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That isn't wrong in general but Gripen are actually a much better fit for Ukraine than F-16. They were designed with being able to start and land on improvised runways and easily maintenance by conscripts out of small bases in mind.

Sweden being not in NATO basically planned with an Ukraine scenario in mind. Being invaded, having their infrastructure attacked and only getting limited support from others not wanting to actively join the fight. So operation under attack from hidden and relocating bases with minimal support was a main design goal for jets.

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No, only peasants on foot trying to annoy our wheeled overlords and their owners.

Actually yes.

Because absolute Freedom of Speech is absolutely stupid.

No country should allow you cry fire at a crowded event without consequences because of free speech.

No country should allow you to lie in court without consequences because of free speech.

No country should allow you to make death threats without consequences because of free speech.

No country should allow you to tell lies in verbal or written contract because of free speech

Because there are certain rules our society is build upon.

Freedom of Speech is a right granted to you by the democratic society and framework of laws. Those intentionally leaving the implicit agreements of democratic society or established law behind (and literal nazis qualify) should lose protection of the same.

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which was subsequently deleted him.

Only to repeat it again on tv. While crying that he isn't allowed to say what he was just allowed to say.

So if someone robs a shop, the police arrives and starts shooting killing several bystanders means the robber is now charged with murder and the police involvement isn't scrutinized.

Is that really the argument you are trying to make here?

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This is just another attempt to divert from the actual issue.

No, it's not AI. It's desinformation that is the problem. People who believed and parroted badly spelled bullshit lies from some troll farm will keep doing so. They will not suddenly fall for AI generated propaganda because AI evolved to be that indistinguishable. They already fell for everything long before.

Sure... let's discuss the risks of AI and how we need to regulate it instead of finally acknowledging that the problem is a lack of education and media competence in general.

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Sadly that's nothing new for years. Others pick up BILD as their source treating BILD as serious journalism for news out of Germany because of their size, completely disregarding their low journalistic quality.

Basically 90% about the rage-inducing clickbait internationally about Germany for nearly half a year of Russia's war in Ukraine was purely based on BILD as sources, worse even based on BILD sources that BILD then quickly deleted or edited once the message was picked up.

So you aren't wrong to look elsewhere for confirmation... but that only works when you check their sources, too. And sadly a lot of news nowadays are really lacking in ragards to transparently showing sources.

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"We don’t see any American dream; we’ve experienced only the American nightmare."

--Malcolm X, 1964

So no, it's not the American Dream that changed recently but your perception. The American Dream has been a fairy tale to keep the masses in line with some vague promise of success if they only work hard enough for a very long time if not forever.

There's only one problem: Until it's a requirement on every level it shouldn't be one for single levels.

This law is not a tool for transparency, but a weapon for state politicians against local politicians disagreeing with them.

What we have here is a law in a majorily red state that does not apply for state officials (republicans) but does apply for local politicians (democrats in several big cities) that can punish minor infractions (please try to make a list of everything you own with the correct values that can withstand an audit by the state...) with jail time. Go figure...

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You shouldn't dismiss those as imaginary as money doesn't pop out of thin air. All those gains need to be created by real workers being exploited harder elsewhere.

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Maths isn't science but just a tool used in proper science...

A disputable opinion but one that was widespread back then (see: no Nobel Prize for mathematics for example...)

I don't even understand what I'm watching here... are they driving blindly after never having been taught how to operate the vehicle correctly anyway?

This kind of nutjob small brained bigotry is ruining our country and embarrasssing us gloablly. Other countries see these anti-human laws and realize we're crumbling and don't really stand behind our American "values" or our consitution.

You would hope this is the case but in reality the right-wing nutjobs everywhere just copy/paste US culture war idiocy, usually even without making the slithest necessary adaption to make them fit.

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Actually yes... fascism is a natural consequence of late-stage capitalism as it's one way to keep the exploited masses under control by focussing their anger away from the wealthy leaders.

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  1. Say some extreme bullshit to see if it gets enough support publically.

  2. Walk back on it when there is too much backlash.

  3. Do some non-apology or pretend you were misunderstood.

  4. Pretend nothing happened and test if the next controversial statement is more successful.

That's page one of the populist's handbook. The main goal is only to find the statements with enough support so you can move the public discourse and the limits of what you can publically say further to extremes.

"Give us each day our daily 'Germany bad!'"...

Gripens may not be the best (and nowadays not the most modern) jets, but that was one of the design features Sweden took as a reason to develop their own jet.

The theoretical possibility of getting invaded and losing their primary infrastructure (being a rather neutral country up to their application for NATO last year...) was a reason they wanted a jet with good short-field performance that can be easily supplied by dispersed small bases.

They basically started designing a jet 50 years ago exactly for today's Ukraine scenario. Being invaded and only getting limited international support because neighbours (and NATO members) would stop at measures that would make them a direct participant in that war.

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Companies give a shit about giving us information. It's all about the advertising, so they will flock to the next closed-source company-controlled shithole.

Not hundreds but exactly 100 ex-Danish Leopard1A5s financed jointly by Denmark and Germany with the first batch delivered 2 weeks ago...

Doesn't mean that other countries still having some stored are not clinging to them, just like most of them cling to the Leopard-2s they were all eager to send.

Belgium in this case refused to buy back theirs from the private company they had originally sold them to for pricing reasons. So now Rheinmetall seems to have bought them instead to get refurbished then send to Ukraine.

