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Joined 12 months ago

Yes, that's how habits work. They are mostly automatic.

No, that's not how brushing your teeth, flossing, taking the time to exercise or drinking water works as those are not habits at all.

PS: Drinking water might be the exception. You might be able to create a habit out of it... by taking the concious choice to always make some water readily available...

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but will it even be the same now that you know how little control you actually have?

Some communities weren't even the same anymore after those 48h protests. And you can basically feel which parts of the community instantly left the moment they realized all that talk about protesting was bullshit and it was purely symbolic.

The shopping cart test for a community. [...] Culture is learned from your peer group.

Perfect example... Germany universally has this deposit system for their shopping carts but bypassed the handling and inserting of a coin into the cart at the height of covid.

Since then I have barely seen any reversal there. People still return their carts although they don't need to get their coin back where the system is still disabled. Or they just conveniently forget to use the system and still bring their carts back without locking them there where the system is operational again.

The actual deposit was basically only needed for the learning phase. After this it just works automatically.

So basically the existing order, originally scheduled for early 2024, will be produced a bit faster than anticipated...

PS: 2 systems = 4 Mk3 revolver guns, 1 X-TAR3D radar, 1 command module each on a total of 12 trucks.

(the original press statement from December 2022)

C'mon... there is actually a lot of stuff critical about cluster ammunition and also some arguments to be made about US hypocrits...

Why do you waste such an incredible propaganda opportunity by bullshit about the US "escalating the conflict and potentially using nuclear weapons"? You can't think people are this stupid, can you?

Edit: Just for laughs I seriously watched the first minute of that bullshit: "You can't determine the value of a cluster bomb by who is blown up..." Seriously? More than 16 months of discussions and those propagandists (and their brain-dead audience) have still not understand that this is indeed how it works, but with soldiers vs civilians being the determining factor, not if you are brain-washed to really, really hate a certain victim... So much years on the internet and still my view of people can decrease further.

That sounds really unfair!

I guess Russia should just pack up and go home, refusing to play with these cheating Ukrainians and their dirty moves ever again.

When your DNS spam filter blocks a site automatically and each reference you find to that title has a "follow us on truth social" reference...

When you know you are harboring so many war criminals that outright refusal to cooperate in any way with the ICC is standard policy...

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Open a mastodon account for all European institutions *cough*

But good to know they easily intercepted a dozen Storm Shadows aiming for the bridge... 🤡

I know, brain-rot is bad and you are trained to throw that buzzword at any fact giving context like a good little soldier...

But in this case the US generally refusing any cooperation with the ICC and now for the very first time making an exception even IS the exact topic here. And they do so because it would legitimate the ICC, which the US wants to avoid given their actual war crimes. That's not even an opinion but an actual Pentagon statement.

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I have lost track... Is it already a year since they did a software update totally for real, that will prevent such things from happening?

Why would Turkish media tell them? They are controlled by Erdogan (where public tv reports about the election didn't even mention his opponent by name... he was just "that other guy").

Oh, how I love the Axel Springer SE trash publications...

This constant alternating between "evil Germany is exporting to Saudi Arabia" and "stupid Germany is angering allies by not exporting to Saudi Arabia" is fascinating to watch.

And having impressive abilities in divining the future I already know their next headline should the German government find an agreement with UK.

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ChatGPT doesn't know anything. It just reproduced existing stuff and if the core points of a topic are hit is purely coincidental, just like there's no guarantee that the reproduced information is correct. It just needs to be found out there...

Case in point: No, ATACMS can't be fired by M270s... Only the very first production line was compatible and those don't exist anymore as they were modernized and upgraded with newer guidance systems. Which requires M270A1 and later. You could probably find that information even on wikipedia and yet ChatGPT missed it.

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"The Pentagon had been resistant to the move and privately argued that any cooperation with the court could open the way for politicized prosecution of American troops deployed overseas."

"Republican and Democratic lawmakers have accused the Pentagon of effectively undermining war crimes prosecution of Russia by blocking the sharing of U.S. military intelligence with the ICC."

This article is literally (as in I quoted this directly from the article) about the US Pentagon refusing to cooperate with the ICC as any cooperation could be seen as legitimization when the ICC goes after US war criminals.

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The problem is that it's always depending on the dose.

Fictional example: You can show an increased cancer risk in animal testing if amount x is consumed regularly. But then X is also the equivalent to 20% your body weight in sugar per day.

