
0 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

The beauty industry hates this one trick to stop skin from aging.


White goes straight for the ICBM.

You should definitely bring back the gongs.

Minecraft rewritten for better performance with platform interoperability in mind and so on. Essentially what could've or should've been a replacement to Minecraft if done right. It was not done right. Quite the opposite.

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Doesn't Bitwarden already have that feature? https://bitwarden.com/passwordless-passkeys/

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What I despise most in when SMS is not just optional but forced upon me as "backup" to TOTP. "Lost your authenticator app? Send an SMS instead." How about no?

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That's why I enjoy self-hosting everything. I control exactly what'n communicated between who and I don't grant smart devices internet access.

Worry not. The automatic doors will crush all their fingers and toes first.

The article does not mention reporting it to the police. I get that 99.99% of the time, nothing will come of it, but that's something I would immediately do. Maybe I just don't get the rich aspect of going out and buying the newest latest model right away and forgetting about the stolen phone, even if it is theoretically still in the reach of police forces.

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This is not their official website. Never download revanced from anywhere other than their GitHub repository or https://revanced.app

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I'm a zoomer. As far as I'm concerned, this series is none of our business. That's gen alpha territory.

Ah I see. Hope to see it brought to mobile soon.

Ditched reddit the moment 3rd party apps stopped working. I'm rooting for Lemmy to grow. I especially n hope that nieche communities feel less dead in the future.

Are you sure you didn't say arf woof grrr? Huge mistake.

Is that picture AI-generated? The article claims it's from GettyImages and shot on Capitol Hill, but... The signs are too perfect. They all follow the name design, the text in crispy clear, the colours uniform, and the sign itself 1 atom thin.

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I'm a enjoyer myself.

In short, Google fires all employees that as much as think about supporting Palestine.

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I think the comment was more about phases of the day. Like for example, your phone might come pre-installed with a sleep mode from 23:00 to 06:00, which roughly fits for most users. Should we use UTC everywhere, then you'd have to have different presets for different parts of the globe.

Or say you wake up just a bit after sunrise at 7am everyday and you fly across the continent for vacation. Now you have to change all your alarms because sunrise is suddenly at 3am.

Or what if you're writing a book and you want to tell the reader what time it is: 15:00 will mean something else to readers around the world. And while you could attempt to cover it up with "15:00 in the afternoon", there will still be a disconnect between your words/intentions and what the reader pictures.

UTC would be a bliss for programming and scheduling events in this funny little globalized world, but as animals we still base our days on the burning fireball in the sky and removing that connotation from our timekeeping messes with linguistics and clear communication.

I don't think the system we have is perfect either, but I don't think employing UTC everywhere is the way and I don't have other suggestion either.

In chess right? Right?

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The generative fill has been around for way longer than the AI craze.

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What do you use instead?

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I also switched from Joplin to Obsidian after about half a year. There's an open-source plugin that lets you self-host a syncing server.

What I found paradoxical is how easy it is to mod and write plugins for Obsidian compared to Joplin. I would've thought that modifying the open-source candidate would've been easier, but nope.

As others said, the initial setup may consume some time, but once it's running, it just works. I dockerize almost everything and have automatic backups set up.

He doesn't, but he does complain a lot about six colorful stripes.

True, but building the image is not the same as deploying to production.

Why though? Do they think a pervert will go and unscrew doors? I'd argue the occupant would notice before it's all unscrewed. Also, kicking it down might just be faster.

Cool concept though, but as person who loves repairing their stuff, I must say f it.

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That, and you can also decide what (if anything) gets blocked on a per MAC/IP/FQDN basis, so you can explicitly allow ads for specific devices.

Super Hot and Beat Saber don't cause motion sickness. If you have no idea about how the different kinds of VR movement affect nausea and haven't developed any VR legs, then that's absolutely on you. Especially given that Alyx remains accessible to people prone to motion sickness by giving you the option for teleport locomotion and snap turning instead. I know my limits and while I can use smooth locomotion, I still use snap turning. Don't blame the game if you don't know your limits and it's essentially your first VR game in which you don't stay in a single spot.

neofetch proudly displaying 5 months of uptime

Just in time for me to finally have completed my Matrix setup a few days ago.

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"Pixels" mood tracker. I love it but I also love self-hosting all my services.

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If not, he'll just draft the women and children, too.

I'm afraid well-established "standards" are nearly impossible to overturn.

I think that's just the font used.

HomeAssistant has seen a bit of a revolution around the concept of voice assistants.

It's blue and black what are you high on?!

I believe your statement might contain a slight imprecision, as a histogram is a bar graph displaying the frequency distribution of some value. Did you perhaps mean to say "homogram"?

Doesn't mean you're not bright! You might just have difficulty recognizing emotion / subtext like with ASD.

What about this: Top layer encrypted by Alice Middle layer encrypted by Bob Bottom layer encrypted by Alice

If Alice arrives first, she decrypts the top layer and has to wait for Bob to arrive. She cannot go because she has to decrypt the last layer. If Bob arrives first, he has to wait for Alice to arrive. He cannot go because he hasn't decrypted anything yet.

Not really a solution but kind of helps.

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