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Joined 12 months ago

“Activist”. What idiot wrote this? If they were brown it would say terrorist.

This redneck fuck was a terrorist. Good riddance.

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As a software engineer I feel for the person who accidentally sent the wrong value and caused an icon to be offline, potentially forever.

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Well yes that’s how time works. Before something happens, the thing hasn’t yet changed..

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What does the pot have to do with someone being a hateful idiot? I’m not sure what the headline is trying to tell me

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Controlling by someone else’s body and personal choices is what Jesus would do, right?

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What nonsense pitchforking is this? It’s not “blaming” if it’s true. It’s right in the article that instagram pushed an updated version to try and resolve.

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Dealerships are the biggest scalpers.

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Woah look at captain stamina over here.

I don’t wanna sound like an idiot, but I have to say it. It’s “sped” not “speeded” right? If so 0/10 Reuters. If not 0/10 me

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Into a different environment, right?

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BEEP BOOP. Omega-TLDR bot activated.

Two trash humans were asked nicely to not do it again, and did it again. don’t worry though the prison cells they should have been locked away in are filled with minor drug charges by minorities or something else equally stupid.

That’s a great point. I’d also like to throw in the question “what kind of person stops to answer these polls?”. I don’t feel like younger folks are going to be quite as keen. Politics as an identity tends to be an older generational thing.

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“No it doesn’t count I was just trying to impress my friends at camp”

If it doesn’t work, you can still hit him with it

Someone didn’t take their crazy pills this morning.

I don’t like the wording “due to the strike” as if the strike wasn’t of their own doing.

Stay strong workers!

This one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Does the Venn diagram have a big overlap? If I were trans (very important note for my question, which is likely ignorant), why would I now want baptized by a group that has shunned and hated me until now?

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You mean isn’t a legitimate news site?!

Depends on the quality of the rip. As far as streaming goes, yes the Blu-ray will always look and sound better due to the huge bitrate difference. Netflix says “oh it’s 4k!” Okay great, but resolution has little to do with quality. It’s all how much information is available per second (bitrate).

So, because it’s not flawless and foolproof the first try, it’s not worth doing?

We’d have nothing if that’s how the world operates my friend. Any step is a good step

I love that decades in, the younger generations are still using stats widgets, and taking the same screenshot with neofetch. Some things are eternal

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Take a look at Withings.

Possible the part-time workers are contractors? Maybe they wouldn’t be in the union

Mike jones

15 pm here and I also don’t use any of the social media apps (except voyager). No heat issues.

Not to say I agree with it, but public posts you choose to make to social media are just that, public. Out of all the things they likely put people through, that one seems like a no brainer.

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Yes and no. If it’s a business registered in a foreign country that won’t play ball, there’s not much you can do. Especially with something like ads

I agree the choice is what matters. I was just curious :)

Enjoy my friend! No hate or judgment meant :)

Into a different environment? Did the front stay on?


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I mean for them to search social media public posts to see if someone’s crazy.

Again not taking a side in any of it. But if your goal is to investigate people, not using their posts seems like “leaving money on the table”