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Joined 1 months ago

'traditional russian values' on display for all to see

I'm really starting to like the idea of north Ukraine

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Well compared to wood blocks and chicken wire cages, a simple RF hammer does seem pretty high tech ...

I am actually impressed how long this unit has been operating. I thought this was just another transient unit earlier in the war, but I am begining to think that they may play a larger role in days to come.

Very interesting to see how this has played out.

That's why they are capturing territories, so they can use f-16s in "Northern Ukraine"!

I am curious how these soldiers differ from the ones being used in offensive operations. I suspect they would be border guard units or reservists.

Haven't found any images of unit insignias or any ID from this latest batch, curious to know what units are involved

Interesting situation overall

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Time for some Shawshank redemption shit

Much like you I saw this article on my reddit feed today, googled 'reddit alternatives, and ended up here.

Do one for Putin instead, and you solve the root problem...

Best case scenario, they end up in Moscow.

More realistically, they draw troops ment for offensive operations into defending these regions. This relieves pressure for Ukraine to take back territory elsewhere. I heard they were targeting specific airbases, but I can't confirm It's relatively low risk, with several potentially good rewards.

Paywall. Meh

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Turkey with a solid 110 years of genocide going strong....

Graham is a spineless attention seeking coward.

His "support for the troops" and "warnings" about trump are for one person only, him..

Users of a particular sub-reddits dream has come true!

Disease is good for shareholder value?

Ooooh boy....

It's always been russia since the 1600s!

Just following 500 years of russian tradition. Spreading those 'traditional russian values'