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Joined 1 years ago

The one true bussy

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Kinda feel like they're burying the lede on the whole Hitler shitstache situation. That seems worse than any toilet bowl and brush licking.

As a nevernude I prefer no holes bared

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Old, unhinged, or both‽

That's why I only use interrobangs‽ Keep everyone guessing‽

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AdGuard Home and blocky are other popular options. I switched over to AdGuard Home a while back because it supported DNS over HTTPS although I'm not sure if that's still a relevant reason. I run AGH as a docker container but it is easy to run in a LXC or VM. There's also a tool to sync configs if you need multiple instances. Notice: AGH block lists are formatted like uBlock Origin lists so you will not be able to use PiHole style lists.

DNS based ad blockers won't work when ads are served from the same place as the content. Which is why DNS based ad blockers don't work against Twitch or YouTube. So YMMV.

If you're looking to block interface ads and select streaming service ads there are block lists available like this one. The game with smart TVs is blocking the ads breaks the TV a little because sometimes it calls back to the same servers for updates and misc info like weather.


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To me NSA stands for no strings attached 😘

  1. Buy arcade room
  2. Passively aggressively mention whenever someone uses the arcade room
  3. ????
  4. Profit.
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I mean they kinda do, the cacao tree pulls those elements (cadmium) out of the soil or the cacao is in contact with soil containing those elements during processing. Many brands have issues with lead and cadmium but it can be mitigated by choosing a better supplier, frequent testing, and protecting product better during shipment. Mentioning Hershey's is going to draw a lot of attention especially right before Halloween but it's a common issue in chocolate.

Edited with some corrections. Also mrchampion pointed out further down in this thread that it is likely the lead contamination comes from leaded gasoline during shipment.

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All the vaccine microchips activate and we all become Bill Gates. ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ

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Hey at least you showed her your vim and not your nano or micro

Depends a lot on the type of games you want to play. AAA or competitive FPS probably gaming PC. Older games, casual, indie, etc. SteamDeck is great.

I have to say that the SteamDeck brought a lot of fun back to gaming for me. Everything's in one package, it's portable, I can play docked or lay in bed. I can suspend it and come back whenever.

I've mainly played the Witcher 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Noita, GC roms, Disco Elysium, Dishonored, and Stardew Valley. Some of those games I've owned for a long time and I never played them until I got the SD.

But it does make a great streaming device/glorified controller too when I want to run more demanding stuff on my PC.

Let's make a petition. Kernel version 6.9.420 must be free!

Smart plug or WOL packet from router go BRRRRR

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Sorry OP, your inner grandparent is dead. Time for seppuku.

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Ah give Granny a tracheotomy, clever.

Just to split trichomes a little bit there's 3 kinds of popular hemp flower: CBD focused hemp, THCA focused hemp, and CBD hemp sprayed with alt cannabinoids like ∆8. CBD hemp is pretty much non-intoxicating, THCA hemp is intoxicating and natural. IIRC most of popular alt cannabinoids are naturally occurring in hemp but generally not in the same quantities. I'm just pointing that out so that they're not confused with synthetic cannabinoids.

Cuz algorithm based content really sucks sometimes. Sometimes I want a direct feed to my content.

My RSS feeds are the AP, IT/InfoSec news sources, and XKCD :P

Going ballistic 😎

They even had Hitler youth camps in the US. Link

Bing actually isn't bad these days.

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Buying a random stock and chanting to the moon might be like going to the casino but investing into a fund or into a balanced portfolio through your bank is not gambling. You really should reconsider our you'll be working until you die, i mean we all could, but I'd rather not risk it.

You don't have to invest a lot, my bank for example let's me siphon off a little from each paycheck into an investment account.

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Should be able to just install the flatpak from the desktop mode app store and then add it as a game in your steam library.

Get screwed choom

Isn't that kind of expected for senior or public officials in pretty much any organization. Most people in those positions avoid publicly discussing controversial topics aside from politicians. Even as a regular employee I make sure my public social media that is linked to my actual name is mostly professional lest someone decides to give me a search, basic common sense.

