1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t use instagram. The article touches on the privacy issues of Meta, but doesn’t really explain why Pixelfed is a better alternative or if it’s more privacy focused. Or even why I should use this platform other than “hey, it’s not Instagram”.

I’d trust some random people running an activity pub server just as much as I’d trust Meta with my personal photos: I won’t.

Coming from Wired, I’d hope the article would have a more technology focused approach, explaining to people they could host their own server so they take back control of their own data. Isn’t that the part of the point of the fediverse?

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I have nothing of value to add to your problem.

I do want to appreciate Beehaw mods (founders?) dedication to this. This is a huge headache to need an urgent solution, and you don’t get paid.

If you have a tips jar, buy me a beer, or fund my vacation fund, I’d love to give each one of you some $$ for all the work you do!

May I suggest pinning this for more visibility?

Whatever the decision is, it’s important that everyone knows what’s going on. Whatever the outcome, I’ll stay/move to wherever Beehaw resides. I enjoy the space and vibe that’s created here.

Gross. Can we start making fines meaningful? % of revenue maybe? I’m not an expert on this. But these fines should be more than enough to discourage behavior and not be “cost of doing business”.

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Not a piracy answer, but email the author(s). Most are excited that someone is taking interest in their work and will gladly send you the paper.

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I just finished my final exam. I need a good grade to pass this class. So here’s to hoping I did it!!

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I was offered a promotion. Looks good on the resume, no extra pay and a lot more headache. I’m already burnt out, have no motivation, etc. I wish I could take like 3-6 months off to just reset and level out. But that’s not in the cards for me.

If I remember correctly, as I’m no expert in the affairs of Israel; the right wing people vote for this stuff. But they themselves have a religious exemption, so they don’t need to send their own kids to mandatory service.

Very messed up for the youth who have no say. War only affects the civilians who suffer for the goals of their overlords.

I have a Beehaw account and another that federates with .world. I enjoy my Beehaw account much more, to the point I almost never use the other account. There’s just much more valuable content here.

I do miss some of the more niche Reddit subs i frequented before the purge. That’s probably the only thing really lacking. And it probably more a testament to how busy I’ve been this year. I just don’t have the time to explore other instance’s communities that Beehaw does federate with.

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I’m in grad school. I need to pass this very difficult (for me class). It feels like it’ll be the end of me. I truly am lost in this class. This is my last required class before I can submit to pass my entrance exams to be in dissertation phase.

My research idea got funded. Now I need to figure out how to execute and hire people that won’t just waste the budget. I’m the first one on my team to win a grant like I did (it’s a big deal: 3 years of funding). So everyone is giving me big kudos. Like… save it for when I get results!

Good problems I think. But my stress level is at the max and I feel like I’m drowning with more and more responsibilities keep me from swimming ashore.

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Looks like there’s a metasploit available. You can use that on your router to see if it’s susceptible. A quick google search indicates that this is only successful on older routers without input validation.

In general, follow good cyber security hygiene, and update the firmware on your router. If your router no longer is supported by the vendor (no more firmware updates for vulnerabilities found), then it’s old and you should upgrade.

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I’m so sorry. How horrible and frustrating for you! I hope you stay well in between appointments.

In my circle, we are eating less “junk” the prices are absurd. Chips were replaced with different snacks, no more soda. It’s all the same price or more expensive than fruit, trail mix and other alternatives. And I thought Tyson’s was overpriced junk 10+ years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s like now.

The state of Pennsylvania is very interesting. Many rural hospitals cannot afford to treat patients like this. And many of those hospitals have closed or were bought by VCs or larger hospital systems. The hospitals that have closed have left communities without access to healthcare. And this is a huge problem. This also opens a much larger conversation about why healthcare in the US depends on making a profit. I will not discuss that because it is extremely complicated.

The city of Philadelphia; however, has many big name, big money hospitals affiliated with universities where their mission to help people who need help. And they raise a lot of money to help the communities they service.

I would gladly pay more taxes to help humans keep their health. I don’t care about citizenship. We as a people are only as strong as our weakest people. And everyone deserves to be treated with compassion, regardless of boarders.

If anything is bloated, it’s the defense budget. Many of these agencies have websites and services that were designed in the 90s. They need to be updated. No idea why that would be defunded for these small niche projects.

