5 Post – 170 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Consumers however are at the heart of an unhealthy culture of frequent device upgrades

Yes, blame it on the consumer and not on the companies that spend an incredible amount of money to first hire marketeers that think all day long of the best way to push 'new' products, and then run costly campaigns to spread the word.

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And now for 50 years worth of security updates for a phone like that. Not to mention what people might do with throwing a phone in the trash or something

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What's next; banning certain letters from the alphabet, because they can be used for banned texts?

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A few months ago, there were quite some people urging everyone to actively post and comment, to make the communities more lively and engaging.

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That i succeeded in raising my children much better than my parents raised me. As a result, my now adult kids are happy, compassionate, have a good life, and they really love me :-)

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Some random thoughts:

  • For vegans it's adviced to take certain extra vitamins, for instance B12

  • Also, when you are talking about health, i would not underestimate exercise, even a brisk daily walk. I don't know for sure, but i suspect this will have more impact on our health, than taking multivitamins.

  • As someone else commented here, i think fibre is also very important. And drinking enough healthy fluids.

  • As a personal aside; i did notice a difference when i started supplementing vitamin D. I was surprised to notice that my energy level seemed to go slightly up.

  • Also, never mix iron (not a vitamin btw) with dairy or tea. And take it with some vitamin C

  • Finally, be careful and don't randomly start to mix and match certain vitamins. For instance, magnesium and calcium have a certain balance, where too much of one will have a negative effect on the other.

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Thank you so much for caring, well done!

I would listen to them and let them tell me what they want, what i can do better. Oh, i would explain to them why i would take them to the vet. I don't need to tell them how much i love them, we don't need language for that :-)

Communities for people with rare disorders or illnesses. And plant communities for specific plant groups, so not plants in general. But most of all, i miss the fact that i could search for very specific content to see what creative ideas other people had on how to do certain things. Or people who shared many years of experience and experimenting.

There is a - pretty dead - community, but maybe some of you could revive it: !

Advertisements can be blocked or allowed. But my issue is with the secret tracking that goes on on most websites i encounter. I am willing to support good journalism, but i'm not willing to have my privacy invaded. Unfortunately, it is hard to separate them, because am i donating for good journalism, but also encouraging the tracking? When i donate, will they stop tracking me? Probably not.


And i make it a point to make sure i make everyone i meet feel heard and seen. So, i might wave at people collecting garbage, i make eye contact with the cassier en give them a warm smile, while wishing them a nice day. I might smile at random strangers in the street. I have had beautiful experiences doing this, and quite frequently people give me this startled look and then hesitantly smile back. And i do this sincerely, because i truly belief most people have a hard time already and i want to give them at least a nice moment in the day.

It makes life so much better. For people i meet and for myself as well.

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A few minutes ago Ruud posted that there was a hack, i wonder if it has something to do with that?

I heard about their plans maybe a month ago and i deleted all my stuff there and left youtube forever. I also already had deleted my gmail before that. I now use freetube on my pc and libretube on my phone.

It's tiring to have to take measures to make sure you can use the internet as it used to be, though. I feel like i have a digital armor with ghostery, encrypted email, foss software, etc, etc...


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No, i don't block all bots. In fact, there are bots that i highly appreciate, like the Tl;dr bot, the bot that lists trending communities, and more.

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I really think it's a matter of context; how one was raised, what kind of people one interacts with, interest, etc.

I'm older and i know so much more than most of my age group. I learned a long, long time ago to not be afraid to try things out, my pc is not going to explode; to investigate when i'm stuck with some computer stuff; and i have adult kids who teach me things that i don't know enough about or share their views. Some of the communities i subscribed to are about tech, FOSS, android etc. I'm always really open to boost my knowledge.

I am not allowed to give blood, because i once got a blood transfusion in the eighties and i have a tiny, tiny risk of infecting people with mad cow disease. I only found out when i decided to give blood some years back and found out i am not allowed to.

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For me it was the opposite. I remember one day, when i had only one very young child, that i sounded like my mother. That was the incentive to turn it around. It was hard work and there was no internet yet to give me advice.

Also, when my kids were in their teens i found it very helpful when i read a brochure about triple p parenting. I could not join them for a course, but the tip that changed a lot was; complimenting my kids instead *for good behavior *of berating them when they did something that was not 'good'. The results were really good and i felt happier in the process, because it was much nicer to compliment my kids instead of hearing yourself being annoyed when they did something 'bad'.

Edited to add a clarification, in italics

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Know that not everyone is like this, but it seems that the type of people you describe are the biggest shouters. There are people who have been fighting against climate change and 'the establishment' since the seventies or earlier, who do their best to always patiently continue to vote instead of giving up and not voting at all, who still join protests, discuss their views in the hopes of changing the perspectives of others. But they usually are just not the people who catch your eye. I'm a lot older than you, and i also still try to write to companies (sometimes even successfully change their product which is very encouraging), sign petitions, donate to certain causes, vote, answer questions when people ask for my opinion. I always was a bit of a rebel and i know of others who are too. I know that i am not alone in this. I was inspired by those lone rangers in the seventies who were already fighting against climate change, even though i don't know their names. They were usually portrayed in the media as the exaggerating crazies or hippies. But i'm not 'in your face' about it and i will only discuss things when other people approach me and ask me something. This takes away some of the hostility of other people who tend to feel attacked when i do things differently than they do. I always knew that i was never alone in my views. I might not know most of them but i know they exist. They always have. It might feel like you are alone, but you never are. And i feel like i do have a certain influence on my own personal environment. It makes some people think about certain things. They might even change, if only a little. At the very least, they now know from personal experience a person like me and can use my existence in conversations about certain topics, just as i could use those anonymous strangers who were putting up a fight in the seventies.

