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Joined 12 months ago

The funny thing is, even after the 100% price increase they're still cheaper than american EVs.

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I know this is just a meme, but Wet Bulb 35 events terrify me.

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Damn is that what they were? I thought it was sand

Stop trying to make "fetch" happen!

The TLDR is that for almost any given thing we want the government to do, it's cheaper and more efficient to hire government workers to do it than to hire contractors and nonprofits. The author generalized this conclusion from studies finding a correlation between higher quality dept of transport employees and lower department costs. Makes sense to me.

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No it's true. I run ha in a docker container too, and it doesn't support the plugin supervisor at all. You have to spin up your own plugin containers manually and configure the connection to them in the core ha instance, that's what I did with piper/wyoming. I'd be happy to share a compose file if someone wants it.

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What does that phrase mean?

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Are dragons gendered to begin with? I suppose it depends on the lore you follow.

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I heard a great talk with Sian Sutherland on plastic reduction recently, specifically around brand agnostic standardized metal bottles: https://youtu.be/jTs6KejhSg4?feature=shared

There is no program yet I suspect, this is just a commitment to develop programs in each state. Some might already have them, but probably not big enough.

Everyone's phones going off at once then? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Hawaii_false_missile_alert

Except in this case there is no date set yet. They've just agreed that they're willing to strike.

Including adults?

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One can only hope!

Is that Brad Sherwood?

I believe only whatsapp message contents are e2e encrypted, not the recipient or other metadata.

Correct, yes, the word I meant is addon, not plugin.

I agree in principle, but I'm not sure what a good alternative is in the US today. In a crisis the laws would have to stay ahead of the executive responses to novel situations, and the legislature couldn't pass a law that fast if there was an angry mob at the door.

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You're right of course, this article specifically talks about civil servants (i.e. bureaucrats) and not other government employees like elected officials or military service members.

I like that actually, a "break glass" provision in the emergency powers law! It's so obvious in hindsight.

This is how I have mine set up:

homeassistant: image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable container_name: homeassistant volumes: - /data/homeassistant:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro ports: - "" - "" restart: "unless-stopped" privileged: true network_mode: host

ha-whisper: image: docker.io/rhasspy/wyoming-whisper:latest container_name: "ha-whisper" volumes: - /data/homeassistant/addons/whisper:/data command: --model base --language en --beam-size 2 restart: "unless-stopped" networks: default: ipv4_address:

ha-piper: image: docker.io/rhasspy/wyoming-piper:latest container_name: "ha-piper" volumes: - /data/homeassistant/addons/piper:/data command: --voice en_US-lessac-medium restart: "unless-stopped" networks: default: ipv4_address: