1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No an overly helpful suggestion maybe, but I used to look for servers hosting the cars service manual whenever I had issues. But that was in the early 2010s, so not sure where to look for them now.

While I understand the sentiment, such action doesn't match the long term goals of the bloc to unify the continent. Another solution needs to be found to ensure single bad actors cannot hold up actions which severely impact the remaining stakeholders - I have no idea how it could be done though.

Xoxo, Another useless armchair observer

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This is not correct for devices being sold to the EU at least. Part of the amendment to the Radio Equipment Regulation outlines the exact standards for power delivery that must be used, and that interfaces which are capable of being charged @ > 15W must "ensure that any additional charging protocol allows for the full functionality of the USB Power Delivery...".

For data transfer, I don't see the point and future improvements to USB will come from industry in future.

The only way around this is with a wireless charging protocol, but manufacturers are moving away from that it appears.

Not sure I'm ready for suicide memes.

Everyone is a bit shit here (including whoever came up with that title...). No one "won" anything here.

DoE wanted to use "emergency" measures to survey miner's energy use, which is likely outside of the scope of the original intent of such powers (which appears to be why the judge granted a temporary restraining order?).

The Bitcoin miner's claim the data release would cause "irreparable harm to their business..." If that's not an admission of guilt, then I don't know what is.

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As I commented above, the regulation clearly states "any additional charging protocol allows for the full functionality of PD.. irrespective of the charging device used."

So they can't have both unless they split EU & RoW devices.

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Zoom out to the 5 year graph and it tells another story.

Also such events (which are non-catastrophic) are not entirely uncommon.

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The one thing I don't see mentioned enough for keeping your apartment cool is to close all windows and draw all curtains during the day and open them when the temperature outside is lower than that inside (normally ~an hour after sunset).

Heat reflects off all surface, so it's not just about keeping light out.

Blinds on the outside of your windows help significantly too.

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I don't think this ends in beheadings, but there will (hopefully) be significant follow on effects. A threat to consumer confidence in flying is a risk to the entire industry, all Boeing's competitors and the airlines will be screaming for the FAA to get the actions right here...

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Not owning a car with smart features

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Op comes here looking for positivity and you just slam dunk life back in their face. I like it!

That would be the most pleasant way to go :)

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12 meteors, 8 volcanoes and 10 tornadoes incoming you say?

The daily mail is not a reliable news source. Your friend should speak to their healthcare specialist for advice on flying if they haven't already

Mine shows only those which have already loaded. Once more have loaded, I can continue to scroll.

In many cases, I agree, but this comment definitely isn't true for those with mental illness etc. I would argue it's a matter of perspective, and not all aspects of perspective can be changed on a whim.

I mean if you have air conditioning, then most tips here are irrelevant and the only tip would be "put your air conditioning on".

Almost all areas on or north of the Alps don't have AC (cos they never needed it) and buildings are made to keep heat in.

Any idea where can I find more info on this specifically?

Oof... Big miss by me...thanks

You need an incredibly robust quality management system to even achieve certification (allowing you to place on the market) when creating systems which include life support function, or functions which potentially could kill a user. All potential changes both within and outside of the manufacturers' control MUST be assessed and constantly monitored so such issues CANNOT arise.

No one should be able to legally place an unsafe app on the market, or legally perform changes to the app without the necessary checks and balances.

Medical device approvals in most countries are definitely not the wild west. Although they are not perfect.

Skyrim. I've probably topped 1000hours over different platforms since release

The Tories have literally just stolen conservative Australia's early 2000's immigration policies. Offshore "processing" which never actually happens, hardline "stop the boats!" which in reality is just "ban journalists talking about the boats" and "break down the smuggling gangs" which ends up just being "throw money at a foreign regime to enable our companies to exploit their resources via shitty contracts".

If this had anything to do with bringing order to the asylum process, it would involve providing resources to said process.


Laptops are being gradually added to the list of devices within scope of this change. It only counts for any new device being sold on the market after the changes take effect.

The clause only makes sure that chargers do not limit, when connected to competitors devices. The regulation is coming from an e-waste perspective, which the EU has made it clear that it is not interested in entertaining or letting companies push them around.

Mass effect?

Is this not standard AAA title pricing?

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A man named Michel Thomas created a series of audio lessons to teach a number of languages, including German. He does it in a simulated classroom type of environment where one "student" makes common mistakes and he corrects them, so you get to hear someone else make the mistake first.

He also teaches you the necessary words to enable you to start understanding others speaking he language quickly. I found combining this with Duolingo and the super cheesy Extr@s TV series (once you have the basics) allowed me to go from 0 to speaking to people within 6 weeks and understanding 95% within 6 months.

I learnt Spanish and German from his audiobooks. They are worth the money if you can afford it and/or cannot pirate it.

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I bought a projector and purposely didn't buy blackout blinds for the room it's in. It means when the weather is nice outside, I can't sit on the couch and waste time. If I'm desperate or sick then I'll use my laptop.

It ended up in me spending a lot more time outdoors and getting back into climbing. Keeps me healthier and sane tbh.

I like the first half of your comment, but the second is really hard to swallow. I guess you meant "severe" or "debilitatingly" painful/disabled life, and I don't think you meant malice in what you're saying - but I know some people living with disabilities that would see your comment as calling them worthless.

I would agree, but I would not want to sleep with them on as OP requested.

You have lost your licence to food with #2 there.

DigiKam and it's associated plugins are what I use to sort, manage and store photos. It does have facial recognition option too, but I have not used it until now.

Looks like bananas will be going up in price tomorrow :)

COVID politics was a shitshow because of the noisy information being used to make "informed" decisions. No democratic politician has it in their interest to drive their local economy into the ground, as it is political suicide (as we see across Europe now).

They never cared about YOUR health, they cared about not losing a generation worth of useful working bodies.

Most applications assume max 2 charge/discharge cycles per day, don't they?

And where space is not an issue, a cheaper option could be favourable? Im afraid I don't understand both your points

I noticed that as part of the LaTeX description, thanks for confirming! I will take a look at scribus.

get away with FTFY

Are you talking about a pure socialist country, or socialist aspects within any system?

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Thanks for the suggestion, I started looking into LaTeX during my studies but never went through with learning it. Others have suggested Scribus, is there a reason why you might opt for LaTeX over that for this case?