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Joined 1 years ago

If I feel under the weather and I must go out, I'll wear a mask. Otherwise, no. Society at large has accepted the less dangerous variants as a fact of life.

During the pandemic I wore them everywhere. A large section of society showed they couldn't be fucking bothered so here we are.

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You all know this is the first time there has ever been cocaine in the white house, right?


If you need any reason not to believe in god, it's that Trump got to appoint THREE FUCKING SUPREME COURT JUSTICES

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My take is because people are largely selfish and ignorant beyond their day to day life. Their favorite politicians/personalities told them masks infringe upon their freedoms and they bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Once someone is convinced they're right, no amount of evidence or information will sway them. Especially now since they have ready access to any echo chamber of their choice and it's super easy to filter out dissenting information.

Oh no!



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Not even a contest.

Oh boy, Russian shills on Lemmy.

Not a good look.

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Ooooooooh. Duh.

EDIT: Although... porque no los dos?

I fail to see why you're turning this around on her. She simply stated a fact that became reality.

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This is some "I am very smart and sexy" cringe.

If Hillary were president instead of Trump we wouldn't see this stacked court.

That has nothing to do with Obama's promise or whatever.

Womp womp go fuck yourself.

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You should probably shut your stupid fucking mouth.

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