But I’d be happy dellocating some of the military budget for agencies that actually help Americans.

In Baltimore, they read The Banner. That’s Fenton’s new home after the sun went under. This site is def questionable.

I am not in marketing, and neither is my degree.

But this sticks out to me as something interesting, mostly because I am not religious. But I am interested in what religious texts actually say, and not what is said/repeated in religious ceremonies.

To market your community to the correct audience (I.e. not internet trolls) you’d need some statements if you don’t already have them. Like what is your intended purpose, what are your goals/vision. From there, you can tease out your audience. This will help you decide how to increase visibility of your community. You can advertise to your audience through ads, email lists, other social media. Your strategy, is really dependent on defining these things. Every cybersecurity tech startup has the same playbook: start company, establish a blog. Publish a ton of blogs/articles with appropriate keywords/hashtags all over LinkedIn, twitter, whatever, then get visibility and eventually customers.

Example; If you’re focused on being more academic, I’d imagine you’d target universities or colleges, start regional clubs, or put up fliers with a QR code for people to find you. My university is heavy on using Discord as a communication tool. Every community, club, and even individual classes has a discord channel. Many people dislike discord from a privacy perspective, but many people enjoy it too. There’s QR code fliers all over campus advertising clubs, tutoring, etc.

The Oxford comma is the best comma.

I was going to try to explain it, but realized I’m not very good at calling menus and such their proper names. So whatever I tell you wouldn’t be very helpful.

Apple also has a YouTube video that’s about 5 minutes long. The article is probably faster.

I’m not a power user, so I don’t use the majority of features on my phone. I generally set my “do not disturb” at bedtime. It allows calls through from my favorite contact list and my morning alarm. I have friends that set focus time and they love it.

Edit to add to the conversation. I disable all notifications, except for things I really want: calls, FaceTime, texts and to update my food diary if I haven’t done so before 2pm.

When I need to use Uber, I just keep watch on the app. I guess I’m a bit of a psychopath. But when I’m waiting for a car, I like to watch it move on the map. There’s nothing else I would use that would need me to have a notification.

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It’s a dark time when the law tells a Doctor they could perform a life saving procedure, but afterwards will need to defend their action in court.

Darn those Obamacare death panels (/s if that wasn’t clear…)

It’s a terrifying timeline to be a woman. Or anyone else who isn’t a white, straight, Christian man.

That’s hilarious. I thought I for sure the article would be The Onion.

Reddit is so hostile to women that I never felt comfortable posting anything. I was a lurker. It took me 3 years to make an account, just so I could sub to places and not forget they existed. But in all my years on Reddit, I never posted. I saw how women would get roasted and never felt like part of that community. I would report many comments that were hateful towards women just for the report to come back and say “sorry, nothing wrong here”.

I went back to look up something and it just seems like a cesspool of bots. The front page is nothing but stupid questions that I’ve seen asked more than I can count, memes, screenshots of texts and AITA with the most outrageous scenarios and answers. And guess what, I still see the same hostility towards women. It’s hard to feel welcome and participate with a culture like that.

Way back in the day, Reddit was a place people would argue something to death. If you disagreed with the hive mind, you were shunned. And don’t even think about making a spelling or grammar mistake, you’d get blasted for that too. And every so often, someone would post something compelling, and Reddit would collectively hold that opinion as truth.

I left facebook in 2016, and Reddit feels a lot like facebook was when I left. And now it’s time to move away from Reddit; at least for me.

NASA deserves all the funding it’s gets and more.

This is a big deal and we (the public) need ways to fight back. Without competition, horrible companies can continue to get worse.

My area thankfully has municipal internet. It’s more expensive, but it’s better.

The city I came from, it was banned because of Comcast’s bribery and lobbying efforts.

Wooo!! Congrats! I wish you an uneventful recovery.

Exactly this.

Remember when Ukraine-Russian war was brand new? It was difficult to find news articles that weren’t talking about it. There’s tons of parallels here. All the articles, all the misinformation, propaganda. It’s very easy to get caught up it in all.

I’m glad these discussions are taking place on Beehaw. This is why I made an account here. To see people have discussions about hard topics with the rule to be friendly. It’s very easy to dehumanize the poster on the other side of the computer when you can’t see their face. This is a place that fosters a culture that stops that.

