PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
5 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. I mosty comment bricks of text with footnotes, so don't be alarmed if you get one.

You posted something really worrying, are you okay?

No, but I'm not at risk of self-harm. I'm just waiting on the good times now.

Alt account of Also if you're reading this, it means that you can totally get around the limitations for display names and bio length by editing the JSON of your exported profile directly. Lol.

Yes. Can't find work so I definitely can't afford to move out. I moved out briefly during college and while it was unsustainable, I was so happy nonetheless.

America sucks. The government and the "America" it upholds is an institution of evil, a factory for global war and oppression all while insultingly calling itself "land of the free", and anyone who latches onto its historical "achievements" probably sucks too.

But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it.

I mean if "the game" is having the largest prison population per capita then sure, but otherwise America is mid in almost every category.

Amazon Fire Tablet 7in. I bought it literally just to read PDFs, and it was so slow that it was basically unusable. I tried switching out the launcher to something more minimal (Niagara launcher I think), and I figured out how to disable the ads that were all over the place. It helped a bit, but not enough to overcome the hardware and Fire OS. (I think I needed ADB for both of those fixes; I had to put in some real work to unfuck that tablet.) Plus the screen was too small for my pathetic human eyeballs.

Was it worth $30? At the time, yeah, because I literally couldn't afford anything else, but I now have an $80 10in generic Android tablet that's wildly faster.

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Yes because nobody will hire someone with disabilities and finding a job is incredibly difficult without disabilities.

Same boat here. Maybe it helps to know at least you're not alone. Fuck capitalism and fuck ableism for making it so hard for us to participate in their world.

Yeah because I haven't been able to land a job as an autistic person with my degree (BS in electrical engineering) and (lack of) experience (six months of research). That and my age (late 20s) are really the only compelling reasons I can think of for not being able to land a job.

What is your credit card number and all the information needed to use it?

Fuck ALL advertisements. Yes, even "unobtrusive" ones, especially yours. If I want your shit, I will find you. If I appreciate your shit, I'll pay you for your time. If you want to connect, I'm all ears. Otherwise, fuck off capitalists, fuck off advertisers, and fuck off useful idiots who want to waste my finite lifespan in this miserable universe showing me ads.

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Nah, you can't. It's still a great resource, but you always gotta read it critically.

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I'll admit I'm a little lost/down, it came out of nowhere!

Not to be a jackass, but I distinctly remember watching a video at the beginning of July about how he would leave in six months, and he even said his last video would go up on January 1st. It looks like the video has since been privated.

What are your thoughts?

I'm going to miss him as long as he's not making YouTube videos, but everyone deserves a break. Still, I selfishly hope he returns soon or at all, but if not then that's good too.

Thanks for the good times, Tom.

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I'm a full-time Linux user now.

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I have wildly more patience for Lemmy's glitches than I do for Reddit's. Lemmy's devs are working on a shoestring budget with just a few people trying to prop up a whole social network. The project is still pretty early in its life cycle.

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Virtual assistants, e.g. Alexa, Cortana, Siri

I don't want to interact with the companies they represent basically at all, let alone give them nearly unfettered access to my electronics and their data.

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Is it wrong to pirate {anything}


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So I was going to write a comment about how you actually can adjust weight and mass independently based on W = mg if you can control gravity, and that comment relied on the assumption that kg measures mass and lb measures weight...

Except the latter is not true! In US customary and other systems that use the avoirdupois pound, 1 lbm := 0.45359237 kg exactly. However, there is also a pound-force, which is lbf := (1 lb) × (gravitational acceleration in ft/s^2 ). This gives rise to the slug, yet another unit of mass defined as slug := (1 lbf) ÷ (1 ft/s^2 ) = 32.17404 lbm. I actually used this unit in my differential equations class because my professor was really old-school.

The source of the confusion is that the "pound" as a unit of measurement (really one of several units) predates the distinction between mass and weight.

