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Joined 2 years ago

Livable planet :)

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starting the timer to see how long it takes for this to be removed and for you to be labeled redfash or some such nonsense

Accelerating climate change and an increase in consumer car culture (more cars on road to kill bugs = less bugs)

Conflating Judaism with the state of Israel is antisemitic. Cut that shit out.

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 by Rashid Khalidi 👍

america was never awesome, I'm sorry to break it to you

Here's a playlist with 2382 interviews with Uyghur people from Xinjiang, saying exactly what they think, enjoy (we both know you won't watch them)


Okay, well, if you feel like reading a book sometime, I highly recommend Patriots, Traitors, and Empires: The story of Korea's Struggle for Freedom, by political analyst Stephen Gowans (he's not a commie, no reason to be scared)(edit: he's a marxist), it goes into the history of the Korean peninsula, starting from the Japanese colonization in the early 1900s, through WW2, the division of the country into North/South, the Korean war, through to present day, answering why North Korea (DPRK) is where it's at today.

Here's an article that goes over the basics of it all, if you're not up for reading the whole book (but it's a very good book)

Are you capable of engaging with TB's points instead of falling back into insults to save face?

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the thing you bloodthirsty redditors don't understand is, the only correct position on this war is hoping it ends as soon as possible. I hope peace talks can be established, and we can all move past this with as few people as possible being shoved into the woodchipper. I am not pro russia, and I'm certainly not pro ukraine. The only correct position is anti war, anything less is baying for blood.

If we get a Ukraine post to the top of r/all, maybe congress will approve another $2b in "aid" for the bottomless money pit wholesome chungus war effort!!

massive deposits of lib cope in the comments, we can keep the copium factory working at max capacity for years at this rate. keep up the good work!

I can't wait for the "blackout" to end so they can go back to huffing cope and baying for blood on r/ukraine again

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