0 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Every time I see any discussion about a 4 day work week, it's always the same. Discussion is focused around what changes/sacrifices the workers are willing to make to accomplish this. Fuck that noise, nothing should be sacrificed. Your pay shouldn't change, your leaves shouldn't change, nothing should change. Fucking capitalist mentality bullshit.

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I canceled Prime as soon as they announced they were adding ads and I let them know that was the reason. Fuck them. We moved to streaming because it wasn't cable, now these fuck heads are trying to turn streaming into cable. Capitalism is the fucking worst.

15 more...

That shock is 3x more powerful than a wall outlet.

Source: I just went to the aquarium.

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I cancelled Prime as soon as I got this email. It was set to renew in February so perfect timing. I also sent them an email to provide some feedback about the change:

I cancelled my membership as soon as I received notification that you would be including ads to a PAID streaming service. I cannot believe that you think asking for more money per month to have an ad free experience is ok. The world is going to shit because of greedy corporations like you. I hope you go bankrupt and Jeff Bezos goes looking for the Titanic in a poorly made submarine.

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They're giving us bullshit reasons and look how mad people are about it.

The Canadian federal government has been pushing hybrid for about a year now. When it all started they hosted a town hall to answer questions and stuff. One of the directors told a story about how she is happy to go back to the office because she can go to her local Subway and support the business. This erupted into weeks of memes about how we're being forced to the office just to keep Subway in business.

I can't imagine the response to them outright saying they are doing this to please big businesses and landlords.

  1. I haven't gone back to Reddit since the rapture. The only time I use it is for Google results.

  2. I use Lemmy A LOT less than Reddit. This is a good thing imo.

  3. Since it's a smaller community I find that my posts and comments get a lot more traction.

  4. I miss the smaller niche subs. Yes I know that I should contribute and make it a thing on Lemmy. No I won't because I'm mostly a lurker and would rather just close the app than do any work.

  5. I like how the platform is full of socialist/communist but it can become a bit of an echo chamber.

Overall I am happy with the change. Fuck Spez.

It was fun actually. They have a place where the stingrays swim up to you and you're allowed to pet them. I was surprised by how they actually want to get pet. They swim up to the side of the wall and come out of the water to get your attention. Like a little water dog.

Thanks for asking!

4 more...

I don't use any social media except for Lemmy. It used to be only Reddit but jumped ship after the API changes. I'm enjoying Lemmy for the most part. Commenting is better because it gets more traction compared to Reddit. Unlike others I actually enjoy having all the varying opinions from "problem" instances. It makes it feel less like an echo chamber, which Reddit was bad for.

My only issue is because it's so much smaller than Reddit, there isn't as much content or niche communities. I miss some of the subs I used to frequent on Reddit. Some of them were made into communities here but barely have any activity, like one post per week. I guess at the end of the day it's a good thing cause I spend less time on Lemmy than I used to on Reddit.

13 more...

I've always wanted UBI to be a thing but after a discussion with my brother I'm second guessing it. His argument is that corporations will just increase their prices and not much would change.

He suggested that instead, we use the money that we would use for UBI to guarantee that EVERYONE'S basic needs are met. Housing, food, healthcare, etc..

I know it's easier said than done but I'm just worried that billionaires will fuck up UBI like they fuck up everything else.

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Fucking Denuvo lol. Capitalist pigs answer to getting people to buy shit they wouldn't have in the first place.

Only people who know would know. I don't see the problem.

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RTO, much like everything else is about rich people. The Canadian Federal government just announced that all public servants must be in office 60% of the time by September (up from 40%). And the only reason is due to lobbying by real estate holders and businesses downtown.

I'm so fucking tired of rich people not only having the advantage of being rich but also getting every other advantage handed to them by the government.

Went to New York city to go see Ozzy in concert (from Canada). My first time in the US. It was me and 3 other male friends, all in our mid/late 20's. On our way back home we got pulled over by a state trooper because my friend was speeding.

The state trooper walks up to the window and says he smells marijuana. Which was total bullshit because this was a new car and we aren't dumb enough to bring that shit with us. He proceeds to make us all stand in the cold for 45 minutes while he goes through the entire contents of the car and finds nothing. They give us a warning then leave with all our shit just laying around.

This was like a month before they legalised weed in Canada so we figured that was why they did it. The entire time I was just scared they would plant something. I've been conditioned to not trust cops due to all the shit I've seen online. This experience just made it worse. And we were just a bunch of white guys, can't even begin to imagine what people of color have to deal with when it comes to cops in the US.

Tell me about it. This was a long time ago but I remember one of my friends couldn't even go a day without doing his dailies. He wasn't even interested in WoW anymore, he was playing a bunch of other games. But he absolutely had to login every day just to do his dailies then log out and play the game he actually wanted to play.

This went on for months. When we asked him why, he would just say he didn't want to miss out and fall behind. Bro, you aren't even interested in the game anymore...

