
0 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.

I personally prefer capitalism, but I'm willing to respectfully hear your ideas.

Thank you very much, this helps me.

Sorry, I couldn't understand your comment. Could you please explain it better?

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…why do I relate so much with the "✨MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOD WITH THEMSELVES✨" part?

At least I only try to do this on The Web™️.

Nice to see that I'm not the only cishet person here.

…okay, this sounds weird, reading out loud.

This is too much information being processed at a time to me! 😵‍💫

You don;t need to be bisexual. That;s just a detail. I hope so.

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I seriously advise you to get professional help. This doesn't sounds very healthy, maybe you should get this checked with a therapist. I hope you find peace on your life. Please take care.

The Good Place mentioned!!! 🗣️🔥🔥

This is certainly not a coincidence.

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idiot. i will kill you now

I don't like doing a full post on these types of platforms because of these moments when it feels like there's 117.732.852.388,27 rules and they are strictly applying every single one of them at the same time. /exg

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Eat your burget upside down.

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My recommendation is Neo Store because even though it's slow there's still more apps available.

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You're not alone.

Why mentioning the act of fornification this early???

Don't worry, at least you (probably) shower more than them.

What is a Neo app?

I surely want to learn this language, but I often find myself busy and/or distract, along with my terrible time management. 😓 I still hope I learn it someday.

I wonder what's for dinna

"free-speech" ❌ "you can say shit uncontrolably" ✅

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I need more discussion on typefaces. Typography is one of my hyperfixations. :-)

P.S.: I meant "special interests", not hyperfixations.

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I once saw a post marked NSFW just because of a PIG's nipples!

This does not sounds good. I've probably heard about them before. Sad to see another project go.

thanks, i dont like how you put "Super Mario" and "Nazis" in the same sentence.

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Brazilian here, ask me (almost) anything related to this subject.

(no refunds or quality responses garanteed)

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This is kind of blursed

I got instantly angry halftrough your comment, then I continued reading…

Reading comments is like climbing a hill. Some of them are montains.

English trying to not be the most janky language ever (thanks, french people) /s

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::: spoiler My list of extensions

  • Imagus - displays bigger image when hovered over (Imagus Mod recommended);

  • Sponsor Block - Skips promotions on YT videos;

  • TOS;DR - summarizes TOS and Privacy Policies;

  • Cookie Autodelete - erases cookies when you close a tab, can make you log out regularly if you don't put an website on a whitelist, though.

  • Dark Reader - changes the page CSS and creates a dark mode version of any page, while it isn't always 100% perfect, it has many useful configurations, like whitelisting websites OR words on them, changing to a light mode, but less bright version of it, setting up the time that it activates, and a few more.

  • Open tabs next to current/Always Right - What the names says, 2 different extensions, but on Chrome I prefer to combine them.

  • Wayback Machine - has an option to auto archive, can bring you to oldest or newest versions of websites and links.

  • Search Image - gives you 6 or so options to search for an image online, kind of combines with Imagus.

  • uBlock Origin - the best ad blocker so far, browsers with built in adblock use it.

  • Privacy Badger - blocks hidden trackers once it sees then on 3 different websites

  • WhatFont - displays the font name in a popup, this is more a personal thing, but I enjoy it.

  • Anti fingerprinting extensions can possibly help.

This is a long list, but these are one of the extensions that I have and I most value, there are some otherb too, but those are more aesthetic than anything. :::

I think you're doing Netflix wrong, but that's fine.

I would never have known this without your meme, thanks anon.

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It's kind of hard to me playing Minetest. Not only for the fact that I don;t think Minecraft is that much fun, but also because the Android version has a confusing UI and weird controls.

I'm restricted to playing the Android version because, I don;t have a PC, duh!

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This reminds me of that "vessel creator" troll from Deltarune

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Super Tux Kart (I play it on Android) is NOT one of them. The physics system is bad at some moments, the items aren't fun to use and some of them ruin the game. The overall game feels amateurish (in a bad way), but one thing that I like is the Windows Car and the drifting. Those are awesome.

OpenAI is now for-profit since they got funded by Microsoft.

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Could you please give ne the names of these plugins that you use?

Women are a open source keyboard that is the flag and

This is the same thing as saying "there's too many music!", "there's too many art!"

You can't have enough emojis. Ever.

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I would like to thank you for taking your time to write this response. For some reason, I was feeling blue. Seeing the lenght of your comment made me feel heard and really happy. Thank you for sharing this with me, may you have a wonderful day/night!