
2 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This actually makes a lot of sense. A lot of people are using Lemmy either because they prefer federated web platforms to centralized, which makes it antithetical to corporate interests, or because they're opposed to Reddit's API policy, which was a blatant move to squeeze more money out of their users. Either way, Lemmy's appeal is very anti-capitalist, and since opposition to capitalism is a generally left-wing philosophy, I can totally see why most Lemmy users would be left-wing.

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I haven't seen the new episode, but this sounds like the same joke Futurama has made in both of its previous revivals. Bender's Big Score opened with the crew lamenting that the Box Network cancelled their delivery license. Rebirth opened with the crew noting the comedy in the random wormhole from the end of Into the Wild Green Yonder happening to be Earth's central channel for shipping. So this isn't entirely new to Futurama.

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I think they're continuing the joke

If a man donates his sperm and a woman donates an egg, then a baby can be conceived without either bio-parent engaging in intercourse, through in vitro fertilization ("test tube baby"). If the donors remain virgins long enough (maybe they're ace or something), then their bio-child could lose their virginity before either of them do.

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This is why pirates were wearing eye patches, to be able to enter the hull of the ship and see immediately without lighting up a candle. Fire is not a good idea inside a wooden ship filled with black powder.

This is one theory for why pirates wore eyepatches. We haven't found any historical evidence to confirm it. Meanwhile, we have at least a few documented cases of pirates wearing eyepatches for protecting a damaged eye.

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"You see, the file itself can be copied by anyone, but this one little piece of metadata can never be duplicated. That means you own the file."

This is not true. There are a litany of laws that capturing a wild duck from a public park would be a violation of, so don't do it.

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Yeah, if you want a single system for heating and cooling, you'd be better off getting a heat pump. It's the most energy efficient thing for both anyway, from what I've been told.

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If I ever feel the need to downvote my own post, I would probably just as well delete it.

As an American whose only knowledge of UK government comes from sporadic episodes of Politics Unboringed, my first thought would be to replace the Minister for Women with a Minister for Gender Equality. They would have all the powers and responsibilities of the Minister for Women, and also gain any powers and responsibilities that a hypothetical Minister for Men would need.

  • If there is a need for a Minister for Men, then that need is met by the Minister for Gender Equality
  • If there is no need for a Minister for Men, then the only thing that changes is that the Minister for Women has a new, less controversial title

Sounds like a win-win to me, but again, I'm a dumb Yank lol

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If that one innocent person agrees to it, I say yes. Otherwise, no.

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Yeah, dude is asking the wrong question.

That would actually be comic accurate, too (to some degree). At one point, Aunt May reveals on her deathbed that she secretly knew Peter was Spider-Man for a long time, and wanted him to know that she was proud of him before she died.

They retconned this, of course, bringing Aunt May back to life with no memory of Peter's identity. Then eventually did more stories about Aunt May learning Peter's identity, dying, then coming back to life... man, keeping up with comic book lore sucks.

Correlation does not prove causation. The fact that the number of men seeking a relationship is declining at the same time that MGTOW rhetoric is on the rise does not mean the two are strictly related. It could be related to something else, like the radical lifestyle changes forced by the pandemic, or the economic decline making it difficult to justify investing valuable time and money into a relationship, or any number of possible factors.

Also, your suggested solutions are super problematic. For one, they would be blatant governmental intrusions on the human right to privacy. And for two, they could be seriously harmful to gay, aro/ace, and other LGBTQ+ people. With all due respect, please stop.

Brown v. Board of Education was filed in 1951, and decided in 1954. The desegregation movement was well underway. Some folks from that era might not be happy that segregation went away, but I don't imagine too many would be surprised.

Stop, you'll give the bots ideas!

In all seriousness, I never fake anything. If I see a bicycle, I click it. Plus, I never need to fake my pauses, since the ones I get are actually bitch hard lol

Not a dentist, but the reason dentists gave me for doing it in that order is that bacteria and plaque build up a lot while you sleep, since your teeth are just kind of sitting there doing nothing. So I guess waiting until after breakfast is just an unnecessary delay.

No. Theft goes against my personal ethics and religious values.

As an American who has gotten very used to metric units in studying engineering, the general rule I picked up is that you typically only change units every three orders of magnitude. So 8 decameters would typically be expressed as 80 meters, maybe 0.08 kilometers. Decameters and hectometers are a thing, but they're not common units. Even centimeters don't see much use compared to millimeters.

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Venom (2018). I thought the action was exciting, it had a great sense of humor (I even liked some of the gross jokes), and I liked all of the character dynamics. Honestly, most of the complaints I hear about it boil down to "this movie isn't for me", or "this doesn't fit my interpretation of the character". Which are fine opinions to have, but I'm not sure it's fair to call the movie bad because of it. Then again, that's just the complaints I've heard. I'm sure there are people out there who hate it for fairer reasons, and I've just never met them.

I wish I was stupid and violent. Then they'd see what's what, I'd pound them—AH!

Daryl Davis has managed to persuade several KKK members to leave the Klan by being a friend to them. So it has happened.


Wikipedia lists influencer as a synonym for internet celebrity, so I guess just when they become famous.

Unless you take the title literally, then it's whenever they become influential over a statistically significant portion of the population.

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Sometimes. It's kind of cathartic in a way, helps externalize the feelings.

I remember them probing my arm for veins, then the surgery was over. Nothing in between, not even blackness.

Not normal. See a doctor, at the very least get the serious problems ruled out.

I'm guessing it's because different parts of us mature at different rates. Brain development continues into the early twenties, so mind-altering substances are generally regulated with that in mind. Physical maturity ends in the late teens, so things like military service eligibility start there. Other activities are based on more abstract measures like responsibility, emotional stability, etc.

There is no federal law prohibiting states from allocating electoral votes with no regard for the popular vote. But these electoral votes are allocated by state governments, which tend to be democratic in nature. States could make laws allocating electoral votes in an authoritarian manner, but politicians who support such legislation would likely lose the support of their largely pro-democracy constituents, and lose their position of power.

In order to effectively subvert democracy, you need to keep the wool over the population's eyes until it's too late for them to do anything. It's kind of hard to do that with something like this.

Futurama has done meta jokes before. It may be lazy writing, but this isn't them cashing in on a trend, this is Futurama being Futurama.

Not quite. The LGBT initialism only includes lesbians, gay people, bisexuals, and trans people. It doesn't include asexuals, pansexuals, or intersex people, just off the top of my head. I don't imagine many people will correct you for just using LGBT, but it can be more inclusive.

It sounds like OP has heard people say "carbon negative" to mean that something outputs more CO2 than it consumes, and vice versa, which is contrary to how I hear the terms used.

No, this is a myth someone made up to scare people. There have been no recorded cases of cockroaches living in a human penis.


I pirate content that is not in print within my region. Fan subs of Japanese TV shows, emulated games for discontinued consoles, things like that.

Is 'karma' even visible on Lemmy?

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J.J. McCullough did a really good video about this fact, I'd definitely recommend it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCVQKD3jH2M&ab_channel=J.J.McCullough

Me too. Pretty standard way of pronouncing word-initial X in English.

Cool idea. Unfortunately, I don't see how that would work, since Endgame uses branching-paths time travel instead of closed-loop.

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"Yeah, we went there a few times, there was nothing there besides a bunch of rocks. We brought some back for study, and spent the next few decades on more obviously productive pursuits. Like putting robots on Mars!"

It's not as easy as it looks. Sometimes I have to move the antenna, sometimes I lose the remote, and sometimes my butt itches real bad.

To be sure, you don't have to be anti-capitalist to want to use Lemmy. I'm just saying that it's very appealing to anti-capitalists.