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In my experience this doesn't work most of the time. It will remove the pop-up but the page won't function. I realise it sometimes has an overlay under the pop-up but upon removing that it removes the content I'm trying to view. Not saying it doesn't work sometimes but it rarely does for me.

If you've ever actually cooked with authentic parmigiano reggiano you would understand why. It's absolutely fantastic stuff.

I used to cook with just whatever old cheddar was on sale at the big box stores. Then my father bought me a couple wedges of authentic parmesan and pecorino romano for my birthday. I will never go back. It's not even comparable. I always have them on hand now.

24 more...

Same here, I used to torrent all my movies. Then Netflix came out, it was a lot simpler and less time consuming to just pay 10$ a month. I torrented a lot less after that.

But now, streaming companies are just turning into cable channels. Completely negating why streaming became so popular in the first place, because it wasn't cable. You didn't have to suffer through ads and you could watch what you wanted when you wanted.

It's no surprise, that's what capitalism is, everything eventually turns to shit in the pursuit of infinite growth.

Who cares. sucks. I got tired of the constant server issues and switched a while ago. It took me like 5 minutes to find another instance and create an account. If my new instance does dumb shit like this, I'll just move again. Isn't this the whole point of Lemmy?

5 more...

This also applies if you're not American. I'm white as fuck but that didn't stop the state trooper from having us stand on the side of the road for 45 minutes while he searched our car cause it smelled like weed (it was a new car, never had weed in it). I can't imagine what would've happened if we weren't white. American cops are just fucking cunts. ACAB.

Diablo 2 of course. It's the best game ever made. I still play it for a month or two every year.

1 more...

Absolutely bat shit insane take. There is so much video evidence disproving that. Most cops in America are bad people, either directly or indirectly through lack of action. ACAB

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Wait, you guys have to pay for cable in order to get internet? I've never paid for cable in my life, just internet.

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Things last much longer than 2-3 days, I'd say 7 days is the average. I've eaten leftovers that were over a week old. It really depends on what it is.

We hate wasting food so we always try it before throwing it out (unless it smells/looks bad or is moldy obviously). If it tastes good we eat it without worry.

I haven't logged out since they started this push and I don't get them with just Firefox/uBlock. I was getting them for a bit and they even blocked me completely at one point. But I just cleared my uBlock cache and updated and it's been working fine.

Diablo 3 and 4 aren't replacements for Diablo either.

5 more...

Who cares, Blizzard ruined the Diablo franchise a long time ago. Do yourself a favor a play Path of Exile instead.

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Is this supposed to be a surprise or something? Trump supporters are brain dead bully's who will do anything to get their way. Not saying it's ok, just that everyone should expect shit like this from these morons at this point.

This is one hell of a take.

Guess people really do need the /s. Even on obvious comments like this.

That's what I hate about it the most. Why can't it tell me I'm a fucking idiot sometimes?

Hollywood always fucks up movies based on games. I'm not expecting much from this movie.

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It's fucking nuts how much better they are. I bought a monochrome Brother printer a few years ago for like 250$. I'm still on the starter toner that came with it. I am never going back to ink. Gone are the days of not being able to print in black cause I'm low on cyan. Fuck HP.

I had the same problem. The image ones are ridiculous, so I started using the audio option. I've rarely had to try again on those and it's usually only typing three words.

I read that the issue with used EV's is that you eventually need to replace the battery pack which can sometimes cost you as much as the car.

Edit: Seems I was misinformed. Glad to hear that replacing EV batteries is not much of a concern.

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I'm in the same boat, I spend way less time on Lemmy than I did Reddit. I consider that a good thing, happy I made the switch. Plus I feel like posting/commenting on Lemmy is much more rewarding than Reddit so that's another bonus imo.

Guide dogs are awesome, it's nice to see a properly trained dog. Most people don't train their dogs worth shit.

This is very relatable to me. A supervisor in my team has Asperger's. She has zero social skills. Says very unprofessional things, interrupts conversations and completely changes the topic to something nobody cares about. She is a hoarder and has way too many dogs/cats, her hygiene isn't the best.

Most of us have worked together for 5+ years and have learned to ignore it as much as possible. It's clear that she's not doing this on purpose and doesn't realize how annoying/rude she can be. I don't really have a solution for you. This is just something you learn to live with. It's still very annoying and frustrating to deal with but I don't think there's any solution that wouldn't negatively impact her.

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We shouldn't be trying to grow a single instance. That defeats the whole point of Lemmy. I started on Lemmy world and switched once I got fed up with the constant connection issues. Plus, Lemmy world blocked piracy communities so fuck that. I'm happy that I am able to quickly create an account on another instance.

I had no idea about any of this. My only knowledge of the guy was from the Seinfeld episode. Just read up on him and man that's fucked up. Religion fucking sucks, makes people nuts.