So now you don't just suspect it's carcinogenic, you know. But it's still completely irrelevant when used as an ingredient in food obviously.

That's basically like saying we need more studies on the toxicity of water as we know it is indeed toxic if you consume too much.

The US in brainlessly-adoring-corporations centric.

Which is exactly the reason while Android is shrinking in the US while Google is growing.

Or they just officially restrict all drone sales. Because their support for Russia isn't official anyway.

Look how many people engaged only works if you manage to supress the context. Which -given the fact that r/place war already reported about each prior year- is not going to happen.

So you are basically saying people looking for advertising are going for a platform full of fucks, insults and destructive comments/behavior struggling to moderate because they are too stupid to look at anything but numbers of how many people loggend in?

Reddit is looking for the extreme engagement of Place to have great stats to show investors and advertisers.

Do you think investors and advertisers are brain-deadly stupid? If they can see "great stats" on one hand while the media is full of reports about the ongoing protests of reddit users, they will be able to see the whole picture.

Especially as r/place was all over the media in past years anyway. Only this year it's full of destructive behavior and trying to destroy everything with fuck-messages. Sure, that's totally good advertising for reddit somehow and not scaring advertisers away because "but look at the amount of people who koined to hate us"...

I remember discussing about 2 years ago how PiS and Fidesz are very obviously following the same playbook and Hungary's approach of media control before gutting the courts seems to be the more successful strategy so far (PS: Obviously it's also easier for them as their language is much more isolated).

And then I was shouted down by Poles telling me that this is all bullshit as media control will never happen in Poland without the population putting up massive resistence...

What do you mean by "not ready yet"? Our timeline is already 23 years behind in regards to extraterritoriality of multinational corporations...

Left and right are artificial, meaningless constructs

Left and right are very useful construct... as a spectrum... on multiple axis.

It just seems completely meaningless, because so much here is tainted by the US perspective. And neither do they have a spectrum (with just two parties), nor multiple axis (again, two parties can't represent nuanced opinion on different topics). In fact they don't even have left and right, just right-wing and more far-right.

So basically no navy vs. some navy but too afraid to move anywhere close? Sound like interesting "naval warfare"...

My "rhetoric" is mentioning facts. Russia commited hundreds of documented within weeks. Where are they now? 20k? Even more cases?

And yet here you are feeling so weak that someone daring to mention US war crimes in an article about US refusing to cooperate with the ICC for a long time because they are afraid of being persecuted for their war crimes, too, is perceived by you as spinning narratives and using rhetorics to minimize Russian war crimes? C'mon... in which way does any war crime get lessened by another one commited?

Oh, yeah I know. There is exactly one way to lessen a war crime: crying whataboutism every time it is mentioned. So good work there. This really helps so people that intentionally lied to their allies to get them to illegally invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands are staying untouched.

And surprise, it doesn't actually change anything about Russian war crimes either way. In fact finally convictim US war criminals would help in bringing Russian war criminals to justice. As is would deprive Russia of the basically single one talking point in their propaganda and a legal precedence (Reminder: US and Russia are both in the same legal situation of having signed but never ratified the ICC agreements, to then later withdraw their signature, too).

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No, I will not think about it.

I know it's hard to break that Russian/USSR conditioning after countless decades and that for this reason the narrative of Western Europeans somehow also believing in Russian propaganda (although they usually never actually here it in the first palce lacking the language skills...) is very important. But that is your problem, not mine. I will not tiptoe around you because you won't grow up. Nobody sane gives a fuck about Russian lies. Seriously... not even the ones parroting that bullshit believe it, they are simply paid well for pretending.

Ukraine wants to become part of the Western world, of NATO and EU. So they need to adapt and finally shed the Russian influence. We already have countries running on insane right-wing populism and either constructing every disagreement as an attempt to destroy them or (when lacking those) just inventing some as the only means to stay relevant. We don't need one more in the form of Ukraine denouncing every valid criticism as Russian influence, so it's really time to get a grip on things. Not everything is about you. Acknowledging that there is a world (also with issues) beyond Ukraine and Russia does not mean we are forgetting about it. I know the brain-washing is hard to fix, but contrary to what you were told, the West is neither moronic, brain-damaged, stupid or lost in their decadent decay. And the sooner you get that (and also stop to just shift those narratives slightly so you can adore the US while Western Europeans are the idiots/corrupts/weaklings/whatever the latest Russian narratives told you), the easier everything will be.

