
1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 weeks ago

Read that as “vid claiming migrants ARE cats” and I didn’t doubt it for a second.

Your example is not at all the same thing. To make your example fit you’d need to change it to something like: “hey guys I’ve tried googling this and I’m just not very good with printers as unfortunately I haven’t owned one until now”. Then asking the actual question, like then place what you said after what I said.

You shouldn’t need to have the part I said. You’re basically adding in the part because you’re worried someone might call you an idiot or something for not knowing the answer to your question if it turns out it’s something simple that other people know (simple for people who know it anyway).

That’s the point…

Oh really? I don’t really get how your system works I guess lol. Cos I thought if he drops out he’s out. So he’s still running against Trump in some states basically? I would have thought he’d be taking votes from the right rather than the left though. But I probably just don’t understand your system properly tbf.

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Think you probably went into the wrong career if your aim was to earn a lot of money, if wages are similar to the UK.

Even if they somehow got sacked for being lazy or whatever, it doesn’t affect your salary, so I wouldn’t really obsess about it? It obviously takes a lot more training to become a doctor and that’s why they’re paid better. Along with the massive responsibility. I’m sure it’s a stressful job and it could be that those other doctors just don’t like that doctor and so are talking shit about them. You don’t monitor this doctor the whole day (if you do then it sounds like you’re not doing your job very well), so you can’t really say how he spends all his time.

Maybe he’s just coasting now, having done the hard stuff. But he had to do the hard work beforehand to get qualified. But yeah if you wanna be a doctor and think you can do it then make that your aim I guess?

Of course you could earn more money doing another job completely unrelated to healthcare if you trained up and progressed enough.

If you enjoy your job then I wouldn’t worry. If you don’t then try to retrain.

I thought Kennedy dropped out to support Trump? Maybe I’m wrong I’m not American, but thought I heard that.

But yeah I agree. It’s just splitting the vote, the same thing happens in the UK. For a long time until this most recent election we only had the Conservatives on the right, whereas on the left you had Labour, Lib Dem’s and Greens, yet the Conservatives kept getting back in because the left wing vote was split, they wouldn’t work together to step down in certain seats to let the party most likely to be beat the Conservatives stand.

Thank god, in a weird way, for Reform UK, massively splitting the right wing vote this time around. Allowing Labour to win. If Labour don’t change the voting system to proportional representation now that they’ve finally got the chance after a 15 year wait, then they are truly mugs. They won’t though I’m sure. They are hopefully supposed to be letting 16 year olds vote which should help.

But yeah, that Hitler story gave me the shivers lol. Apparently we aren’t allowed to call Trump a fascist because it pisses off Republican voters and caused that assassination attempt (even though I swear the guy was a republican voter??)

But like; he is literally a fascist. For me personally, if someone said, “we can stop Trump from ever being elected, but the price is you have to cancel the election and just say that George Bush won and let him have another term”. I’d take that deal. I genuinely think Trump is so dangerous, it shouldn’t be a republican vs democrats thing, it should be an Americans for Democracy thing.

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Ah yes, I know it well.

Ahh ok haha well that’s good at least. I can’t see any left leaning would-be democrat voters voting for the guy who dumped the carcass of a bear in… I wanna say.. Central Park?

I love that they’re like “paper doesn’t grow on trees dude, we ain’t wasting anymore”.

I don’t really understand why these independents bother. Do they really think they’re gonna turn 3% (being generous) into 51%?? I don’t think so. I wonder if there’s some ulterior motive in play, like to just get their name out there and then with that name recognition, get elected into a much lower down position at state level.

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Because he’s a shart fella.

What time can you vote from then? I think in the UK it’s 7am-10pm so surely anyone can make it at some point during then?? If it’s the same there… but to be honest at least making it a two day thing seems like a decent option.

But I struggle to see how you can’t make it between 7am and 10pm. It should be a legal right that your workplace has to let you have time to vote at some point during the day.

Aha I think I get what you’re saying though. There is also a thermostat on the wall downstairs that controls the central heating. So if that is turned off, then my radiator wouldn’t heat up even if I turned the dial from the photo up.

It’s like the main thermostat has executive control (pretty certain of this anyway) but then each room has a radiator which its own controls so if I get too hot I can turn mine off while the rest of the radiators in the house stay on.

