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Joined 1 months ago

I haven't viewed the actual Facebook app/feed in probably 7 or 8 years, but I have a Facebook for messenger. There are just too many people that rely on it as a sole form of communication, I was just getting left out of shit.

I don't really see the problem though, do you not have the self control not to browse?

This shit couldn't be more off base lmao.

Not only have many greats been listed in response to you, you also have relevant comedians today bitching about "woke" as you call it.

Is Bill Burr an edge lord has-been? Chapelle? Jon Stewart has mentioned this as well. Honestly, I think the meme of "YoU cAnT sAy tHiNgS aNyMoRe" is in over half of standups I watch.

A huge portion of comedians mention this at some point.

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I want you to think about how many leaf blowers are actually being used, and how many hours even the most inefficient small engine would have to run to compare to a single semi-truck route.

It's so incredibly fucked how you people miss the forest for the trees.

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We're not idiots or rich

So poor people drive smaller, cheaper cars. Got it.

You're just in different circles, I suppose.

It's almost as if they don't have a fucking solution at all.

Despite pointing to "evErY oThER cOUnTrY doEsNt hAvE a PrObleM" they haven't thought about gun control implementation for 3 seconds.

It's literally as bad as the conservative saying "do nothing" or "more guns solve the problem". It's equally as stupid as that, but the liberal crowd acts like they're fuckin geniuses whilst giving their suggestions.

1000% this.

This article is fuckin ridiculous. There hasn't been a Chinese auto manufacturer that is even CLOSE.

So I promise I'm not trying to be a dick, but do you actually understand the results from the articles you posted?

A basic mass balance on the claims implies a very narrow interpretation of "emissions". It doesn't even pass the most basic sniff test, come on.

Not only do those articles completely ignore CO2, what about the energy required to manufacture and transport the fuel in the first place?

Those studies focus on NOx emissions, a very small subset of overall environmental impact. They basically cherry pick the fuck out of what consitutes as an "emission", and ignores the massive difference in greenhouse gasses produced.

There are claims that running a leaf blower for 30 minutes produces as much "emissions" as driving a Raptor like 1 thousand miles.

Lmao, if you think a quarter gallon of gas from the leaf blower is "worse" than 100 gallons of fuel the truck would burn, you have to be mad.

Think about it for more than a couple seconds.

And even funnier about this, the solution for this shit is already here. Aside from commercial landscaping companies, electric is already taking over. Its basically a non-issue as far as realists are concerned.

The car still sucks ass, dude. Literally no one is buying cheap Chinese shit that has a million problems. They're not even close.


"Right wing" for this community is if someone is a capitalist.

Ya'll have a super left wing echo chamber that's freaking out about any dissent.

This sort of shit is exactly why everyone is a political extremist now. You insert yourselves into communities that only agree with you.

You absolutely will not back this up, I guarantee it.

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