doesn't mean its going to happen. I swear only rich (relatively to the rest of the world) first world people have these arrogant and entitled demands.

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i have been locked in the same building with my ceo making a tiny fraction of what he is making my whole life like most people, i would never pull their finger nails to get money as long as i get enough money to survive, not because i pity them or anything but because im not a psychopath and as long as it's not completely necessary for my survival i wouldn't do something like that. Like most people.

By that logic people would be pulling their fingernails now in order to get money out of them, what's the difference?

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I did look it up and i stand corrected.

dont let your dreams be dreams my dude

you are talking about a hypothetical scenario of an apocalypse but you fail to realize that you are already living it, your bunker is your country, the rich people are the same as your scenario and you are being taken advantage of just like in your hypothetical. If you was to do something you would be doing it now

I don't understand what you mean, i was just helping OP out, a lot of people make this mistake.

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not trying to insult anyone. To me that is overly sensitive. If you need trigger warnings you are overly sensitive. Its not a bad thing to be overly sensitive. I think if someone feel like they need trigger warnings what they actually need is therapy. Trigger warnings are not possible outside of circle jerking groups, get tough or get therapy until you can deal with your life without getting rekt because someone mentioned rape or whatever is your trauma. Best of luck.

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I do not think Nazis means specifically them, nazis is just a word that describes nationalists extremists. But i might be wrong.

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They still are for overly sensitive people.

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