I’m guessing you’re not from the UK? The dial, as I’ll now call it, on the radiator is on every radiator I’ve ever seen.

Anyhow dunno why I’m telling you all this cos if you don’t have the same system you’re not gonna be able to help but just as an FYI I guess. Hopefully someone on the other channel is from the UK!

Cheers, just posted on there. I’ll just attach the picture here anyway as well.

I think it may not be the thing you’re thinking it is, cos yeah nothing to do with A/C, we don’t generally have that in most UK homes unfortunately aha.

Here’s a photo of what I was calling the thermostat (but might not be).

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If that means they were going to have them muted then yeah that’s what I understand. That they will be muted just like with the Biden one.

That was what was reported on bbc news well I think they actually said “likely” about their mics being muted so actually it wasn’t conclusive. I know Harris didn’t want them muted.

I agree with her wanting them unmuted, I think that will benefit her. She’s very quick on her feet from clips they showed of her (I literally hadn’t seen her speak until today, so I’m only going by a few clips they showed of her in debates and in congress).

She will be quick. Trump will be senile and slow and she can quickly shut him down while also letting him ramble just enough to show he’s senile.

But Trumps side wants them muted, clearly knowing it will be better for Trump that way. Especially if Trump needs to shart again. He will be hoping he can hold it in until he mic is muted and it’s Harris’s turn to speak.

Steady on. You’re starting to sound like a dirty communist. ;)

Yeah I mean I dunno if it’s helpful to call them idiots. Cos ideally a really small number of these people might be capable of changing their opinions. I mean I don’t buy that anyone can be undecided at the moment, or for quite a long time really. I think the votes needed can either come from Trump supporters or from people who are lazy voting wise. Who would back Harris if they could vote from home, but just might not get their arse down to the polling station on the day.

Well I suppose there is maybe some republicans who just hate the Democrats and would never vote for them under normal scenarios, but are uncomfortable as fuck with Trump.

Meh. Maybe we can do without the Trumpers if we are lucky lol. I mean we might not have a choice in the matter. I suppose as much as we don’t want to alienate them by calling them idiots, they are in reality idiots if they’re literally believing stuff like the litter box examples and even if we don’t call them idiots, the reality is they’re probably too idiotic to be turned, so it likely won’t make a difference anyway.

Who knows…

Hahah literally what is the point!? Well like I say. Probably is about name recognition otherwise why bother.

Either that or Jill is retired and bored/senile.. isn’t Jill the same name as Biden’s wife actually? Hahah. Maybe it’s Biden in a wig. Who can say?

Ahaha yeah a photo was definitely needed. I just said all the words I could think of that might give a clue or be correct lol. I didn’t even know you could upload photos, only been on here for about a week.

Also; I think it’s actually working again now lol. It’s not great, like I was able to turn the “dial” which I wasn’t able to last night, which I think was in part because I was getting burnt trying to do it. But once it was cool I was able to turn it like normal almost, but then the same thing happened again, but because this time it was cold; I was able to get it back into the off position.

So think I will replace it but least it sort of works for now.

Well yeah. Because Trump’s strategy will just be to talk about all the shit he already talks about, regardless of the question. If he does actually try to answer the question he will likely just waffle, call things fake news, call Kamala a communist, shit like that. Kamala will have a normal strategy of actually answering the questions like literally any other politician would in any other debate. Hopefully she can also shut down Trump with a few simple similar to “he’s weird” comments, because even though it’s a shame that they work, they do actually work for just dismissing his bullshit and are simple to understand for the simple minded.

As I say, it’s a shame so many people are apparently that simple, that stuff like “make America great again” and “fake news, that’s just fake news” actually work: but they do work for persuading certain simple minded people who the Democrats need votes from.

It’s kinda how the whole “when they go low we go high” thing doesn’t actually work as a complete strategy.

Yes she needs to be making coherent, actual points as well. But having the odd simple put down and knowing when something Trump has said is so insane, that it actually doesn’t deserve a proper answer, but simply a dismissal is important.

Otherwise you end up being on the defensive constantly and run out of time to actually make your own coherent points.

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I had a quick google of this (I’m from UK) and it seems to indicate that in most states you can actually vote early.

