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I could be wrong but I believe they’ve always known to some degree. They just didn’t understand it early in life.

We all know he’s old. That’s the problem. His time is up and the sooner he accepts it, the sooner we can look for a replacement. Believing he is the only one who can beat trump is ridiculous.

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Then maybe the incumbent president should sit the fuck down and go back to sleep. Usually the third party runs anyway and siphons votes away.

Literally anyone that is younger than 70 could run and win. Biden needs to do everything in his power to campaign for whoever NOW. It may already be too late.

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Thank you. I was scrolling by and would have missed this gold had it not been for your comment.

If Biden is going to be replaced it has to be a huge name like AOC or Bernie. It’s too late to campaign anyone newer

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You are brainwashed if you think they will move their business to other countries. Number 1: they can’t. Number 2: moving to another country means they will lose the number 1 market in the world. Number 3: they still have to pay taxes on any money earned in the US.

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Moving operations and moving your business are 2 different things. No one is going to stop doing business here. You are very naive if you think labor costs and taxes will kill businesses. Who exactly is going to sell products here if everyone works in India or China?

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I think you’re wrong in that anyone disconnected from the news only feels the effects of the presidency through the economy and most unkowledgable voters don’t like Biden because of inflation.

Undecided voters have to be uneducated people that don’t know enough to discern truth from lies and therefore take trump at face value.

That’s the talking point and semantics the rich want us to believe. That there’s plenty of places to live that are cheap.

They don’t tell the real truth that the majority of the US is desolate country and wilderness that no one wants to live or work.

Earthbound is not linear enough. I couldn’t get past the first 20 minutes of gameplay without looking it up.

The root cause is I’m dumb but that’s just my opinion. Chrono was great. Had a good mix of non linear but also story made it obvious where you were suppose to go next.

What does that have to do with increased taxes? Again your business knowledge is severely lacking. Yes it’s very easy to scapegoat taxes and wages and claim that’s why your business closed when it was always poor business management. Payroll wages is tax deductible if you didn’t know.

The homestead exemption is not a tax. It is a discount on tax. Therefore there is no penalty for owning extra homes. Landlords not only benefit from the homestead exemption but also get you to pay the property taxes on the house you’re renting.

It’s the most ****it sentence over ever read

As a corporate guy, I’ll let y’all in on a secrete: a lot of the bullshit policies that you hear about are meant to piss people off and increase turnover. It’s an attempt to get rid of the bottom of the barrel and keep the people in the middle in a state of fear or discomfort to maintain productivity.

Why ends up happening is you skim the top employees and are left with the bottom of the barrel that performs even worse because they are in a state of fear and discomfort.

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Withholding? As if Isreal is entitled to our money and weapons.

Organic food versus GMOs. I think big farma is in on the organic food prices and put false narratives about the dangers of gmo foods.

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Being this out of touch with reality is the problem with countries right now. The elites and politicians don’t know what’s going on because they are staying in power long past their usefulness.

If my Alexa stopped working because it needed a subscription it’s going straight in the trash.

What’s your point? It’s tastes the same.

In other words, the cost of doing business

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Housing is not suppose to be an investment. It’s suppose to HOUSE people. That fact that it is the most profitable investment is a failure of the legislature.

I don’t know what you mean by that but there is a concept called law as price which is very prevalent in the US. Basically means that fines for laws are not punishment. It is the price to commit that crime. For example companies make billions and pay fines and write it off as operations cost. Planet Money on TikTok has a great video about it.

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In the grand scheme of things you’ll realize sex is not a big deal. Not sure how old you are but I’d guess 20’s. Give it another 15 and you’ll realize what’s truly important. Meaningful relationships.

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You’re asking the difference between culture and race. Irish isn’t a race. Therefore it’s not racist to say Irish people eat corned beef.

Fried chicken however is not culturally eaten by black people and that doesn’t even begin to touch on the nuances of slavery that are involved in the origins of soul food.

Long story short you can’t apply stereotypes to races. That is by definition racist.

Copyright protects creators and prevents monopolies from abusing the system. Imagine you write a movie to sell and Amazon steals that exact movie but uses their resources to market it as their own and sell over seas.

You tell me in what world that sounds fair. Only a moron thinks a free market economy actually works.

Another example is assuming companies act in good faith to protect the market. History has shown that not only do corporations NOT care about rules and regulations but they actively act in the interests of investors and profits.

It is up to the courts to fix the abuse of the current copyright system and unfortunately they also act in the interests of profits.

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I got banned because a mod found one of my comments distasteful and I accidentally commented on one of my alts. It’s ludicrous what those mods get away with.

How do consumers have a choice that Envigo RMS LLC decided to use illegal business practice to breed dogs for medical testing? Please enlighten me.

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In that instance a clogged gutter is still tea

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Have you tried driving to the store?

Builders are artificially inflating prices by purposefully not building homes. They lobby for zoning laws that prevent the building of affordable apartment complexes and use it as an excuse for why they can’t build more homes. For example they will set an empty 1000 acres as commercial and say they can’t build there even though no one wants commercial buildings.

Unfortunately news hasn’t been news for 100 years. It’s entertainment now and the way to drive viewership is ragebait or bad news.

I am a lifelong fan and it was a great game. I’m looking forward to 7 and hope my old ass computer can run it lol

Art 100% needs copyright. There is a reason forgery is a crime. Copyright is meant to protect small creators. Yes it is being abused by corporations but the idea that we don’t need it is absurd. Stealing someone’s work and selling as your own is fraud. Plain and simple.

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You don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m not going to respond to your arguments that you yourself don’t even understand. Contracts of employment don’t have anything to do with copyright. In your own example Amazon owns the IP because they bought it. Something your commie brain wouldn’t understand I guess.

You are just a liar bud. If nothing else you are lying to yourself.

If you were out of work and were offered an office position you would take it. The fact that you have a family makes it even more certain.

Don’t misunderstand my comment. I never said you have to like the job or even keep it. If you were out of work you would accept the position until you found a better offer. You don’t stay jobless when you have no money.

Obviously when you have a job you would pass on a job that doesn’t meet your expectations, that’s common sense. My comment was meant more towards being on the hunt while unemployed. Even still if the money was right I guarantee you would take an office job. Your wife wouldn’t let you turn it down. Money talks and people that want to pretend they are above it are lying to themselves.

People want to be paid. Period. Anyone who tells you they won’t take a job because it’s not remote is a liar. Either that or they are privately wealthy and can afford to not work until their unicorn job appears.

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You are clearly a corporate shill so I’m not going to bother responding to any of your bad faith arguments. Your entire comment can be summed up by saying you don’t believe anything a person makes belongs to them. I hope your life in Russia or China is enjoyable.