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I live in a small town outside pittsburgh about 45 mins. I lived in a city my entire life from 18 to 36. I bought a house here and it's quiet, but holy shit the people here are ignorant AF. When I say ignorant, I don't use that term like rude, I mean literally dumb and uneducated. NO ONE around here can even spell. Fb is hilarious with the spelling they come up with or they will use a word that sounds similar to the big word they are trying to use but not quite right. Some day, I'm going to compile a list. They hate any race that isn't white, they are misinformed, religious in thought but drinking every night, TERRIBLE parents... I yelled at my neighbor because her 3 year old son was half a mile down the road playing by himself on a 30 foot tall dirt pile and she was nowhere to be seen. When I yelled at her she said and I quote "iz he not allowed down thur or somethin?" I called the police and they came and told her she had to be outside when he was outside and she has been ever since. I'm sure she hates parenting. Trump support everywhere especially after he's now a convicted rapist. It's insane. I'm pretty outcast, i speak out when I see dumb shit, especially people selling these stickers. I call them white trash. People who know me personally respect me and I've won 1 or 2 over but man it's exhausting. Had to buy a few guns when shit was getting real scary with the rednecks wanting to overthrow the govt. I'm surrounded by rednecks with guns. I miss the city. Sure there are all types of shitty people but atleast you get culture, good food, beautiful views, activities. We drive up every so often but it's not the same. If our house wasn't so big and beautiful and old compared to what I would get in the city for 3x the cost, I would move. Fuck these hillbillies.

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Why couldn't he just shut it down if he wanted to? What's the purpose of wasting that much money slowly?

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GameSpy man. Ftw.

Lemmy feels way more neckbeardy... because it is.

Only wash my hands and flush the toilet in public restrooms that have touch less sinks. If the toilet isn't automatic, I use my foot. Use the paper towel you wash your hands with to open the door on the way out or your sleeve if you have long sleeves on, or your elbow if it's a push door. I'd rather have my own dick on my hands than my own and everyone else's.

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It's OK to like small towns, but most of the people who live in small towns, never left and have no aspirations to. It's particularly evident with some of the more uh... shallow gene pool folk. They are so backwards, they know they would get ridiculed around people outside of their comfort zone, which I'm sure they would. They hate "pretty people". City people are usually pretty people and there is like a weird level of jealousy based around that. I live in what used to be a steel town and when I tell you that everyone who lives at the bottom of the hill have mental issues and all have kids that have learning disabilities, I'm not joking. Heavy metals HAVE to be the cause of so many issues in small towns. There are kids here with growth deformities, 10 miles away there is a nuclear dump that is just chilling in the middle of a residential area. Tons of people got and get cancer there, people continue to live around it and die. I have no idea why lol. It's insane. The govt put up signs but they aren't even noticeable. If you drive past, my wife had to point it out. It's fucking NUCLEAR WASTE. Seriously.... I've been in fights with a lot of my neighbors over the way they treat their children. My neighbor across the street has 2 kids and 1 black step daughter from his wife's other marriage, I feel so bad for her. One day I was outside and a group of young boys came up the street with a football, they were about 14. The dad was outside and from across the street I could hear them saying N*gger very loudly. The redneck dad just ignored it. He probably thinks the same thing and is embarrassed by her. I was shocked he just turned away and ignored it. If I ever heard that again, I'd say something l, I should have to make him look bad bit I really didn't expect him to NOT say something. I pack heat everywhere I go out here, there was a crazy redneck yelling about Biden with a gun last summer at the ice cream stand. He got arrested but if I was there with my kids and someone pulled a gun, I'd have to pop them. Never had that happen in the city. Shits real in the battlefield.

I bought the last call of duty for modern warfare 2, ohhhh believe me... never again. What a fucking disappointment and waster of 80$ that was. The lack of content is astonishing.

The military needs to develop its own encrypted os to use on bases and beef up their security. We are vulnerable because we use the dumbest most common OS out there. They should have their own hardware built by their own people. The US military should have its own in house manufacturing and development.

Yeah cuz the shot is down constantly. I have 2 apps and one usually doesn't work.

Are you on the same subnet as your router or are you on the subnet that your custom dhcp server is handing out? If your router is and your ip is on the 192.168.2.x range, they aren't going to be able to communicate.

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We have a saying in our house... "ghosts" that means close the door we are going to sleep and don't want to let the ghosts in. Closed. Always closed.

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I love grandma's boy. We need more tech nerd weed movies!

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Wait.... like the old mmo? People still play this??

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Rednecks are farmers given that name from having their heads down while plowing their fields. They were Klan back in the day and are right wing extremists now. These people deserve much worse than being called a derogatory name.

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Same. I never played any of the others but this game has blown me away thus far. Just entered act 3

Use https://x.x.x.x not http://

I don't think Albion online and the fable Albion are the same. I could be wrong but this is referencing the world of fable.

Morrowind. It's iconic.

Plug a pc straight into the router and do an ipconfig /all. It will tell you the router gateway if you don't have a static ip. Go to the gateway ip and turn off dhcp.

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I like how you glossed over the entire first part of the article to try to prove me wrong lmao. Clown.

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Are you using https?

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Then go to your server dhcp and put a dhcp exclusion for the pi hole ip and anything else you have static'ed

Nah, they dumb.

I like how they killed off the fat one and just replaced her with a clone they used for the other 2. Nice job.

You tried to make it sound like I was incorrect. You read the whole article but chose to leave out the first section where I was right and then thought I wouldn't go look at the Wikipedia article myself. Then you edited your comment to save face after I posted the first part of the article. You were trying to be manipulative but you failed hence the "take the L". Now be gone.

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I grew up in the town with the largest coal tipple in the world in 1920, I work for a company that produces gas detection for coal mines for the last hundred years. I know more about coal and rednecks than you can even fathom. You are the ignorant one and your failed attempt to manipulate upvotes or whatever your reasoning was for doing what you did was wack. We are done here.

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Lmao. K.

Death God

I liked idle hands a lot too.

Yep. Turning the sink off is just as bad as turning it on. You just put everyone's dick right back on your hands.

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I do, just try to avoid other people's dicks and use hand sanitizer a lot. Sounds like you have a problem with this there, dickhands. Does that mess with your fetish or something?

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Alright then gangbang.

Yes, but that is not what we are discussing. Homelessness is not a situation where you can just go out and get a job or several other things. I'm talking about poor people who have a residence and running water for a shower. If you have those things, getting a job or several is significantly easier. Homelessness is in a category of its own when it comes to difficulty getting back on your feet. I acknowledge that.

Only on lemmy do people doubt you when you say you were poor. Like "yeah you were poor, but not poor enough"

Isolate a pc with the router and download advanced ip scanner. It will list all active ips and there should only be 2

It's not stupid, it's proof that people can do it. You all just want "poor me" instead of taking accountablility and responsibility for your own situations. ANYONE who doesn't have a physical deformity or extremely low IQ can join the military and pick a job that doesn't involve getting your face blown off to get out of poverty. ANYONE. You guys are full of excuses.

If someone hosted a server out of Switzerland it wouldn't be an issue.

Yes. I'm not into made up things.

I'm speaking specifically in the US and we are talking about being poor, not homeless. That is a little different. No one in this conversation is sitting on a pc or phone or laptop from a fucking tent in the Phillipines. Quit moving goalposts to fit your narrative.

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