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Joined 11 months ago

With a feeling so pure!

It's a great ice breaker

Too late, now there's a rabbit in her hole

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I always wish it was easy to "hyperlink" parts of my sentence. So that they could hover over it and see my explanation for that part. But alas, that would be too much work.

Yeah but then I wouldn't have known I was safe.

Nickname Potat.

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Probably not Finland or some other European countries. As long as it's not sexual.

Yup, just asked my fiancee, as she majored in printing, and said basically exactly this.

I'm Hugh Mungus

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Hello Margot Robbie!

Buffalo: to puzzle or baffle; confuse; mystify

Ever done cheese?

There's a variant called 'horde' on lichess where it's evenly balanced, and pretty fun!


It's just because higher developed countries have diagnosed it, right?

So it's like the guidelines are just guidelines?

When she jujjindies on your pharaoh but you a cream yes.

Thanks to quipquip this is the best I could find

Hello dead

Wow, sorry guy, I could definitely tell you were being sarcastic. Don't forget the /s!

Centepides actually only have 6 legs. You can see the six real legs if you look closely at a picture. The other "legs" work like legs, but are not actually legs.

It's 2023. Have you not done that yet?

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Yeah but doing it through email still has so many benefits. You can refer back to it years later if needed, you can think out and rewrite your points, include someone else later without restating everything...

Is it? My tile is "Field service engineer", but I only have on the job training, and an environmental science degree. I know another guy with my title who has no degree. I know it's obviously a different job than a ME or EE, but still officially has engineer in the title.

Your car charges extra for it via gas consumed

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Hello Margot Robbie.

I'm 5'15, and I also like irresescent elephants.

As a dual citizen who's lived in both, agreed. Americans and Canadians are exactly the same.

So tell us more about this list...

I play, and I'm not desperate (and hopefully not an idiot either). Here is my reasoning, but I'm open to ideas from people who may think differently. First, obviously, playing is losing money, just like scratch-offs. However, a winning scratch-off is not life changing money, it's likely just making back some of the money you spent or will spend. A Powerball jackpot will allow you to actually have influence in the world. If you are someone who wins and decides to mooch off society just buying yachts and hookers and blow for the rest of your life, then it's just wasted. But the amount of change in the world by building something that betters humanity would actually be accomplishable.

I just say it with the "data" pronunciation.

Have you watched okja? That made me hate animal farming. I also eat meat, but mostly chicken because I don't feel bad killing a chicken like I would a cow.

I wouldn't say it is mostly a hiygene issue, though that is a solid perk. It's because most people get offended at nudity. I personally don't think they should, and I don't, but that's how they feel so...

Who's your pickle guy?


I travel weekly for work, and sitting upright in the seats is awful. Everybody should recline when able, and then everyone will have the same amount of room as before, and everyone gets a more comfortable experience.

There's some pretty nice bodies at the nude beaches I've been to

Just in case you hadn't seen the video

Soup has more force than a brick

Oh they better have the same soundtrack.


I loved my pixel 2, but hate my pixel 6. I'm switching away from pixel as soon as this one dies