Well specifically it says:

For the 2024 Presidential General Election, early voting will be available from Thursday, October 24, 2024 through Thursday, October 31, 2024 (including Saturday and Sunday) from 7 am to 8 pm.

That’s for Maryland. Gotta say it’s confusing that you seem to have different rules in different states, well not just confusing but actually undemocratic surely? Because it means some people in some states will have an easier time voting than others so are more likely to vote.

Surely it should be exactly the same rules in every state. I’m assuming now that the times you can vote on the actual day may even be different depending on state.

I get that you have different laws in different states for stuff. But surely for voting, it should be the exact same rules, because you’re electing the president of the whole of the USA not your state. (Although maybe you technically actually are only voting for the elector in your state that then casts their vote on your behalf, I even read that there have been rare occasions where the state elector went against what their state voted for!?)

I dunno. Seems a little crazy and quite confusing.

I thought they were going to have microphones muted? So no interrupting possible.

lol. The thing is you’re taking what this nurse says at her word entirely and not allowing for the decent chance that actually this doctor does do his job cos like if he didn’t he’d be getting disciplined?

She either watches him a lot of the time which means she’s not working. Or more likely she just sees him when he’s on his phone having a break.

It’s takes like a decade or longer to become fully trained as a doctor so of course they earn more than nurses. The knowledge you need to have is much more advanced, the responsibility is much larger. If it’s anything like the UK then you have to do incredibly well before in what we call college (16-18) to even get a place on a course which seems to be sort of a little bit what you’re saying. Except scrap “privilege” and replace with “had to have worked really hard and got outstanding grades beforehand in order to get onto a course”.

It’s like with a lot of professions where you’re not paying the person for working up a sweat. You’re paying them for their knowledge.

I’ve worked in care, was the lowest paid job I’ve had yet I’d argue the hardest, certainly very physically as well as mentally demanding.

I’ve also earned twice that wage in a job that was much easier, although could be stressful and I was taking on more responsibility.

Especially in America which I assume the person is probably from, where doctors are getting sued for shit all the time, it really is a lot more responsibility on top of the years and years of education, debt and knowledge they have to build up to do the job.

Just sounds like a salty nurse. Unfortunately some people want to pull everyone down to their level rather than raise everyone up.

Like if nurses unionised properly then they could demand better pay. If we didn’t live in a capitalist society then things would be fairer too, but under the current system, doctors are just far more valuable to us than nurses. Those is the facts…

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Yeah so basically you don’t give a shit because Mexico isn’t more powerful than the US.

You’re privileged (feel a little weird saying this about America) to live in the world’s most powerful country. But things change. Look how quickly China has changed. Just in my lifetime they’ve gone from the equivalent of the poorer parts of Africa to having a pretty decent standard of living.

You can’t just isolate yourself and say fuck you, you’re on your own Ukraine, when they get invaded by Russia. I mean you can. But as I say, it won’t stop there. It didn’t stop with Crimea. Appeasement failed.

Your balloons comment just indicates you actually have no credible argument. You know that I’m right. Just admit at least that you’re selfish and care only about yourself.

That Russia can invade the whole of Europe if they want to do, kill as many people as they want, just so long as they don’t attack the US.

That’s basically your argument isn’t it? At least be honest about it and we can just conclude that you’re not a very good person but at least you’re honest.

I think you’re possibly describing sociopathy. Which is of course more common among the rich and “successful”, politicians are typically mentioned of having higher incidences of sociopathy, than the rest of the populous.

Because to get up to a certain level you have to be pretty cut-throat. You have to not care about shitting on other people in order to progress.

But this is the more extreme category of people. Like highly successful politicians as I say are the main culprits people usually mention.

I certainly don’t think you have to, to simplify things, be a “dick” to be a doctor. I’m sure some are but certainly not all.

What if one of your good friends decided to train as doctor? You wouldn’t suddenly call them a sociopath for achieving that aim, would you?

I’d agree there’s a higher incidence of them amongst doctors compared to say… carers. But it’s nowhere near all of them.

There is also this thing I often hear and have actually experienced first hand (obviously this is not to be taken too seriously as it’s just a personal experience) but people who care for vulnerable people like nurses or carers, can sometimes take those positions in order to gain power over vulnerable people.

