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Joined 2 months ago

And replace SCOTUS.

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America just got a MASSIVE step towards a dictator. WTAF is going on? I'm in the wrong timeline...

What's this about my rug? There's devils piss there as well? We truly are fucked.

Good news! The president CAN legally commit felonies now! How cool is that?

As a European, I am terribly sorry for what's happening over there. It really worries me, as it'll have an effect on the entire world 😞

They won't notice, as fines are already in the cost projections.

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If you do something illegal, and the result is a fixed fine, it's only "illegal" for poor people. Rich people dgaf if they have to pay fine/ticket.

So let me get this straight. Give the employees higher pay, more flexibility AND subside childcare? That sounds like less money in my pocket, which is counter productive. It also fails the trickle-down economy. At the same time, our profit margin would go down, and it must always go up! I expect IKEA to go bankrupt within the next 6 months with this strategy.

-any capitallist fuckhead

This is exactly what capitalism is: someone who's idle makes more money than the actual workers. Fuck capitalism!!!

It's easier to win a discussion when you just state falsehoods, especially misquoting the other person, as the other person would have to defend it. On to a new lie, and around we go.

Many people will, unfortunately, listen to the lies, because the person defending themselves will look like they have nothing new to come up with, rather just stand there defending themselves.

Just look at any Trump discussion.

Master Of Destroying India.

Don't be stupid. How else an I going to make money by doing nothing? Get a job? That's for people who don't pull themselves up by their bootstraps!

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You misspelled tortured. Fuck these cynical assholes!

But the budget cuts is so that they can reduce the taxes for the richest, which will trickle down and boost the economy even more! Let's goooooo....

Ok, what'd I miss? I don't understand the reference.

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Her husband had diplomatic immunity, his wife did not. She was told by someone (i think it was the US embassy or something, I'm not bothered to Google it) to just take the next flight to the US, which she did, and suffered ZERO consequences for killing someone!

USENET, Sonarr and Radarr. It's a godsend

It's the cost of doing business. Hell, if I could rob a bank for 10 million dollars, and the fine was a million dollars (or 9 million), I'd probably do it too!

If the cost for breaking the law is a set amount, it technically only affects poor people. There's a rich guy in Bergen, Norway who received more than 50 parking fines in less than a year, because for him, the fine is the parking cost. It would be like I'd pay 1 cent for parking wherever I want. I wish the government would be able to take away his driver's license for this. He's also blocked trans from being able to continue their drive. Fucking asshole.

Wow! Can't believe I've never seen it before, considering I've been in the internet since 1994...

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Give me one, just one, good reason for this statement, please. If not, I'll just block your account so I won't see your trolling.

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Well, SOMEONE has to pay.

Let's start a class action lawsuit.

Kilomillionaire literally means 1000 millions, aka a billion (short system) or a milliard (long system).

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Unless it's an attack on the US - they'll invade the country where the person who attacked is from and send the country back to the stone age.

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I rally enjoyed Fallout! I didn't see any ads. Might be because I won't give my money directly to Amazon.

So can we. It's easy to pull it off. Gotta remember to find solutions, not problems.

Which also means line goes down. That is unprecedented, and it'd lower the quality of their lives. Think about the rich people!

So, when do we eat them?

Which is one of the reasons I'm not having children.

Wrong. The rich uses lab-grown water, clean from all the chemicals!

This just in: DeSantis is changing the official words prisons and jails to Freedom Centers. Their slogan is "Where Freedom meets people"

So my Tesla is pink. I guess the cop would've thrown a flashbang.

EU, take note!

My kids are complaining about stomach cramps, but that's because they ate too much pizza. Kids. They'll be fine in the morning.

And I'm here, just 30 minutes north of the boarder in Denmark, and it's illegal. So jealous of you! And they're looking great!!

The Ubisoft strategy.

I lick my wife. And my previous girlfriends. So some of us actually lick other people.

USENET. Thank me later

Does she not know who her dad is? Or maybe you're referring to the child's father?

'Member when Ukraine signed a treaty with Russia that if they surrender all nuclear weapons, Russia would never attack them?

It's a computer with wheels.