Moral of the story: if handed US customary units, just convert to metric (SI). And I guess I have to write lbf or lbm now whenever I'm forced to use US customary.

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No Brigham Young Virginity Club, I am not currently a sinner, but I sure wish I was!

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Let’s just say you shouldn’t put a flimsy cotton stick in your ear unless you trust it’ll come out in one piece. Just don't.

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Wow what an ungrateful crybaby pooping on your sister's gift, smh.

/s of course. Congratulations on the newborn!

Technically it should be "Have you attended, or are you attending, a college/university?".

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So wtf do you even like?

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Waves Audio Ltd

Not like I needed another reason not to use their plugins but thank you for providing me one anyways 😂.

An impulse buy of a $20 micro wireless Bluetooth keyboard. Holy shit. Rock-solid design, ludicrously long battery life, excellent signal transmission, a replaceable battery with the option to use AAAs, a usable trackpad with sensitivity settings. I cannot stress enough how impressed I am with this device as an electrical engineer.

Now I can actually get real work/play done when I'm too depressed to get out of bed. It's also really useful for working with a Raspberry Pi. That plus a cheap LCD means I can just use it like an ordinary desktop.

If anyone is interested in this product, ask for a link and I'll post it in the comments.

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I mean how else are you supposed to unclog your cock?

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I did a quick search for "entombed horse" and found this real Wikipedia article.

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I mean I was happy on antidepressants before college and I still opposed capitalism/the ruling class. I'm sure there are others like me who oppose the ruling class for practical, rational, and ethical reasons, i.e. I'm not going to stop being an anarchist because my personal life gets better.

So I'd chug that shit all day every day, and I'd use some of that energy to protect people who don't want to chug it for whatever reason.

I mean we have RISC-V and Linux (and other FOSS OS's). IMO the big challenge is to get designers to actually choose these options over the proprietary options that they already know, and then to demonstrate to consumers that free systems can work for them.

Also, obligatory "America bad" segment:

*Insert various fellatory quotes pushing American exceptionalism with respect to creating a free and open-source computer

By its very design, the United States stands against freedom and equality. If they ever claim to want to bring those things to software (or any other field of endeavor), it should be treated as an obvious lie. For this reason, the American government and the capitalists they serve are the last people on Earth I want involved in the design of my future computer, free or otherwise.

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Despite the drama, Lemmy, and despite the continued dominance of proprietary software, the FOSS movement in general. I've been absolutely blown away with my reintroduction to Linux. And I've finally started getting job interviews. I'm starting to feel okay for the first time in a long time.

Going to bars. I can't drink with my medications and I don't like going to loud, social places unless there's some other reason to be there.

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IMO you're basically describing my experience being autistic. So to answer your question...not very well. 🙃

  • Audio engineering. How to take a bunch of tracks that sound like hot shit and make them into beautiful music. How to record an awesome performance, probably in a shit space with shit acoustics and shit gear. How to work my "magic" on a track to somehow do the impossible. More recently, how to analyze and design analog outboard gear and digital plugins that emulate them in real time. I would do it for free if I had the time. I used to mix people's tracks on Reddit (different username) before I went back to school.

  • Music, particularly writing and playing shitty bedroom black metal guitar. So I guess not that weird other than the music choice...

  • Automation, particularly AI and Control Theory. I approach AI from a dynamic viewpoint, i.e. using machine learning to analyze and control systems that "move". I'm still working on unpacking the mathematical fundamentals of AI, especially because the dynamic applications I'm interested in require much more careful understanding of the assumptions that typical machine learning paradigms make about the input and output signals.

  • Math. Calculus, linear algebra, dynamical systems, and high- or infinite-dimensional problems. Both theory and applications. I read textbooks and watch open course lectures. I use this math to back up my intuition in all the above subjects. Even people who say they like math find my interest in the subject obsessive.

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For anyone wondering, this is from /r/photoshopbattles. Excellent shitpost.