There’s a fair few documentaries that show these kinds of people abusing their vulnerable patients. Pretty disgusting stuff. Imagine bullying say a non-verbal autistic person. There is very little chance that person can defend themselves. They can’t even communicate effectively.

So much trust is given to these low paid carers, caring for the most vulnerable. You definitely get bad apples there.

So it’s certainly not only a problem with doctors. Who can be probably a bit more easily found out.

Just thought about Lucy Letby as an example of an evil nurse with power over the most vulnerable tiny premature baby’s. (Although see some stuff about people doubting her conviction and her not fitting the typical serial killer profile, but that’s a tangent anyway).

But no I don’t think it’s automatically wealthy privileged people. I hate capitalism as much as I suspect you may do unless I’ve misinterpreted your tone haha. But this is the system we have and going back to the main thing, doctors and similar professionals are valued much more than the lowly nurse or extra lowly care worker who works physically twice as hard but without all the the risks that doctors take.

Final thing: I think you have it backwards. I think the culprits you’re referring to, lack the empathy in the first place, making them sociopaths. This lack of empathy allows them to ascend the ranks stepping on the shoulders of whoever.

Ohh Biden said “will you shut up man?” to Trump? Aha that’s pretty funny.

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Cheers, if I unscrew it, it won’t suddenly start leaking will it? Like is there a way for me to accidentally do that or not? Cos if there’s a way, I’ll find it.

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Surely they’d just split up the fight lol. If you can grab hold of one of them, then the fight is over isn’t it? So it doesn’t matter who you grab or who you protect, you’ll be protecting the other in the process.

Cheers dude

lol dude I wasn’t critical after I was always critical. In the UK we had our biggest protest march ever when the Iraq war was about to start. Plenty of people were against it.

I’m just gonna simplify the Ukraine thing. They are a country. Who cares democratic or not although they are they might not be perfect but they are nothing like Russia. But the point is no country has the right to invade their neighbour.

I can’t keep up with too many of these different talking points so I’m just gonna push you on the fact that you don’t see a problem with a sovereign country being invaded.

And I brought up the appeasement because it’s what you’re advocating and it hasn’t worked before and it hasn’t worked now. If appeasement worked then Russia would have stopped after crimea - why didn’t they stop after Crimea

I doubt it. I don’t usually.

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Ok my point about Palestine was to prove that I wasn’t on America’s side in most of its wars. Like I’m largely in agreement with you on US’s interventions in other countries.

Just not completely. Not if we are counting Ukraine. Ukraine were attacked by Russia, we are trying to help them defend themselves and in the process hopefully put Russia off pulling a stunt like this again. They’ve had a pretty sharp shock that it wasn’t the walkover they thought it would be.

Where America piss me off in regards to the Ukraine though, is this trickling of weapons. Basically America have given Ukraine everything they have asked for… just a year after they ask for it. Had they given them everything they have given them now at the start of the war, then Ukraine may well have won this war.

I have no idea what the fuck you are going on about saying Ukraine isn’t much different to Russia??? Dude they were fucking invaded they don’t want to be part of Russia. They are a democracy - Russia is NOT, they are not similar at all. The Ukrainian people aren’t fighting and dying for nothing dude??? If Russia wasn’t that different they would have immediately surrendered rather than lose all the lives they’ve lost over this.

In regards to sanctions, we sanction countries that need sanctioning. We sanction North Korea because they openly say they want to destroy America given the chance, so we aren’t making it easy for them to fund their nuclear program.

I’m a socialist. But if you’re somehow saying that STALIN is someone we should have left alone because Russia was communist, like dude have you been on the crack or something cos you appear to have lost your mind.

You say you want peace in Ukraine and giving up territory blah blah. Holy shit. Crimea. 2014. Do you remember that? That was them giving up territory. That was the western world not responding to Russia, not interfering. That has led to their invasion of Ukraine. That literally proved that Russia will not be happy until they’ve restored USSR borders.

You’re literally promoting appeasement. Do you remember world war 2? The policy of appeasement worked wonderfully there didn’t it?

You mentioned China. Have you heard of Taiwan? Taiwan is China’s Ukraine.

The reason China haven’t been involved in any major conflicts is literally because of the current situation where we have NATO.