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You didn't know because that's mostly a bullshit pretense. Do you want to know actually happened between Munich going OpenSource and then reverting back to MS? Munich was bribed with a shiny new European Headquarter and the promise of additional taxes.

It claimed to only keep its dairy business in Russia, but what else does Danone do?

Their other two core businesses: Drinks (mainly water and beer) and all kinds of cookies. As well as bio, vegetarian and vegan food. Their dairy business was the one part they couldn't move away as it was largely based on a joint venture with Russian Unimilk...

To bring things closer to what the subject of this community is, unfortunately one way this is becoming a significant problem right now is with the Republicans in America

And there is your problem: You actually mention "closer to the subject of this cummunity" and the US in the same breath. No, the closest problem for Ukraine (Russia aside, but they are so far gone there is nothing we can do about them but supporting their military defeat at this point) sit in Ukraine and in Ukraine neighbours. They can't shed the ex-USSR then Russian conditioning and the fairy tales of the weak West.

It is no coincidence that those people all only managed to shift the narrative slightly. So now it's the US that is their savior while all the useless Western European countries are weak and listening to Russian narratives. Exactly like they learned for decades from Russia belittle anyone and only accepting the US as their peer (because their propaganda doesn't work without a dangerous enemy).

And so there are mainly two big groups in Eastern Europe: Brain-washed people that believe Russias bullshit, and brain-washed people hating Russia and still believing the bullshit as long as it's a story about those idiots in Western Europe.

And sorry, you need to wake up yourself. That's nothing others can do for you. The support for Ukraine's fight against Russian occupiers is big enough to overlook the obvious bullshit going on with Ukraine and other Eastern European countries pushing bullshit about their actual allies in Europe. And it's big enough to mostly overlook the constant delusional talk about Westeners beliebving in Russian propaganda narratives they haven't even heard about yet. For now...

PS (personal opinion only): Also no, no US president will actually stop the Ukraine support. The whole republican party may talk loudly but the actual US problem is corporate control over legislature and government. And the military-industrial complex is huge, influential and booming because of the Western support of Ukraine.

Still using an S7E to this day as the battery seems basically indestructable...

The one single weak spot? I actually had to replace the glue.

Basically the US and heavily english-speaking countries easier infected with the same brain-rot the US' corporate ruling class calls "culture".

(IOs/Android vs. english-speakers vs. income)

I guess you never heard of RT and the sort.

Yes, I heard about them. But that's exactly my point. They get banned here in domestic translation and that's it. And as most people are not speakign Russian there is no way to get flooded by their bullshit narratives in other ways. You often need to belong to a very small group of morons communicating their bullshit in usually closed groups (and given those types of people it's no coincidence they smoothly transitioned from population replacement to anti-vax and covid dictatorship to Russia-did-nothing-wrong bullshit; next will be probably flat earth... or some classic anti-semitic conspiracy to go back to their roots) to get the hand-made trnaslations of that propaganda.

That's different for countries on Russias side of the iron curtain. And sorry, but at some point being told to stop believing Russian propaganda narrative X when in reality that accusation is also the first time you heard that piece of bullshit mentioned in the first place again and again by Eastern Europeans is tiring and shows a very accurate picture of who constantly hangs on Russia's lips and can't stop swallowing up their crap. All while also accusing others...

If you find my frustration after 1½ years of this is "sounding condescending"... Again, your problem, not mine.

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Or maybe you would realize that a lot of people think the same but are also convinced to be alone and unable to change anything... Just like it happened for me back then the moment the first few made the effort to change. We will never know.

No, bots aren't a thing alhough a lot of people pretend them to be. Trolls are still either human or very obviously fake.

Did you expect nuances from someone directly transcribing "The US has officially..." into "the world's warmongers announced..."?

I live in Germany

Same here... and most of my contact list (and I) dropped WhatsApp when Meta bought them or a year later when the eavesdropping and phoning home to Meta was publically discussed in the media. The remaining minority is able to use another alternative on top of WhatsApp (that's one of the reason I like to remond them that they provide Meta with data from the people opting out...). That was also nearly a decade ago (2014/2015), so pretending that you need to use WhatsApp in 2023 is indeed a choice.

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Close this tab right now and promise yourself never come back to see if someone gave you an easy answer...

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