9 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.

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Adobe already killed almost all competition in the creative space and I hate that. I'm thankful for software like Davinci Resolve and the Affinity apps.

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Reading the comments from that article is a prime example of how a cult functions.

In reality this will have a 0,002% impact. Most phone users are tech-illiterate and have no idea how to use their devices. You expect these people to go to a different store? On Android you can have other app stores, why don't you have? Because Play Store is default and all app developers want to be where most users are, not on a 3-4% user share store.

It will most likely be background noise in the first months and everyone will go back to the App Store. The only people that will use an alternate store will most likely be the same ones that use F-droid, so 0,002% of the users.

But hey, it's better to scream how this whole thing is making their devices less secure, because Apple told them so.

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Well they should have fined Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a couple of trillions. That would have taught a lot of companies about ethics how to not lose all your money.

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The change will come once people start searching for stuff on Google and they get results which link back to lemmy. For that to happen we need people asking for help/feedback and getting their answers here.

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I don't know about US but in the EU these things don't fly.

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Apple is not offering these changes outside of the EU because this is not the safest system for our users.

I almost spilled my drink. Apple should do stand-up comedy.

But will they stop tracking and cross tracking your every move across the web? Because with all the paid options these sites offer I don't really see a mention of not tracking you. Same back then when Reddit was still alive for me, for the sub they only stopped showing you ads but there was no mention of tracking.

I mean I won't pay for Facebook ad-free thingy, I only go on the website 2-3 times a month so I could care less.

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Reading on different Apple sites, it's hilarious. People are acting like they are being sued. Crazy to watch how cult members react. I mean it's unhealthy but it is what it is.

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Same with r/antiwork they closed briefly and when Reddit sneezed their way, they opened the sub instantly. Talking about hypocrisy.

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Are you 14? In that case maybe.

The game was rigged from the start.

It will be built from the ground up 😂

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Apple will find a way to appease the dumbasses in Europe

I imagine Tim Apple's bottom is shinier than Bender's from all that kissing. One often wonders why people keep drinking the Kool-Aid from such behemoths. Must be something in the water.

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Doing my part

I'm ok with them. What really bores me in movies are the fighting scenes near the end of the movie, when they encounter the bad guys. They share fists in each other's faces for a good 10 minutes until one of them decides to go down. I usually skip forward. 1 minute fight scenes should be enough.

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Good luck, I guess? Got the first Google home, at first it was great, I was asking it tons of questions. Then the questions stopped, used it for turning on the lights and other automations. Then I installed Home Assistant and the only command Google Home got was to set a timer to know when to pull things out of the oven. Eventually I stopped doing that.

At the moment all Google/Nest Homes have their mic cut off, I only use them to stream music in my house from my NAS via Plex. So yeah..

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See, I was about to agree with your comment but then you had to go and fuck it up with your last sentence. What does the color of his skin have to do with him being a jerk?

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I'll never run

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Venture capitalist Tim Draper believes that bitcoin will transform El Salvador into one of the wealthiest nations in the world

Or one of the poorest? To the moooon 🔻

I'd beg to differ, this whole "leave Britney alone" shtick is really tiresome.

I cannot watch a video from start to finish anymore. Thanks youtube. Almost every video is filled with bs fluff to reach the 8 minute mark. It annoys me greatly. Maybe also because I am in the industry and I learned in school to not use meaningless shit in my videos.

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What if you had a 1001ft pole?

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So I already sent mine via their link but I have another 2 accounts. One is my first one since 2013 and one from 2016. I already mass edited all my comments but I found this.

I would actually send a letter to them for the other accounts, need to find their address and see how much it costs since I would have to most likely send it in the US.

Edit Oh wow it's the same price and I can even request to have a confirmation of delivery, in total it would be under 5€. I will send it. Need to find out the address.

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Try to cross the street without turning your head. When you turn your head, they render the cars in the opposite directions.

/jk always look both ways before crossing the street.

I don't know, is this supposed to be a joke? A wild sense of humor? If you would have to hypothetically have to sleep on the production line, it tells me the management doesn't know management.

I would like to see a CEO pull this "joke" in the EU. How long until he would be crucified.

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Your device will be 11% faster and the battery will last 6% more but it will dramatically change the way you interact with your device.

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It's not really like that, if it's toxic, advertisers don't want to associate their brand with it. Look at how many videos on youtube got demonetized.

But you bought the books

I've done the exact same thing on 2 accounts. There was some good information on them but now it's a bunch of gibberish.

Would it be so bad to be nice to Margaret for a few seconds? It would mean a lot to her, I'm sure it would brighten her day.

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So happy for him. Maybe he can buy some empty bottles for his employees.

I am aware this comes from a competitor and they want to go all out. However, what is unclear to me, does this also happen to paying users?

For my small business I use Office 365 Business Essentials, whatever it's called now, the cheapest one. Been using it for many years and for the price/features, it's pretty unbeatable. I use the new Outlook on my workstation since a few months, it's pretty slow and not feature complete but was ok. I'm in the EU and haven't been prompted with that window where it talks about advertisers. Will check Monday if I see a list of advertisers but I think for paid users it's not the same.

For personal mail, I use Thunderbird, I even donated to them. I like it but would have been great if it had a view like Outlook. At the moment it has table view and cards view. Wish the cards view would more customizable.

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Feels like the 4.0 version has been in alpha/beta for years now? I thought they abandoned the idea.

Oh wow, we have reached this point in time. Some people tried to explain but nobody seems to care. I too use female/woman interchangeably, English is not my main language and personally I don't see any of the 2 words as demeaning or one better than the other. You do realize the rest of the world doesn't speak English at a native level so they might use words without attaching some hidden meaning behind them.

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I'm all in for all of us holding hands and walking into the sunshine. But if someone has a concern about a potential unfair advantage because their oponent used to be male/female, they are automatically labeled as having "fragile ego"? That sounds very condescending. What should they do, just walk it off because you don't like it?

They should make tests for all sports and decide if there is a potential advantage to be gained from being born male/female and decide on a case by case basis. If there is none, perfect, game on!

I think there was a scandal in the US with a swimmer some time ago? My wife used to play tennis as a child and she said it was brutal when they were training and playing against males. It was a completely different level.

Also not a big fan of being called "cis", to me it sounds offensive.

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I like the UI so much more than the standard Lemmy. This should be the default UI. Hopefully he makes a light version.

I'm really disappointed, was expecting all red videos to be those cringey red arrows pointing at irrelevant things.

But Nothing CEO told me there are no privacy concerns, everything is stored on my device. Could it have been a marketing trick? I thought we should trust CEO-bros blindly.

Edit Aaaand they removed the video.

More transparency and more control over which content will get shown to you

So I can block all the "this changes everything", "incredible thing you did not know", "mind blowing details about game x" videos from youtube? When I load Youtube I always scroll down on the main page and click don't recommend this channel on all videos that have titles like that or thumbnails with arrows, red circles or other crap thumbnails. Don't care what channel it is.

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