Only big difference between Ukraine and Israel is most people were still on Reddit for Ukraine. I still remember the absolute heartbreaking story from twox of a woman asking for advice about how to live in this new conflict area when soldiers were raping and killing women. She and her family were terrified to go to the store. She gave an update, and then we never heard from her. We can only assume what happened. (Assuming the story was real). We are now hearing these stories from Israel-Palestine.

And a reminder that an even more evil corporation bought Monsanto in 2018: Bayer. Bayer is being hit with lawsuits for roundup and causing cancer.

Would be nice to see the families of these children in Brazil get their payday too. Even though nothing truly makes up for the loss.

Only one who’s a clown is the one who doesn’t have the self reflection to understand everyone wrongs someone else in life. Life isn’t black and white. Stay safe out there and be kind.

Sometimes being alone is better than drama. Take the time to enjoy yourself. Don’t frame this as a negative. Go and do something you enjoy. Read a book while enjoying a cup of tea, watch movies, go out somewhere. The possibilities are many.

No snark here.

Technology is fun and interesting. AI is interesting and there’s a lot of research going on right now.

But I noticed the same things you do. Many people seem to be “anti-humanity”. We as people need workers protections, better social programs, and more so terrible consequences of these technologies don’t harm us. Technology should be used to help people and societies thrive not for the elite to keep even more power.

Beehaw may not be perfect. And you have a great example of why beehaw should leave the fediverse. But beehaw is the only place I’ve found where we can have civil discussion on topics. Much of the toxicity introduced in beehaw come from non beehaw users. I enjoy my time here, but it’s not for everyone. If you leave, I hope you find a space that’s best for you.

It’s clever enough to show success in many countries and latch on to MAGA. They’ll use those countries as the experiment and use the successful methods in the countries they oppose.

I found it interesting that these programs are trying to unite the extreme right and extreme left together.

Being on the defense of these ever changing methods will exhaust us, and they will be successful if they keep at it long enough.

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And most news papers were acquired by the same handful of media companies. In turn these companies ravaged local markets and there’s just no coverage of the actual truth, even on local happenings.

There’s an article about my hometown covered by NY times or something (I forget, it’s been a few years). We had a flourishing newspaper that employed a decent amount of the community, when that article came out (2010ish) the same company had 3 reporters and 5 staff. The newspaper would cover legitimate issues locally and nationally. They had amazing journalists that promoted great things happening too (local studies, non profits doing the hard work to benefit the community, etc). Basically, the boring stuff that isn’t flashy enough for social media. And now it’s all gone.

I legitimately have a difficult time finding news stories on any platform that I can trust.

Edit: I just read this, different angle to the same problem

Thank you!! I did well, so I’m very excited!

You just blew my mind with the baking soda!

MSG is amazing, never deserved the hate it got.

I don’t have any tips that most don’t already know. I cook with simple ingredients. I save and freeze a bit of stock and cook with stock where I can. It adds a bit of depth that oil/butter doesn’t.

For my stock, I’ll save vegetable scraps and freeze it until I have enough. Then boil it down for a few hours. Vegetable is fun to play with. You can add different flavors, and different elements depending on the vegetables you use. Mushrooms will have a unique umami.

Same with seafood stock, I’ll save shrimp shells and fish heads and boil (simmer?) it down. Chicken stock I just boil the bones down after I roast a chicken. For beef, same thing, I’ll roast the bones for more flavor and boil it down. Also I’ll add carrots and celery to the boil for more flavor.

In a similar thought, I love to use coconut oil when cooking when I want a sweeter taste. And finishing a dish with some sesame oil can add a really good flavor. (Sometimes I’ll lightly toss noodles in sesame oil after they’re cooked, or do the same with roasted veggies)

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Got back from vacation yesterday. Today, the Blue Angels are practicing for their show (exhibition? Not really sure what they call it). Super fun to get to watch them play in the sky all day.

Congratulations!! May you get to pick which ever job you prefer!

Bulba is #1 for a reason!

You did a great job!

You can try Dosa!

I cannot wait for the day we unite and eat the rich!

Thanks for the PDF to the actual publication!