8 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I don't understand, what are you trying to say? :(

I haven't completely switched to Lemmy yet. I don't get as much of a diversity of views here.

But apart from Political stuff, I think the people here are wonderful and actually helpful.

This might not be an alternative to reddit and gain millions of followers, but nonetheless, It's good in it's own way. Edit: So many likes, did I mention I am somewhat conservative and don't support abortion after 5 months? Shocking, now downvote me I guess

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I like you lol. btw, can I do stuff like control volume using Texmux? Like idk, switch on or off my wifi and turn off airplane mode and stuff

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Android with a custom ROM. I won’t mention it

do you know of any projects which has good support (and reputation) which has something like a terminal in it? I mean, I just want a terminal.

Also, I will be happy to spend 500USD on a Linux phone just to support it, but I wanted to know how far they are. Thank you for your comment.

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I will fight you

RAM is pretty bad thought :(

3GB, everything else is upto the mark

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Seems like Android which supports a broad range of Terminal commands is the best next thing.

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I remember the dark old days when I did not use adblock and then Brave came along and introduced me to the idea and everything was so simple, so much better. I block cookies and scripts on news sites and everything has been far better than what it was a few years ago.

I use Firefox + Ublock now and it has blocked a few million ads for me!

I find it weird that I support Bernie wholeheartedly, even though I am a Trump supporter (yeah, I can hear them coming)

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I haven’t completely switched to Lemmy yet. I don’t get as much of a diversity of views here.

wtf! that's no joke, stay anonymous my friend. What the dick that guy must have been!

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Strawberry, built upon Clementine is quite nice (in it's looks), but although it does remember the chapter I was in, it won't remember where I was in that chapter. If I click on that chapter, it would just begin from the beginning. Audacious solves this to some extent.

get used to interacting with bots, didn't you hear, they are the future

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Note: Linux phones are notoriously insecure (source)

yeah, now I am not buying it lol. I wanted a daily driver not a phone for some habit :(

I can see where you are coming from but heck, after a criminal is caught, it's not in state's interest to punish him except for making an example out of him so other people won't think of committing the crime.

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Clementine, just like it's fork Strawberry will remember which chapter you were in (which file of the playlist you were playing when you exited the application), but it won't remember your location in that file. This is troublesome if you are playing chapters with length of 43 mins - 1 hour as I am. Audacious helps me with this thought.

I don't know if you are mocking me or not lol.

I mean, just make sure you don't reveal your original name, address, state your live in, your phone, your ip address or any identifiers which can lead back to you. You don't know which aholes you are dealing with, so better to be safe.

pretty nice answer. You are right, many times that's pretty contradictory.

Thank you! Audacious worked. But, worked in a manner which I didn't prefer.

You see, if you download a audiobook from Internet Archive and it has chapters written into them, Clementine or Strawberry player would expand those chapters and show them as separate. But, audacious weirdly enough doesn't do this, it views the whole audiofile as one file and doesn't view any chapters. I like Audacious and I am likely retiring Clementine and Strawberry, but it would be nice if I could see the whole file as a playlist.

Audacious is what you need.

Good, I am going to date her

Thanks for the link, but imma stick with Audacious for a while, saying your comment tho.

How many instances are there? I can if I need to create my own instance right? So, it's just like pirate bay I suppose, you close one instance another will take it's place or am I mistaken?

I was thinking I would just run android apps.

It's the first one I found and many others were filled with germans and I said "Nein"

undefined> capitalist

are you a capitalist tho? I mean, I consider myself a capitalist and let's just say people don't agree with me a lot here. anyways, how has this platform been treating you

r/linux r/linuxquestions

Interesting, as an atheist I think the same way too, there is a greater probability that you are insane that there is for a Personal God existing, but I am not sure my attitude is the best, I mean, even if there was a real God and he came before me, I would count myself insane. i.e., Nothing can trump this argument if you believe in this, sounds a bit close minded to me, I don't know what the right way is either.

do you think lemmy would be able to evade state censorship? If we wanted to that is. I really like those piratebay instances, trying to censor them is really difficult, even for the state (They can but it's difficult to censor each and everyone one of them)

nice username. No, VLC unfortunately didn't work.

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I wonder how Ubuntu Touch is doing, apparently Ubuntu has given up on it's linux smartphones bet and the project is not officially maintained by Ubuntu now? idk.

You might be right, I do understand your point. Healthy disagreement is not alive anymore. But I think having a community dedicated to letists only can be a bad idea in that it can make sure your beliefs are not questioned. I have thought myself as a socialist and I have thought myself as a anarcho-capitalist, I don't believe in either anymore. I think if radical views go unchecked they might cause problems.

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Do you have a warrant? :')

what abt the others tho? GIMP ok that's understandable, although I do hate the fact that GIMP is shipped by default with Linux distros rather than Kolour, which is much more easier to use. Not all of us need to do complex image editing and those who want to will install it.

with due respect to everything you said I don't think this is a major success, even "our own" people (GNU Linux and FOSS enthusiasts) are in a greater number in Reddit. I think Open-source projects like Lemmy lack the aggressiveness required to make it big.

Even though he is a socialist (which I hate) I believe he genuinely cares about the issues he says he cares about, unlike almost everyone in politics right now, Bernie is honest. Donald Trump, well he gets shit done and is politically incorrect, he has the courage to say things that many politicians don't have the courage of addressing (a similarity between both Bernie and Trump). And Bernie has not changed that much on terms of his policies, he supported gay men and women when it was unpopular (I loved this big time!), he says what he thinks about the Saudis and no one,not even trump has the courage to do this, he is a brave man in the truest sense. I love Bernie more than Trump for that reason. But yeah, both are populists, both are unlike anyone who I have ever seen, I really wish Bernie was president for at least one term, Hillary B Clinton and the Dems cheated him out of his rightful ticket. So fuck Hillary and fuck the democratic party establishment, also fuck Joe Biden too while we are at it. For someone who make a big deal out of the Jan 6 disturbance, Dems are perfectly capable of and are willing to steal elections and throw the will of the people into the dustbin.

but zip is not the default and many a times you can't set a default in many applicatoins.

This is not just about gimp or file managers, many applications use formats which you can't use anywhere but on Linux most times.