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I'm also on a Framework 13 with a 144Hz external. These problems do sound like some beginner-level issues you'd run into on a distro that runs behind in updates.

The only officially recommended distros by framework are Fedora and Ubuntu (although I've run a wide range and they've all worked). They have guides here for all sorts.

Issues 1 and 3, you need to use Wayland on KDE or GNOME and both Wayland and the DE need to be up to date. This is an area where Linux is rapidly getting better.

Issue 2, should be adjustable in any DE settings panel. That's a really strange one because I've never run into touchpad issues in my testing.

Issue 4, no idea. Logitech support is pretty good. Does this happen on all distro? I wonder if this is related to the touchpad issue.

Issue 5, they can be. It depends on your governor program. I strongly recommend setting up TLP. There's some good guides out there in the FW forums. However, avoid disabling USB ports. For other governor solutions I'm sure there's a config file laying around somewhere or perhaps it's saving the last used setting.

Issue 5a, if the issue is fan noise. Check out fw-fanctrl.

Issue 6, this just has to be a Mint thing. I've had fingerprint reading working on everything. My guess is that maybe they're missing the fprint package or the UI/UX is rough. You can set up finger print reading from the terminal.

Issue 7, just select FDE on install if the installer offers it. Linux uses dm-crypt for FDE and it has baked in HWE. I would imagine other Linux encryption programs are hardware accelerated by default as well as support for it is part of the kernel. But I may be wrong about that.

All in all your experience of Linux is going to be very distro dependent and yes it may take some work and troubleshooting. But I think it mostly feels harder because it's different from what you're used to.

I run EndeavorOS and like that it's all basic defaults because then I can build it into what I want. I highly recommend it once you become a little more used to Linux.

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let's bring em back

Nah, the maintenance guys in my old apartment building a few years ago doused my unit and me with aerosolized chemicals. Fun times. I'm assuming it's much cheaper than heat treating.

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The diameter of the Internet pipe

Now they're going to start doing it to bigger expendable test subjects people, yay.

Hackers, a glorious movie from 1995 about a bunch of misfit teenage hackers. The movie has some killer taglines like hack the planet and RISC is good. Worth a watch although more in the fun-bad category than the classic films category.

You'll be waiting Aeons

Nah 10 hours for free and then turn it into a subscription service. Eyeshittification!

Well all issues except for changing the governor should be fixed by using Ubuntu and Fedora and installing per Framework's install guide. The Encryption thing is a single toggle on install. The governor/TLP is a little more advanced but it's only uninstalling like 2 programs, installing 2 programs, and you can configure it via GUI. And fw-fanctrl is optional.

It's only complicated because I was explaining why.

For me Fedora on the framework worked out if the box and was configurable via GUI (except for non-free media codecs probably). Using a 144Hz external monitor, mixed scaling, Logitech ergo mouse, and thunderbolt dock.

I didn't think it's a massive amount of research but yes there is some learning that has to be done. If you switch from Windows to macOS you also have to learn new ways to do things. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the same for Linux. Expecting Linux to be a Windows clone with free support will never happen.

But I understand wanting to stick to Windows because it's comfortable and what you're used to. It's how I feel about Linux now that I'm used to it. I'm not trying to proselytize. And I do still use Windows for specific use cases like some class assignments and 2000s era HI8/miniDV video conversion/restoration.

Docker container pls

Very important to prevent shredded cheese from sticking to itself.

I've met a Belgian Trump supporter. The world just continues to surprise us eh?

To be fair there are probably many different ways to solve the problem. I'm somewhat experienced with Linux and I've attempted seeing up TPM LUKS decryption on boot. It's certainly not easy or at least wasn't when I tried. For non experienced people it's easier to just enter the password at boot and enable auto login. Then you get the security, software, ethics, or licensing debates that accompany most Linux discussions.

If you haven't tried it yet check out the Truffle Tremor. It's Humboldt Fog with truffle, usually promoted around the holidays. - ex-cheesemonger