(for the "seem to have"-part... Belgium is refusing to comment, the Belgian company is not disclosing name of the buyer, just the fact that they sold all 50 they had...)

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Which means your upbringing and education is ripe with coditioning to become a trash human. So that's just another chicken/egg problem.

If your conscience and your religion lead you to an idiotic, misogynic and xenophobic fraud with obvious delusions, you don't actually have the former and the latter is irrepairably broken.

Nobody actually cares much for the jets per se . It's the capability to fire NATO supplied missiles properly (the jury-rigged setups for their MiGs right now is often very limited) that is the valued bonus of getting F-16.

"By invoking international law..."

... which they have failed to ratify for how many decades now?

And when they announce Taurus deliveries to absolutely nobodies surprise in a week, you will instantly forget about this and pick up the next fairy tale narrative... like you probably did at least two dozen times in the last 18 months already.

It made many question the scientists working for these big pharma companies, where profit always comes first.

A lot of scientist don't work for those companies, or even worse they work for the competition. That's why constant review of scientific facts and finding a consensus is the way it works.

Scientists can also be like politicians, saying what they think people want to hear, without addressing the serious concerns people have; lying and moving goalposts does not help.

That's a media problem, not a scientific one. If there are 10000 scientists agreeing on something and one with the opposite opinion, you will see 2 scientists debating the issue. This pretends there is an actual debate going on and not just one nutjob saying bullshit for what ever reason (might be honest believe, might be money, doesn't matter...).

While the people (as in ‘we the people’) pay for the research/loss and the companies take the profits, while having full immunity.

That is true, even more so in the very commercialized US health idustry. Yet that's far less true for vaccines than for any other medicine. Or how much did you actually pay to get vaccinated? And how much did the government (which spends your tax money) pay for each dose? They surely did a phenomenally better job at negotiating costs there than what your insurance companies or you yourself are able to do...

Oh, no! Why did no one tell Ukraine (or anyone else for that matter) that the war ended at least 4 months ago after the US stopped their support? Guess the Orban-🤡-show just forgot...

And nobody said that Hamas terror acts were not an atrocity. What was instead criticised is the fact that IDF soldiers also taking their part in killing civilians there is completely and pointedly ignored.

Which you then justify with some bullshit of how it would not have happened without the Hama's attack in the first place.

So my point stands: If you think that soldiers indiscriminately shooting civilians is to blame solely on Hamas, then police shooting civilians while trying to stop a robbing is to be blamed solely on the robber, too.

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That 60/20/20 split for the three main defensive lines was an Ukrainian military assessment when the offensive began...

I always thought sociopaths need to learn how to fake it well to operate in society. But I guess that requirement goes out fo the window when you replace society with GOP.

One year ago: "Stupid Germans building PzH2000s that already need maintenance after several weeks of firing several hundred rounds per day. Why do they produce such trash where 100 rounds/day is already considered high intensity use?"

Today: "The US M109 Paladin shoots a stunning 50 to 100 rounds per day."

They actually don't. They try and it works for some time. And then the next Windows update intentionally fries their dual-boot. Then they go back to Windows.

Or they understood enough about the details and how to minimize the risk (basically running Linux with an linux boot manager that then chain-loads Windows boot files from another disk, so Windows is mostly oblivious about the other OS... and even then Windows likes to screw with the efi record) that they are mainly running linux. And later they tend to ditch Windows completely of just keep a virtual machine if they really need it for some proprietory stuff.

At least those scenarios above cover 95% of all people "dual-booting" I know...

In comparison, dual- or triple-booting Linux is indeed a bit less problematic. But the same thing applies: You mainly run one. And given that Linux distributions are all nearly the same, with just a few differences in pre-configuration and defaults, there's not much point to it.

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If you develop the habit of just leaving your bodies behind anyway, they lose their value as an indicator...

Yes. They approved military aid before. But the president veto'd it. So it went back to the parliament who again approved none-the-less, overriding the veto.

Since most phone apps nowadays use the same set of emojis and just generally come with a skin tone selection for all of them that's not an issue anymore.

It's actually quite easy to correct, so why not mention it?

Make that "moving goal post war" a "goal post movement war" and now it's all nouns and valid to compound them.

"We will randomly attack and kill civilians until you do what we demand" went by another name for quite some time...

But hey... we all know that things like terrorism, war crimes or genocide are suddenly okay once you agree with the cause. So keep being a proud cheerleader for terrorism.

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Yes, that's what your military is for...

Think about any part of your body... say your arm. Now imagine scaling it up to double the size.

Your muscles are now double the length but also have to move a doubled distance. That changes nothing.

That same muscle (it's roughly a tube) has doubled it's diameter, so it 2² = 4 times as strong because it's cross-section is a circle and the surface of a circle is (d/2)² * pi.

But your whole arm has doubled it's size in all 3 directions. So it's volume/mass is now 2³= 8 times as high.

So in short: double your size and you are 2² = 4 times as strong, but you also have to move 2³ = 8 times the mass. That's the square/cube thing that makes just scaling up impossible.

PS: Yes, if you ever wondered how you were so incredible good at climbing things when you were a child... small children are much stronger than you compared to their own body weight.

Not to be mean, but in Poland's case it means: right-wing populists running on nationalism (we fight for you against the evil EU/Germans trying to destroy our country and against immigration) and retarded christian family values (anti-lbgtq, anti-abortion).

Going by your other reply: From an US perspective you should know the drill and what kind of conservatism is meant here.