You’re advocating to get rid of all that. To isolate. If we did that, that’s when you’ll see a major military invasion from China and Russia and whoever fucking else has the means to bully their neighbour.

You clearly haven’t thought this through very well. I’m not really sure I’m going to be able to get through to you at this point.

The major thing that’s hit me with your response is the way you’re saying how big shit hasn’t happened with Russia and China trying to take over the world. Well for one, Russia have clearly already started with Crimea and then Ukraine. China are eyeing up Taiwan. But yes they aren’t going full on world war 3 yet as I say, LITERALLY BECAUSE OF NATO PREVENTING THEM FROM DOING SO. They wouldn’t dare invade a NATO country.

You take away NATO and the situation completely changes. So obviously things would be massively different.

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What she needs to be doing is trumping all over Trump. Like farting all over his face. No cancel that. Not farting. She needs to be consistently SHARTING all over his face, all over his whiskers and in his mouth.

Yessss… yessss.

Side note: fuck Shapiro that guys a fucking sellout like I’ve never liked the guy at all. Obviously. And I’ve never really thought he was actually principled. But like he has always tried to act like he’s super rational and it just makes no sense that he could still be supporting someone who blatantly tried to steal the election to stop the transfer of power.

His excuses to justify still supporting Trump make me sick and he also needs a caking of shart IMO.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Well countries may not want to trade with someone at least not on favourable terms if that country isolates itself in every other way.

My point about NATO was that it’s all about working together to defeat something, so okay, in that case communism if you say so (honestly don’t know that much about it).

The point is that Russia and China are dangerous. I suppose you’re okay with the Ukraine stuff because it’s all about America right? Okay with the Palestinian genocide?

Note that I’m clearly not supportive of all Americas wars. Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc.

But to just not form military alliances with other countries? That’s dangerous. Because Russia and China aren’t gonna stop with their alliance. If the US was to just ignore them two slowly taking over the world, then guess who will be the last country left, isolated as is your wish? The last country left to be taken over? Which will be much easier once they’ve conquered the rest of the world.

You can’t let the likes of Russia stomp around invading its neighbours. It’s a very selfish attitude that ironically won’t benefit itself. As in letting Russia do that will eventually lead to America’s own demise. We also won’t be able to trade with the countries who have been bombed into oblivion by Russia/China/North Korea and whoever else joins them rather than die.

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You want America to be isolated? In a world where we have a Russia and a China? Are you for real dude?

When the US finally pulled it’s finger out of its arse and stopped just benefiting financially from world war 2 and decided (more like was forced but whatever) to join in and fight Hitler, they were able to end it.

That was a good thing. The UN and NATO originated off the back of that stuff.

You cannot be isolated in a 2024 globalised world. Absolutely bizarre take. I suppose you don’t want to trade with anyone else either right?

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Like let’s give you a scenario. Let’s say Mexico were more powerful than the US. Would you be fine with them invading you? No you clearly wouldn’t so why is it fine in Ukraines case?

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Dude, Trump would be a nightmare on foreign policy. All Putin would have to do is give him a compliment and he’ll start trading sensitive documents with him.

I suspect a big part of the war lust in America is because politicians are getting hand jobs and bribes from people who benefit in the defence industry. Trump is certainly not above being bribed.

The way he spoke to North Korea’s leader whose name has escaped me for now.. king jung un? Or something. The way he spoke to him could have potentially caused a fucking nuclear war. He got lucky and came out of it looking good, there was no skill there just absolute stupid luck.

You want America to pull out of NATO? Wtf? Haha maybe you didn’t mean that? Hopefully not cos that would be crazy and yeah he could well pull the US out of NATO, so again - not good.

I’m not understanding you at all in thinking Trump would be good for foreign policy.

Also you aren’t saying it out loud in an obvious way. But you are clearly admiring Trump. Who the fuck would admire Trump!? You’re the sort of person who would look past all the rape allegations his other trials and convictions and still say something positive about him. You’re clearly a republican who doesn’t give a shit about others life’s. Just like with gun control and republicans - “it’s a fact of life that school shootings will happen” no it’s fucking not. They don’t happen anywhere else (or not on anything remotely close to the scale of the US) so of course we can solve that problem