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Really think about what you are expecting of yourself at times like that. Sometimes nice restaurants make me feel pressured to have a good time or otherwise "fit in" with the other people eating there.

Maybe it's less popular because so many people buy ice cream to eat with actual apple pie, or some other kind of pie which might taste weird with apple pie flavors.

... Nah. As a woman, this is not a question I would ever think to ask anyone, regardless of how unsafe I felt. How does agreeing to murder someone AFTER something happens to you help you feel more safe? It doesn't, at all. Besides, she could have called him from the Uber when she didn't see him outside. It's not like they just kick you out of the car immediately.

OP described this behavior as "the usual," which means this is a thing she does regularly. I would say this isn't normal for most people to do regularly. If the location is actually not safe, then the conversation should be centered around "when are we going to move somewhere safer?" rather than "how would you murder someone if they hurt me" and especially getting into the specifics of "what would you do with the cat while doing the murder...?" I think this might be some kind of recurring "daycare" or maladaptive fantasy that keeps playing out in her imagination. There are certainly steps she could take to keep herself safe. But because she doesn't, she feels powerless and then blames OP for her perceived lack of safety. OP cannot be responsible for her safety 24/7. That is an unfair expectation to have of anyone.

And if you are already on the highway, don't try to match the speed of the person merging. Ffs, speed up so they can get behind you. They may not be able to overtake you even if you slow down, and that's not how it's supposed to work anyway.

A lot of cities have started regulating (or even outright banning) Airbnbs. Get your neighbors on board and start a dialogue with your city council members.

There's not a lot you can do about corporations, but you can encourage other owners not to sell to shell companies.

Hey, I'm an editor too. I'm disappointed I can't use reddit to network with authors anymore. Hopefully Lemmy will start some writing & editing communities soon!

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I'd say it's not even capitalism but the rabid anti-tax people/movement. Third spaces like libraries and parks are paid for by tax money, and if people keep voting against raising taxes, well guess what. No more public spaces.

Just a PSA, the IRS recently instituted some kind of AI algorithm that is re-flagging a lot of things that have already been resolved... a friend got a bill for $1500 which they had earlier sent a letter of apology for. He doesn't actually owe anything, it's just the glitchy algorithm sending the old bill out again.

If you don't understand why you owe more, don't just give up and pay it. The IRS can make mistakes too.

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I can't imagine there would be that many people who would want to look like an actual child. 20-ish, maybe, but not 12. Think about it. You'd have trouble keeping a job because no one would take you seriously. You'd probably get harassed by cops if you tried to drive anywhere. Everyone would treat you like you have no experience or knowledge.

Trust me, I am one of those people who looks 10-15 years younger than I am. I don't look nearly as young as 12, but I still do not enjoy looking young. I often feel alienated from my age group because they don't see me as one of them until they find out my age.

Sometimes it's fun to admit you do the thing and watch them awkwardly walk back everything they just said.

I'm even getting Google Drive spam now. Complete randos "sharing files" with me. There's no way to prevent it.

software latches onto existing installations, which can include government-owned surveillance cameras as well as privately owned cameras at businesses and homes.

How can that be legal, or even possible? If you and your partner film yourself in the bedroom, I guess they're gonna tap into that too?

If the primary system is already "loosely democratic" then we're not really throwing anything away by choosing a different nominee. This already happened with Bernie. Should we reform the DNC to make it more democratic? Certainly, but that's a different problem and isn't going to happen in the next two weeks.

Is it only unacceptable to you if the party pushes him out? How would Biden stepping down due to health reasons (or any personal reason, really) undermine the rule of law?

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The first four are remakes, but they're done very well.

Tokyo Vice

Shogun (not exactly a crime thriller but it will suck you in)

Ripley (shot like a black and white film from the 40's, good even if you've seen the Matt Damon movie)

Perry Mason


Altered Carbon

Big Little Lies

Nine Perfect Strangers

Dark Winds

If you like crime comedy, try White Lotus, Dead to Me, Search Party, Only Murders in the Building, Flight Attendant, and The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window.

If you really are dizzy after a long flight, you probably shouldn't be driving, especially in an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar area. Maybe you were just being hyperbolic about the dizziness, but people can make the same kinds of mistakes driving while sleep deprived as while driving intoxicated.

bUt NoBoDy EvEr PrImArIeS An InCuMbEnT!

I hope they realize now we really should start.

If you have an international layover, you have to go through customs and then recheck your bags and go through security again. Airlines now (not sure if this is some or all of them, or how long this has been policy) will only let you check your bag within 4 hours of your departing flight. So one time I had an 8 hour layover, where I couldn't get back into the airport for 4 hours.

I want to be friends and stay professional overall, while tapping into potential with the guy I like

These things are not really compatible. The sooner you learn that, you will have a lot less workplace drama. Your professional workplace should not be a dating pool. There is no reason to exclude the other women. Who cares if one of them lied? Are you the moral police? Just chill, and let people do what they want. You don't need to control the situation.

