
1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wiki was getting popular when I was in college over 10 years ago. I recall a history professor telling me not to use Wikipedia as source. I am like, okay, I will just use the source wiki uses, which are pretty solid in my opinion. Wiki came a long way.

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The old folks had a good time. Younger generation can't afford sht.

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The US desperately needs a high speed rail road. It's long overdue. It's the future. This should be a bi-partisan project.

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The problem with Japan right now is that it's in and heading toward decline. They can't even sustain. Wage are low, price are high. They seriously need to relax on the immigration policy.

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I've been on reddit for over a decade. There were clear signs of Russian trolls on reddit during the 2016 election. What I witnessed was that people in general were very easily deceived.

No longer on reddit so i cant tell of they are there, but the Chinese spam and disinformation bots/accounts are quite active on Twitter(X). I follow dozens of Chinese dissidents on Twitter and each time they tweet something, there are 5-10 bots tweeting sexual contents. It's ridiculous.

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PFAS also dissolve easily in water, and a 2023 report from the US Geological Survey revealed that PFAS have been found in 45% of drinking water in the US, including private wells and public water supplies.

This happened back in 2012 when economy was suffering from the 08 market crash. I worked for a third party utility company. The kind that signs you up and rates go sky rocket high. Anyway, the firm hired a lot of data entry folks including myself. It was an interesting time because there were no jobs for many years. We have teachers, a chemical engineer, a stock trader, college students, personal trainer working at this dead-end minnimum wage job. There's got to be 20 of us sitting in rows. The supervisor would sit at the far end facing us like how a classroom is set up. Like teach facing a bunch of students.

So they fired people for random things. One dude was fired for standing up to stretch his legs and decided it was better to stand and work at the same work. One lady was fired for using company internet to browse her class materials. And a lady for eating fish for lunch. She ended up causing a scene, and cop was called. She kept emphasizing how the boss has a small genital. One day, this dude under me sensed it was his time. He's been warned by the supervisor for not sitting up straight. And also he thought him being black and the previous two ladies fired were black meant he is next. So next day, he didn't show up. I stayed for a while and left without a job prospect in line.

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Just like X will never replace Twitter. That was a weird rebranding tbh. Meta at least makes some sense.

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I think similar with their houses. While most houses in the US can last up to hundred years. It is common in Japan for houses to depreciate to worthless in a matter of a decade. So it's common there to buy old house, demolish, and rebuild from scratch. Repeat after every 10 to 20 years.

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That's why I always write good things knowing they know who I am.

It's not dying but also not blooming.

The festival was for peace. I bet many of the folks that were shot there supported Palestinians.

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The answer is well planned mass transit. I have been to Tokyo. Took their bus, subway, and bullet train. They work flawlessly together connecting millions of people. I believe the public transit in Japan runs far more efficient than the ones in the US. They also are profitable unlike the one here swimming in debt.

China has more women empowerment compare with other east Asian countries such as Korea and Japan.

Truth is if Donald is running, no republican can top him. Pence seems like a good middle ground but unfortunately Trump will eat him alive.

For those that has natural build for body building, sure, it might be fun. Not everyone is built to lift weights.

Meta lost $40 billion in Metaverse. I wouldn't call that smart. Facebook rebranding kept Facebook as a sub product of Meta. Elon should have done the same with Twitter by keeping Twitter as a product under X.

Yes. There's more contents there. Let's face it, it's empty here.

I feel bad for the younger generations. This whole car culture and at most places being mandatory is just bad.

I am fortunate to live in a city with decent public transit. I could have owned a car back in 2018 but I put that on standby indefinitely. The money I saved went into buying a house. And now, a bigger house.

Italian family owned business. Ran the business like a mafia. Also people are just desperate for work during that time.

Just like reddit, people here can't accept narratives other than mainstream liberal. Sure, there are Gazans that want Hamas out but they are minority. Hamas is a grassroots organization that defeated the party that preferred the two state solution. Hamas was and still is backed by majority of Palestanians. Just look at the Palestanian protesters in the west. NONE of them condemned Hamas. NONE.

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Doesnt sound like you know the outer boroughs that well if you think we need cars in Broolyn. Brooklyn as a whole is very well covered with subway and bus lines. You simply don't need a car in Broolyn. Queens on the other hand is different. Although majority of the population in Queens has access to subway, a good chunk of the territory has limited access to subway lines. They can rely on public bus but that's not always convenient. For those parts of Queens, I agree, you MIGHT need a car. Even staten island has its own subway line and busses. Most people on Staten Island has a car because it's just more convenient to get out of the island.

Lemmy is even worse than than Reddit when it comes to sharing a different opinion. Don't even try that here. I also do agree Trump will get elected again mainly because the left continues to silence the right. So instead of communication, people from the left have no issues doing whatever it takes to silence voices they dont like. And they call it free speech lmao. This is why I left Democrat and became a Republican. Though last time I refused to vote for Trump, this time I will. Cause the yinyang is broken. We need a balance.

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You can't have everything. No country is perfect but America is better off than most countries if we account for all the factors. Coming from a country with no political freedom, I am proud to be an American. There are a few youtubers who hated the US whwn they were young and went to live abroad for a decade only to come back to the US enlightened. I take it most of these polls are people that never lived abroad.

Hamas clearly in public buildings using civilians as shield. Palestinians clearly know and don't care. Nothing will stop me from hating on both Hasmas and Israel. And I am slo losing patience for Palestanians for supporting Hamas and not condemning their action.

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Those people should try to live in other parts of the world first. We have it good. So good. There are a handful of countries that are pretty decent but they lack economic opportunity, diversity, etc. You can't have everything.

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You think Hamas won't be in power unless majority of people supports it? They celebrated when Hamas murder those citizens.

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So your free speech is free speech, theirs is not. You don't ever think you are maybe just as fascist as they are?

That's how war works. You think it's all hugs and love in a war? What if one of them have a suicide bomb belt? You might want to look into how US army treats the locals in Iraq war. Every war has war crimes(so far I don't see any committed by Israel). Every war has civilian casualties. Some people are fixated on civilians death from bombings. Well, if they are bombing Hamas targets and there are civilians, that's just how any country would have done it. US did the same. Any country would do the same. So let's get off your high horse and start criticizing both sides. I haven't heard any liberals pointing finger at the Hamas. It's sickening.

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A bit harsh but hey, respect their laws.

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