But like seriously, I have absolutely no idea what is going on with these images. Like bare-minimum context.

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Does anyone else think there might be a market for open-hardware, "not-enshittified" printers?

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Connect for Lemmy has that feature.

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Is Lemmy also censored by the government?

Not directly. You would have to check with your instance owner if they're reporting to your local government, as well as any instances you post to. Assume yes until confirmed otherwise.

Or can I just openly discuss anything against the government here?

This is a completely different question. Because Lemmy is a clearnet site, and frankly is more public by design than other social media sites, you probably shouldn't discuss anything that could get you in trouble with your government if spoken anywhere else without using TOR or similar anonymizing software.

My favorite sin is cos(2πft) = sin(2πft+π/2), because it's easy to work with (because the frequency is exactly f Hz if t is in seconds).

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Mind your fucking language

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Reading math books, Linux, Lemmy, and Extreme metal. I have nothing to talk about with people IRL other than the fucking weather (that I actually want to talk about).

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I'm an anarchist

I somehow don't believe that.

Men commit almost all rape and murder, but no one seems to think this is a problem we need to do anything about.

There's a feminist movement. One of the major theses of the feminist movement is the rape and murder overwhelmingly committed by men. I'd like it if a lot more people were feminists, but it's not correct to say that no one cares.

If any other group committed 90% of serious crimes – let's say immigrants – people would be calling for them to be rounded up and exiled.

And that would still be an insane reaction to that fact even if it was true, which no self-identified anarchist should support. Rehabilitation must still be the goal of any justice system.

But when it's men, that's just the way things are, nothing to be done about it.

Okay, that's reasonable. However, that doesn't mean that we should accept absolutely any solution to eliminate misogyny no matter the cost. There are wildly more creative and practical ways to go about this.

But we know exactly what to do about it when we're talking about other species. We castrate male cattle because bulls are dangerous and steer aren't.

Spicy hot take: we shouldn't be castrating bulls. Technically you would probably achieve your goal of taming a bull by castrating it, but at the disproportionate expense of the bull's personality, health, and bodily autonomy. Now we're not bulls or trained in bovine social cues so we don't miss the minds of castrated bulls, hence why there's no controversy; it's not obvious. However, men are

Violent criminals typically have elevated testosterone levels. It doesn't take a genius to realize that putting men on testosterone-blockers is going to make them less dangerous.

Correlation ≠ causation!

What will be the other effects?

The other effect is that men will have their bodily autonomy violated. Women have been suffering a related torment from patriarchal governments banning their access to abortion. Generally, women's bodily autonomy has been systematically disregarded, and they have suffered through bizarre mutilations and "treatments" aimed at making them more palatable to men.

I gotta be blunt with you: I typically let stuff like this slide. I understand that a lot of women and other vagina-owners have been put through a tremendous amount of pain by men, so I'm usually willing to give you space to vent. And if it's worth anything to you, I'm sorry that this stuff still happens, and we need to take concrete action to prevent rape and femicide.

But you wrote a really detailed paragraph defending sex-based eugenics. The thing about eugenics is that it never really went away. Seriously, go scroll through Reddit and see how long it takes before some "bleeding heart liberal" goes on a tirade about how people they don't like need to be castrated. The world is absolutely flooded with eugenicists ready to torture and murder people, and there's no telling what suffering they'll impart on humanity if we don't challenge them wherever they pop up.

It is especially irritating to see someone who claims to be a comrade express views like this. It makes me less confident to call myself an anarchist when my views are associated with eugenics. We already have a tremendous amount of ill will generated by "anarcho"-capitalists and "anarcho"-primitivists; we really do not need more bad takes.

Now I would prefer it if you dropped the eugenics, but if you really can't drop the eugenics then at least stop dragging anarchists through the mud. I'm sorry if I've been harsh...but just know that I'll be equally as harsh in your defense when the eugenicists come to neuter you.

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