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So if I walked into a restaurant that specialized in a certain cuisine (choosing the right one out of hundreds is a skill, right?) and wrote down a list of ingredients, and the restaurant made me a meal with those ingredients according to however the restaurant functions (nobody can see into the kitchen, after all), does this make me a chef?

If they know how many years they'll hold the rights, that information should be given to the consumer, i.e., "you will have access to this media product for at least N years." Then the consumer can make an informed decision (is $24.99 worth it to own a movie for 6 years? Etc). Otherwise it's just a gamble. Everything else you can rent (cars, tools, equipment, venues, clothing, dumpsters) comes with very clear temporal terms. Imagine if rental car companies could remotely brick your rental car halfway through your vacation.

I started a free trial of Adobe stock. I forgot to cancel after the first month. They charged me $30 for the next month, ok, that's on me. But when I tried to cancel during that second month, they said I had signed a contract to pay them for a year (I didn't, all I did was sign up for the free trial) and I now owe them $165 to cancel the subscription. So in essence they were going to charge me $195 for one month of Adobe stock. That's insane.

There's a big difference between "this person doesn't agree with my worldview" and "this person is spouting crazy nonsense and the host isn't even questioning it," which gives the nonsense a sheen of legitimacy.

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Doesn't work for everyone, unfortunately. Lactose might not be the only thing in dairy that people have a reaction to.

And not just because of the ammonia! Bleach is highly toxic to cats and they can absorb it through their paws.

I sure hope he isn't able to access any government documents on that phone. Think about how much information that app gathers by taking a screenshot every minute.

In this case, support is referring to technical support, as in "questions about how to use lemmy." Asklemmy will remove any questions about how to use the site.

Well then, I guess you should send the video to the DNC, since some YouTuber apparently knows more than the entire political apparatus that does this for a living and somehow doesn't know how anything about how elections work. Do you really think they would be stupid enough to change everything without first making sure their plan was even possible?

Ha, they're hoping they can stop the open heroin use by having construction projects take over all the sidewalks... yeah, sure, that'll work. But seriously, what kind of source is this? Stop population decline? "Seattle loosen"??

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14-16 years

Is that how old the cat is? If so, it's probably arthritis. Mine is about that age and has problems squatting. It could be that she has trouble getting in and out of the box, or she's inside but standing too close to the edge and not squatting enough. You could try a supplement or ask your vet. Mine offers monthly injections for arthritis.

You're basically describing ego, which is what we think we are. If you've ever been in a true fight or flight situation where the survival part of the brain takes over, you quickly realize that the ego (I guess what OP would think of as the top layer of consciousness) is not the only one calling the shots.

The thing is, whether or not an agent is a member of NAR, commissions have always been negotiable (maybe the real problem is that sellers don't know this and don't try to haggle). Agents could always choose to take less commission if they wanted to. But would you voluntarily take lower pay for no particular reason?

This "agents can now charge less in commissions" is BS because they always could. It changes nothing.

Is it on the ceiling? Maybe attached to a smoke detector? Can't really tell anything from the photo.

I see your confusion. They could have worded this better, but it's two grants being split between eight nonprofit financial institutions. My understanding is these entities will lend that money to communities to do ongoing infrastructure projects. The goal is "turning $20 billion of public funds into $150 billion of public and private investment to maximize the impact of public funds." I don't know how that part works exactly, but to me that doesn't sound like a handout. Of course I would hope they would be held responsible for any mismanagement.

As for why they need to create a financial nework to do this: These kinds of projects can take many years and sometimes need ongoing financing. Apparently, when Obama tried to fund something like this, there was a lending bottleneck where I guess banks didn't want to finance community infrastructure projects or something, so a lot of the funding just sat there until the grants expired. This is supposed to prevent that from happening.

Most retail stores and restaurants already have cameras everywhere. I had a boss who would sit at home watching the feed and then call the store to yell at us when he thought we were burning sandwiches.

And I would disagree with OP's definition entirely. What they describe sounds more like reputation or social standing, not honor.

If I got an invite like this and I knew that many people were invited, I may have assumed that most of the others would show up, and therefore you may not even notice whether I showed up or not. Like, inviting 50 people is already kind of impersonal, isn't it? Would you really have the time to interact with all 50 if they had all showed?

And really, who cares if you don't have 50 friends? I don't. Most people I know don't. They might have 50 acquaintances, but keeping up that many friendships would be exhausting.

Lol I never said ignore it. Just don't blindly pay without looking into it.

I doubt any place will hire you for only one day a week. That will not be helpful for them.

There's got to be a better way than sinking to their level.

Almost all the mainstream criticism against Biden is that he's too old and bumbling. Run ANYONE else and all that criticism goes away immediately.