I honestly can't figure out what he is thinking: is he trying to kill of twitter because he doesn't care about it, or does he honestly belief that this will make good money? I feel like i'm watching a bouncing ball in a small room, you never know which way he goes next

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Within limits; if they become very flat, you wear them down and clearly pet them too often

For me too, it gives me an encouraging feeling like; hey, i'm not the only one who ran into this or that issue, or who switched to linux because of this or that reason. And it's nice to know that i'm here with others who are also quite new. It would feel very daunting to be here and know that all members here have been 'linuxing' for decades and i would just lurk then.

I always read those posts that OP mentions. If you don't like them, just skip them? I've been with other lists for many years and newbies were always welcome. I liked answering their questions, even those i heard a 100 times before, and if i didn't feel like it some days, i could always skip them and know that others would have answers too.

I really try to make an effort to contribute. I sometimes still find it a bit uncomfortable - i remember the harsh ways people got called out/downvoted/got incredibly unkind replies on reddit-, but i try to do it anyway, if i feel i have something to contribute/something kind to say/have a question

Sex scenes. Usually opening the door while passionately kissing and hastily undressing. So boring, i fast forward

Killing animals

Women having no function other than being a brainless stereotype

The black or asian guy dies

American movies not hiring actual actors who natively speak a foreign language

I've had it happen that i joined a community and commented in some interesting thread and only then noticed that it was 3 or even 6 months old

I agree and basically, it's not a bug, it's a feature

Proton warns to not use 2fa from Proton Pass for your Proton account.

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I recognized this as ChatGPT, purely because of the enthusiastic greeting

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At least, it doesn't say 'kindly'

I taught myself using videos and became - over years - an advanced knitter. My goal was; i want to be able to design and knit anything i want to, and i achieved that goal (not always flawlessly, but still). It's fun, colorful, the knitting communities are great, and you will boost your self esteem, because even though you will make tons of mistakes (even at an advanced level), you will also learn how to fix them, or hide them. Edit to change teached into taught...

I have had many pets and currently also live with two feisty forpus parrots. The female sometimes bites me (as every forpus owner will recognize) and i know very well why she does it; i am touching her aviary to clean, or to provide food or toys. It's not that she hates me, but she is incredibly territorial. And i fully respect that, because i understand her. It's not personal at all. She is learning though, nowadays she hardly ever bites anymore and she is starting to inhibit the impulse, for instance if she notices i didn't want to touch her stuff but merely wanted to offer her a treat.

(But if a pet would tell me they hate me, i would want to know why and fully respect it)

Btw, i think chances are bigger that a pet would tell us: i'm so bored for a big part of the day, because i can't read or scroll on a phone, rather then tell us they hate us...

Edited to add: parrots are not really domesticated yet. It's only been a couple of generations since they live in our homes, compared to for instance our dogs.

I have a paid proton account, recently upgraded. Yes, it's not cheap but i do feel like supporting them and i am very pleased with them and their services. And yes, i do donate to some services, provided i trust them (no shady business like tracking, selling my data etc), they don't keep nagging me for money, and i use it a lot. And i don't do subscriptions, it should be one time only or when i feel like wanting to spend some money to support them, if i can miss it. I recently also donated to Lemmy, because the devs are so transparent in what is happening, what kind of difficulties they run into, what their thoughts are, etc. I enjoy Lemmy a lot. While it is different from reddit - where i subscribed to little niche things that are not present in the fediverse just yet -, i really feel like most people are kind, helpful, and enthusiastic to help make Lemmy a vibrant alternative. I never spend a cent for reddit.

Edit: i also paid for the Simple apps in f-droid, really like those a lot, so i wanted to show my gratitude to the dev

Yup, i've sent this link before:

For me that was reason enough to not use them anymore, but for a long time, i almost exclusively used it.

And to clarify; i live in Europe

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Here are some random communities that you may enjoy. As general tip: look for things you enjoy. For instance, there are plenty of communities about privacy and open source, food, climate, gaming, browsers, plants and animals, news, politics, sports, memes, you name it. I really like the trending communities; great way to find new communities or remind you to look for something you hadn't thought about.

! (i love this one, but lately the number of posts seems to be less frequent) ! (usually friendly and interesting to see what is going on in other people's minds and participating in the discussions) ! ! ! ! !

I don't know if these were mentioned yet (didn't check the entire thread), but since i really liked the question, i wanted to add some more:





! (this will melt your heart, i promise)

I think every enthusiastic knitter has experienced this too, lol

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I vaguely remember Allen Carr, but what helped was a small book that i found in a second hand bookstore in Paris, which was called: Comment S'arreter De Fumer En Cinq Jours. A quick search learns that apparently it was written by Dr J. Wayne Mcfarland and Elman J. Folkenberg. It was in french, but that didn't stop me, it was a small book and very helpful.

I was able to stop after trying to stop 7 times in two months. The 7th time worked. If i remember correctly i used breathing exercises and nicotine gum. I also avoided the couch where i would smoke after diner, instead doing something else.

The most important thing that helped was to change how i was thinking. Every attempt failed because i lit up a cigarette and then thinking; i failed, might as well continue smoking. However, the 7th time it dawned on me that smoking 1 cigarette does not mean you failed. You can put it out and just continue to not smoke. It was just the mind tricking me in continuing with my addiction. Thankfully, hardly anyone around me smoked and that was a great help. I stopped 22 years ago and i had been quite a heavy smoker, a packet of cigarettes a day.

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