
@Orm @beehaw.org
0 Post – 13 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


I want a game that's somewhere between Animal Crossing and Dwarf Fortress - something with the extensive world gen of DF, but with cute goofy animals, and maybe a little less grisly. So less sudden death by wildlife/zombies/collapsing ceilings, and more adorable wagon travel, trade and founding of settlements - which you then get to live in!

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That's so lovely! It's such a great feeling when you know someone's in your corner, huge bonus if they give you cute hand-me-downs too!

Flying around in the birdsuit in Pilotwings 64. I could do that for hours. Except I usually eventually try to fly through a cave and crash. Gosh I'd love a new Pilotwings

Omg yeah I had the style of Root in mind too!

I go back and forth on how much of the dwarf fortress vibes to let in. Probably it'd be a bit distressing to see your adorable villager friends just straight up die. On the other hand, it would be kind of interesting to experience them getting old and passing away, plus racking up memories, hangups, traumas and complicated social connections like the dwarves do.

Just a couple weeks ago I was wishing for a new JSR. This is the best!

Yes! Sam and Max is wonderful! There's something so perfect in the way they react with complete nonchalance to all the weird stuff going on. And the soundtrack is great too.

I really liked the fifth title in the series, Sexy Polybius

Not sure if this quite fits your bill, but John Ashbery was a gay man living and writing in New York through the 60s and 70s. His writing has this tendency to circle around and around without ever quite naming the thing - Soonest Mended being a pretty good example of his style. Not sure if there's anything so much like a dog whistle in his work, but I personally found his occlusive style really resonated with me

The original NES version of Legend of Zelda! I want to (slowly) work through the whole Zelda chronology, barring like, the CDi ones. I've had the NES Zelda games on my 3DS for ages but I always found them difficult to play and pretty bad at telegraphing where I was actually supposed to go.

This time around, I just bit the bullet and used a walkthrough, and collected a whole bunch of power-ups before the first dungeon. And now a couple dungeons in, I'm actually having a lot of fun with it! I even kind of like how completely open it is. I stumbled across the eighth dungeon, took one look at the four-headed bullet-spitting plant thing, and turned right around. But it's cool that I can go there pretty much from the start!

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Oh my god, this would be so chaotic, I would play the absolute hell out of an online multiplayer Katamari! I love this idea.

I've been playing heaps of Alpha Sapphire on the 3DS, on and off, and really delighted to find that the online mmo-lite elements are still working. So I'm mostly wandering around finding other people's secret bases, trading and then spending way too much time using Pokemon Amie. This game is lovely, and I'm still finding new things in it. I think it might be my favourite Pokemon game.

I was wondering if the original came with a map! The in-game grid thing is comically unhelpful.

I've fallen back into playing Celeste. I'll never be great at this game, but when it's going well it's so freaking satisfying to play. Aiming to collect all the strawberries and have a crack at the B-side levels I didn't complete the last go-around.