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Equality should be in protection of rights. People are not equal, and never will be. They should have equal rights, though.

Steve Vai is a better guitarist than I am. He shouldn't have his fingers broken so that we both have equal ability to play the guitar.

Trying to make people equal in every way is evil. It only brings the best in every field down to the level of the worst, since there's no way to bring everyone up to the level of the best in every field.

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I think people need to go outside and interact with each other in person. That's the best way to date.

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Play Protect is meant to protect Google from people installing apps outside of the Play Store.

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

-George Washington (allegidly) The true author is debatable, but the quote is accurate, none the less.

It's easier to bitch about what's wrong than to actively do something to make it better.

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Who would share their wifi? That's just inviting someone to use it for nefarious things because they're not responsible for it.

If you're running Android you can use PDAnet to act as a mobile hotspot. You can connect your devices to your phone through wifi.

Edit: I didn't notice what community this was posted in. Obviously you're using Android 🤦

How about telepathy for half the people. That's even more chaotic.

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spoken-word poet who had just graduated from a San Francisco law school


I don't care enough about votes to even vote, much less stalk someone. I don't even understand why people care about votes.

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I'm not good at math, so I just call everyone marklar.

There are medications for bipolar.

I killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. I'm looking for genuine help and I get accused of being dishonest or hateful.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I was truly confused.

That's the problem. I don't want to talk politics. I want to help my child, but I'd like to have an open discussion with people who don't get offended at anything that's not 100% what they believe.

It's really hard to talk to people about this since it's such a political hot potato. I'm truly looking for help and it's frustratingly hard to find.

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This is part of how a much smaller army can defeat a larger invading force. The locals have all their supplies. The invading force has to bring everything with them.

I know several people who have done this and it's helped. I don't see the down side, unless nobody donates. Then you feel very unloved.

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I'm not sure that would be the proper time to come out.

I'm pretty sure that's just Ozzy Osbourne.

You could try a homemade sex tape. If it gets leaked you could become rich and famous like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.

I've tried T̶w̶i̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ X, and it just seems like a bunch of angry people text yelling at each other. It's like walking in to a huge room with 25 different arguments going on, and it's hard to tell what is even happening. I really don't get the appeal. I tried Mastodon, because I thought it might be better. It didn't appear to be.

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It's sad how easily this generation is taken in by mass propaganda. We laughed at the propaganda when it started, but then it worked it's way into the school system and kids have been indoctrinated into it for 20+ years.

Look at the "solutions" to the "end of the world" scenarios. They all involve giving up your freedom and wealth and giving the governments more money and more power.

They took critical thinking out of the schools and it has left an entire generation unable to think for itself and more than happy to let those in control maintain their power over them.

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I'm trying to find people to talk to. I'm not trying to push any opinion or agenda. My child is having issues. I don't believe that just affirming them will solve their deep rooted problems, but I'm willing to have a back and forth with people who have had both success and failure with that approach. I want a place where I can speak honesty and not have people start calling me dishonest or saying I have some agenda or I'm trying to push some kind of politics.

I guess I'm looking for a sort of Alanon type environment, where people can share their experiences without judgement. I don't mind if someone says they think I'm wrong and are willing to share their experience to back up their statement. I actually would welcome it.

If I were looking for confirmation bias, then that would be easy. What I'm looking for is a real and honest discussion with people who have dealt with this issue, both personally and professionally.

I believe Fizza is forbidden in the Bible.

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There are a lot of different British and American accents, depending on which part of the country they're from. Some sound much better than others. I don't know much about Australian accents. Is there just one, or many different ones depending on their location?

I remember trying to watch Mad Max a long time ago. I didn't make it very far in the movie because I couldn't understand what they were saying most of the time. I find most American and British accents easier to understand, although there are a few that are harder.

Sizes measured in songs? Is my shirt size a "Sweet Home Alabama"?

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That's the scariest thing I've read in a long time. I've gotten so many completely made up "facts" from AI that I wouldn't want to hand it the keys to my car, much less my freedom. It even cites it's sources, which don't exist if you actually check them. The fact that the creators can't even explain why this is happening makes it even more scary. I'm not scared of AI. I'm just scared of people trusting it. It's about as trustworthy as a politician, but arguably a lot smarter.

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My daughter used to say "that's not fair" all the time. I would tell her "Life isn't fair. If you expect it to be, you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment."

She never listened to me, though.

It's this kind of political thing that I'm trying to avoid. I thought I made it clear that I'm looking for help, not politics.

I need to find a community of family members and/or psychologists who have found success (or failure) in dealing with this issue. I'm not trying to say that it's good or bad. My child is struggling and I can't seem to find objective help. It all seems political and unhelpful.

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What if you have Lincoln Logs and mashed potatoes in the same bag?

I don't actually know the reasoning behind it. We have a rather small company and in 2003 we outsourced our accounting to a nationwide firm that does accounting for a lot of huge worldwide franchises. Our work weeks went from Monday to Sunday, but this accounting firm said that all their clients had Thursday to Wednesday weeks, so we had to change to that system. We've since taken our accounting system back inhouse, but we've kept the Thursday through Wednesday weeks.

I had never heard of that weekly system before 2003, but now I've realized that it's quite popular. I think it's more of a system used in franchise type companies rather than manufacturing or other type businesses.

They do.

It worked for Oedipus.

Many businesses in the U.S. now start their week on Thursday.

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Ryan Long will be so happy!

And sleeveless! That's the "sweet" part.

Small penises